Author Topic: Detention centers  (Read 1968 times)

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #60 on: November 02, 2006, 02:09:14 PM »
so far as haliburton....  If there is a problem then it is the lazy (or corrupt)federal officials who are in charge of inspecting and overseeing the work and the contract..

All it would take would be for them to do their job or... a private citizens commitee to oversee spending.

Taxes?  extorted money under pain of imprissonment or death.  

The detention centers probly need to be built at this point..  Can you imagine the outrage if all the illegals rounded up were herded into open pens or some such?   "why didn't you build facilities to house them?" would be the cry.

The reason most people hate congress in general but like their guy is also simple.   the more their guy robs the rest of the country to give to them... the better they like him... they hate the other guys because they are stealing the money that their guy could be stealing.


Offline Yeager

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« Reply #61 on: November 02, 2006, 02:26:26 PM »
I used to work with a guy that hated the united states, and he was born here.  All he wanted was a ride to work, a roof over his head and food in the cupboards.  Last I heard he had moved to canada.
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Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #62 on: November 02, 2006, 02:35:23 PM »
Originally posted by storch
lol paying your taxes is not the gubmint stealing from anyone.

Sure, if I force someone to give me thier money at the point of a gun it's stealing.  But it the government does it, somehow...magically it isn't.

It is same damn thing, it's just that people are now indocrinated to think like commies.  Hell, in the late 1700s a bunch of US patriots rebelled against the Crown because they were being tax at a rate with was the merest fraction of what you are being taxed now.  Tell them that the government taking %30-40+ of someones hard earned wealth isn't stealing and is moral justified.   But hey, as long as that stolen money is going to you, why should you care.


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« Reply #63 on: November 02, 2006, 03:37:59 PM »
if you can tell me that you don't see your tax dollars working for the greater good of all our citizens here and making us (north america) the envy of the world then you probably lie about other things as well.

Offline Chairboy

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« Reply #64 on: November 02, 2006, 03:41:05 PM »
Warning!  Warning!  Alert phrase detected:

"Greater good" is usually used in conjunction with arguments for communism/centralized government/distributed resources/etc.  It is a synonym for individual oppression.

I know those aren't your interests, Storch, but it might be worth taking a second gander at some of those key phrases.
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis


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« Reply #65 on: November 02, 2006, 03:49:43 PM »
taxes are a necessity.  gubmints are a necessity. a portion of our taxes  go to provide for the common defense and even smaller portion is earmarked to provide for those amongst us who would otherwise fall through the cracks and perhaps even starve to death.    while it's not perfect and our tax system is woefully lacking and our gubmint is inept and wasteful and bad, that is until you compare it with every other gubmint out there.  then we are a shining beacon high upon a mountain top.  you guys are a bunch of inbred anarchists with a good halloween costume.  I think an extended stay in one of our new detention centers might just be the ticket.  be careful be very careful. big brother is watching you and everything you type.

Offline Chairboy

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« Reply #66 on: November 02, 2006, 03:59:33 PM »
Perhaps your last message does less to further your cause than you might have hoped for...

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Offline Thrawn

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« Reply #67 on: November 02, 2006, 04:17:41 PM »
Originally posted by storch
if you can tell me that you don't see your tax dollars working for the greater good

Heh, I don't need a nanny government telling me what is good for me and my family, or for our society.  You see, as retarded as they are, I trust my fellow citizens much more than ****ing beaucrats and politicians.

of all our citizens here and making us (north america) the envy of the world then you probably lie about other things as well.

No, the citizens are makign north america the envy of the world in spite ofgovernment stealing from them and trying to force them to live their lives a certain way.  This is because the citizens of Canada and the US work our collective tulips off and also fund our lifestyles with massive amount of debt.  Debt which probably wouldn't be necessary if the government didn't steal well over 1/3 of our hard earned dollars.  

But we certainly won't be the envy of the world for much long if this massive amount of socialism we already have continues to grow so profoundly.


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« Reply #68 on: November 02, 2006, 04:41:08 PM »
Originally posted by Chairboy
Perhaps your last message does less to further your cause than you might have hoped for...

surely you jest, notice the above post.


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« Reply #69 on: November 02, 2006, 04:52:59 PM »
my dear thrawn,

these bureaucrats and politicians that you malign are also fellow citizens.  they are performing dull and thankless jobs with little recognition for their efforts.  they are often underpaid and always unappreciated yet with quiet dedication they gut it up and go to their stations every day to ensure that our gubmint operates smoothly and provides our requisite services.  they are there for our benefit, I for one am thankful for their service.

I gladly pay my portion of the tax burden on time each and every quarter and furthermore I donate to various charitable institutions.  it gives me great satisfaction to do so and I feel priviledged to be American and to able to participate as a fully vested citizen in our great free enterprise system.

keep this in mind "to he whom much is given, much is expected"  gut it up, step up to the plate and be a cheerful and willing participant in the system that made us great.

Offline 2Slow

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« Reply #70 on: November 02, 2006, 05:08:06 PM »
"here in south florida we used to have the krome detention center into which illegal immigrants from the caribbean basin were transported until they could be processed properly or deported.

I see nothing wrong with having proper facilities for processing immigrants, "

No such thing as an illegal immigrant.  If you are not in this country legally, then you are an illegal alien.  "illegal immigrant"  is the enemies way of imparting some status to invaders.
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Offline 2Slow

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« Reply #71 on: November 02, 2006, 05:12:02 PM »
I laugh every time the liberals, Mexicans, and other aliens gripe about our right full attempts to secure our borders.

Mexico does not have an issue with invaders from the U.S. crossing their northern border.  However, on their own southern border, they are very cruel.  They are intolerant of the "illegal immigrants" attempting to cross their southern border.
Secundum mihi , urbanus resurrectio

Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #72 on: November 02, 2006, 05:36:11 PM »
Originally posted by 2Slow

I see nothing wrong with having proper facilities for processing immigrants, "


I dont think anybody here would give a rats arse about detention camps, if it werent for the 'enemy combatant' rule.

Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #73 on: November 02, 2006, 05:41:54 PM »
Originally posted by 2Slow
I laugh every time the liberals, Mexicans, and other aliens gripe about our right full attempts to secure our borders.

Mexico does not have an issue with invaders from the U.S. crossing their northern border.  However, on their own southern border, they are very cruel.  They are intolerant of the "illegal immigrants" attempting to cross their southern border.

If we really wanted to take care of the illegal immigrant problem, we would install a reliable 'legal employee' procedure that would verify any potential employee was legit.  Violator employers would be fined severly and imprisoned in a 'detention camp' and labled as an 'enemy combatant'.  But since we dont want our food costs to double overnight, we are not going to do this, are we?

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #74 on: November 02, 2006, 05:49:05 PM »
Originally posted by storch
making us (north america) the envy of the world then you probably lie about other things as well.

Yes, our public education system and health care system is the envy of the world.   If you believe that, I have some land in the Everglades you might be interested in buying if you don't own some already.

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