I know of another guy who won't use TIR because he says its too slow and he loses SA because he can't view around as fast with TIR as he can with POV.
That's why I sent mine back . I found that I could get the
very best rear view with my thumb alot faster than with track ir , I had the 4 model . I also didn't much care to were a hat , even if open toped

I did like it in Flight Sim 2004 etc .
For me it was ok but after 6 years , I think of my right thumb and left index finger as my
vitural neck
So what is it you feel is missing?
It's not as fast to get the
best view . Not knocking it , it's a nice peice of hardware . I did have the victor4 model . I hope you understand what I mean , yes it's fast but to get the last little bit of
view took alot more time for me than just moving the hat switch to the bottom postion and I had that maped . Now for say Il2 that Track IR would be better as it doesn't save your views . It's still good , really was fun to fly with , but not to fight with for me at least .
I have trackir3 pro with vector. I use it when I fly Falcon and Lock On
I been on the fence to get it to use any other sim but NOT AH as you state it's really not needed here imo . 3 plus vector is the cheapest option , do u feel u miss out not having 4 model ?
I told you the only way your gonna get those pedals to work in Winxp is to by a another "pot" joystick , get a reall CHEAP one CH or Thrustmaster one and then just put that joystick under you desk to gather dust .