Originally posted by Habu
Kramer is not a racist. This should be quickly forgotten.
However Mel Gibson is an Anti Semite and will never work in Hollywood again. Never forget the filth that he said.
Thats pretty much it in a nutshell-- 'Kramer' is one of them, and this story wil be long forgotten in a week. Were 'Kramer' a conservative, ultra religious type, he would have to leave the country.
George Allen used the obscure Spanish insult term 'macaca', and the Washington Post ran it front page for 3 weeks, and Allen lost his re-election by 7000 votes out of 2 MILLION + cast--
Trent Lott didnt even SAY a racist term, he merely alluded to the 1948 presidential race during a birthday celebration of a 100 year old man who was a participant (a 100 year old man who voted FOR the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment) Was on front page of every main stream paper and news broadcast for weeks== the only question was whether he would be kicked out of the Senate altogether, or just lose majority leader status.
Jesse Jackson describes New York as 'Hymie' town...forgotten in a few days
Dem Senator Robert Byrd was IN the KKK, and only a few years ago used the 'N' word on national tv....nuthin
gimme a high speed connection and a few hours and I could fill a book