Author Topic: Testing Capture system in LW orange today  (Read 36391 times)

Offline MOIL

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #135 on: November 30, 2006, 02:41:49 AM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
You have to actually fight for a base, and you have to have some sort of organization, and you've also got to defend, lest you lose one base while working on the next. You can still horde, but you've got to horde the base that the other horde is probably operating out of, so the huge war that everyone but furballers love is more alive than ever.

I guess I don't see how anything but milkrunning is effected.

First off (speaking for myself and my squad) I don't mind a good fight or an NOE sneak. However, if what you're saying plays out then one is too expect a rather large group (horde as their called) to show up at said field if their intension is to capture.

From what I gather just about everyone and thier brother has been on the BBS whinning about "hordes" and how they "hurt" gameplay. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I will tell you this, if you get 2-3 groups willing to work together you will have one hell of a "horde" on your hands.

Hell, I don't know how many time my squad has shown up at a base with just 8-10 of us, only to be bashed from one end of ch200 to the other for bringing the "horde" to the base.  I don't think it's gonna be pretty.

my 2 cents

Offline stickpig

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #136 on: November 30, 2006, 02:42:06 AM »
Why again was this implemented?......
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Offline Growler1

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Tryd it dont like it
« Reply #137 on: November 30, 2006, 03:13:03 AM »
Tryed the new system dont like the new system. it eather needs to be tweeked or even better if it aint broke dont fix it.

Growler 1

Offline Oleg

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #138 on: November 30, 2006, 03:57:49 AM »
"It" is broken and definelly need to fix.

New system is excellent, keep up your good work HTC :aok
May need some tuning though.
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Offline sgt203

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #139 on: November 30, 2006, 04:06:15 AM »
I have not been playing AH for very long and alot of the changes that have been made I understand and they have been good for gameplay, for all players, they have yet to force someone to try and play the way someone wants them to... and it is not a balancing act that is an easy one im sure... Ive read these BBS and no matter what HTC does it will not please all players all of the time....

I feel this change is going to limit any real choice for players as to what they feel like doing and how they wish to play the game... But this is my opinion which I know is not shared by all..I've yet to have my night ruined while playing because some guys attacked and captured an undefended base not on the "front line". Frankly, I just dont care that much. I just enjoy playing the game (yes it is a game).

If Hitech wants to really know how the player base feels about this implementation, instead of possibly listening to those that make the most noise on the BBS( if in fact they do at all)  a simple test may be in order..

For one week make ONLY the map with limited base captures available. The next week use the same map and disable the limiter... The third week make both available in separate arenas and see where the player base goes to play...

Obviously the call remains with Hitech as they will always do what they feel is in the best interest of the game but the player base opinion and what they like best will certainly tell you if these changes are liked or disliked by the playing majority or the vocal minority.

my $.02 (if its worth that)


Offline DaPup

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #140 on: November 30, 2006, 06:08:22 AM »
I'm willing to try anything that creates more fights between the countries. Alot of people are saying that this hurts the milkrunners....I'm curious how that is. As long as they still get points for hitting bases that aren't capturable then they will have an even easier time since the majority of players will be between the capturable bases.

I don't see them having to fight anymore than before unless they really want to take bases, which the majority of milkers don't care about anyway, they just want the stats and perks from dropping stuff.

just might need air superiority?

So a horde will be needed to take a base? I thought HTC was trying to limit those. The system would definately need some tweaking, funneling everyone into one area will create even more unbalance to the side with less numbers.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 06:28:45 AM by DaPup »

Offline bj229r

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #141 on: November 30, 2006, 06:27:08 AM »
I like it. People and been whining about the same maps over and over-- this gives an opportunity to use the large maps, while pretty-much forcing people to congregate in a very few areas (if they wanna take bases) Also ends the mega-squad-noe-capture-the-empty-bases-missions.:aok
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Offline Edbert

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #142 on: November 30, 2006, 07:33:07 AM »

The first half of your post I agree with, in fact you seem to paraphrase my point from earlier that this new arrangement will make it far easier for the score-potato-milkrunner-types.

But the last half I disagree with somewhat. After a very limited time in LW-O last night I noticed that it seems whichever base is "next in line" for one country is essentially the same for each front. Meaning that while there may still be a congestion of players, that we will NOT have the old horde mentality where two hordes are avoiding each other, which I beleive was the problem before. There may be still be hordes but they have to meet and fight each other for a change, the problem was not congested airspace (hordes) but lack of aircombat.

It was a very dynamic front beween rooks and bish, one V-base changed hands about 5 times in half an hour. Every time it was taken the bold-base moved. The bish were very close to taking the nearby A-base a couple of times. They had the AAA down, the FHs down and were vulching the IL2s that were lifting (I'm sure the trrops were OTW too) then the V-base was taken suddenly making the base uncapturable. Should have heard the whines on ch200, it was glorious!

I don't think this will equal the MA-breakup event for BBS whines and threats of quitting  by the big-skwad guys and score-potatos (LOL @ those who threaten to quit), but for ch200 it is close.

Originally posted by Grits
Stang r teh 1337 mishun planna!

I'll just say that last night Stang was a HUB of "1337 mishun planna" activity ;-)

Originally posted by KryptoniteXP
I do my fair share of furballing


I love it from a furballing end...  cruising over a base at 25k and seeing 10+ targets to choose from is nice :)

I submit that if you've EVER been to 25K you are not a furballer. Don't confuse cherrypicking with furballing my friend.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2006, 08:08:54 AM by Edbert »

Offline Gopher

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #143 on: November 30, 2006, 07:41:00 AM »
"No strategic options open to players or squads.

No feights to draw off enemy forces prior to a real attack.

No flanking attacks. No pushes along one side of the map vs others.

No multiple fronts vs one country or another. Two "static" fronts that will press back and forth as one country or another has the numbers. WWI trench warfare.

No need for intelligence or communication or even coordination if you don't want it. Follow thy Blue Rat Line. You Will Fight Here. Period."

Good Deal....  I dont even have to think of what to do !
Its all done for me .


Offline DaPup

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #144 on: November 30, 2006, 07:48:05 AM »
  I was on for a couple hours last night and had a good time (as usual). I do feel that the guys who want to find an advantage always will regardless of how many changes HTC makes.

I like the idea of limiting the bases that can be taken and think it just needs some tweaking. I also agree that the hordes never collided often enough in the old setup and it was stagnating the game. If this pushes more people into a specific area and forces more fights then I'm all for it.

Offline thndregg

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #145 on: November 30, 2006, 07:50:51 AM »
Originally posted by MOIL
From what I gather just about everyone and thier brother has been on the BBS whinning about "hordes" and how they "hurt" gameplay. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I will tell you this, if you get 2-3 groups willing to work together you will have one hell of a "horde" on your hands.

Need you ask?

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Offline thndregg

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #146 on: November 30, 2006, 07:57:55 AM »
Originally posted by DaPup
  I was on for a couple hours last night and had a good time (as usual). I do feel that the guys who want to find an advantage always will regardless of how many changes HTC makes.

That's the sole nature of ANY game. If it's not there, you neither win or lose. Is that what some want HTC to make the MA's into?

Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
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Offline Donzo

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #147 on: November 30, 2006, 07:58:29 AM »
This is good why?

It creates more fights?  Ok, I'll buy that.

But what else doe it create?  Let's see:

1) Big furball forms between two capturable bases.
2) Furball rages for hours (furballers nirvina)
3) The win the war guys see that they have no choice but to "team up" and attack in force in order to take the base. (a.k.a "Hording" by the furballers)
4) There are two options for doing this: 1) Bomb the FH's to supress the opposition (a.k.a. griefing by the furballers) 2) Get enough people to push the furball back to the enemy field then supress them by not letting them take off (a.k.a. vulvhing by all)

So......the win the war guys are forced to do things that are not looked at as being healthy for the arena....they are slumming.

What does this accomplish?  Seems like it accomplishes exactly the opposite of what was trying to be accomplished in the first place.

Offline WarEagle3

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #148 on: November 30, 2006, 08:04:03 AM »
The new system takes away freedom of maneuver.  Example, CVs can no longer be used to flank enemy or go deep.  Enemy will know which way you are coming and just wait for you.  Tactics are lost.  Everyone will be fighting in one spot causing a huge furball.  With this system why have a large map, it will only take longer to capture bases thus take longer to win.


Offline Lusche

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Testing Capture system in LW orange today
« Reply #149 on: November 30, 2006, 08:04:03 AM »
Originally posted by bj229r
Also ends the mega-squad-noe-capture-the-empty-bases-missions.:aok

Yes. And it effectiveley ends noe-capture  missions in general. How is that a good thing? Just because you donīt like it? Many people enjoyed it. I never took part in such missions, but I had much fun in trying to detect & bust such enemy missions. It was a part of the game I enjoyed as much as the resulting aerial combat. I think, only one capturable base at a time makes this game much less dynamic and more predictable.

As somebody pointed out, milkrunners will continue to milkrun, perhaps with even less resistance - after all, they are no "threat".

Yesterday when the new arena came up, I was first on the rook side. Some bish started and gv attack on a Vehicle Field.For some time a nice brawl emerged from this, with the usual Lancs trying to shut down our VH. A nice fight (with never more than about perticipants guys total) until somebody finally told these guys that they can never capture that base (hell, nobody seems ever to read readmeīs or arena messages!) . And the fun was over...

Later on there were the occasional base alarms and air cons, but nobody really cared about.

After some time, I went back to blue arena for a while, where I frantically jumped from base to base in the futile attempt to defend the last few bases left to us.

I was always fond of the many aspects and possibilites the game offered us. Some people just like to furball, some people just want to blow up things, other want capture and "win teh war!" as fast as possible. Thatīs fine for me, everybody shof them should have fun. And I found it always disgusting when people belittled or attacked other players just for not percieving and playing AH  the way they did themselves.  But I think if implemented the way we did see it yesterday, we limit the options available to us players.

I have no doubt many people had much fun in LW Orange. But being neither true furballer nor real toolshedder who used to decide from day to day which way to have fun with, Iīd like to see rather more otions than more limitations.
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