Author Topic: Making Recon Useful  (Read 1502 times)

Offline VooWho

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2006, 01:07:36 PM »
You now what, the thing that Traveler said about only showing frienldy fields, then going out looking for enemy bases, kinda reminds me of Starcraft. "What do you need!" "SSSHKU, OOO the pain"
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Offline 1epic1

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2006, 04:05:47 PM »
Originally posted by VooWho
You now what, the thing that Traveler said about only showing frienldy fields, then going out looking for enemy bases, kinda reminds me of Starcraft. "What do you need!" "SSSHKU, OOO the pain"

:huh :huh :huh

Offline okiebob

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2006, 02:21:28 AM »
i like the idea bout cameras in the plane...and when you land at a field. i think if you hit the hotpad the "crew" will take the film and it will be posted in the map room on another clip board.  

the 234 would work good but what bout an allied the spit 14 take one of those in the guns option have one with the 2 20's and 2 50's, then have a second option of 1 camera with 10 shots and not guns...that would be nice.

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2006, 02:55:29 AM »
Every one should check this site out P38 would be allied recon...this is proof it was good at it.   i love this web site.:aok

Offline nickf620

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2006, 03:35:36 AM »
Originally posted by EagleDNY
It would be interesting if, when a new map began, only your airfields are shown, and other countries facilities only appear once they are overflown by your side's aircraft.  That would make recon useful, since you would want to find the enemy airfields, strat sites, and HQ as the war progressed.


you beat me to it
i have had this idea for a while but thought that people would think that it is stupid and just not give a flip
i would love to see the whole rts blended into the game and the whole map could be black(fog of war) <---(as it is known by in most rts games)
and we could up and just go searching to find the other bases
that would be something a little more fun than the map reset furball
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Offline outbreak

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2006, 04:05:02 AM »
Originally posted by nickf620
you beat me to it
i have had this idea for a while but thought that people would think that it is stupid and just not give a flip
i would love to see the whole rts blended into the game and the whole map could be black(fog of war) <---(as it is known by in most rts games)
and we could up and just go searching to find the other bases
that would be something a little more fun than the map reset furball

personally i wouldnt want a black map as i use the map to look for Mountainus regiouns, What good is a map if its black and you are say 1k and level and go afk for a bit and run into a mountain because you didnt have a Map to show the Altitudes of the area?

Offline Simaril

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2006, 08:32:58 AM »
Lets be it FUN to fly recon?

For the VAST majority of players the answer is no. I believe that's why recon isn't in the gme, and probably won't ever be.

Just my 2 cents.
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Offline VooWho

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2006, 10:59:02 AM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Lets be it FUN to fly recon?

For the VAST majority of players the answer is no. I believe that's why recon isn't in the gme, and probably won't ever be.

Just my 2 cents.

Lets take a poll.

Yes = Recon Fun
No = Recon SUCKS!

Post these answers at the end of your post, if your posting a reply.

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Offline OOZ662

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2006, 02:35:00 PM »
Rarely would I find it fun. Whenever I want a long flight without much result, I take a box of B17s up to 30k. But that's rare.
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline nickf620

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2006, 05:25:49 PM »
Originally posted by outbreak
personally i wouldnt want a black map as i use the map to look for Mountainus regiouns, What good is a map if its black and you are say 1k and level and go afk for a bit and run into a mountain because you didnt have a Map to show the Altitudes of the area?

no it is only black for the first part of the war then as you go searching it starts to show in whatever area you are in

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Offline troon

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2006, 06:44:54 PM »

Offline Apeking

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2006, 07:55:02 PM »
"Yes = Recon Fun
No = Recon SUCKS!"

This reminds me of another game I used to play, Combat Mission. It's a complex WW2 wargame of the old school, a bit like the old Close Combat games but more hardcore. An ongoing problem with computer wargames is that you, the player, has a God's eye viewpoint that no-one would have in real life. If one of your units sees the enemy, you see the enemy. If one of your jeeps goes over the top of a hill twelve miles away and is blown away by a hidden Tiger, you know immediately that there is a Tiger behind that hill. In real life you wouldn't know anything until the jeep failed to report, at which point you would still be in the dark. Perhaps the jeep broke down. Perhaps the driver eloped with a local farmgirl. Jenny Agutter is very pretty.

Aces High would have the same problem if a recon system was implemented. There is no need for cameras because the player himself can see the enemy territory. If the player has to land back at base before the recon information is available, it will be out of date. As a means of getting real-time data about enemy fields the recon idea would add no more information that we already have from the radio channels. And I imagine that a lot of players don't even bother with field stats etc, they just fly to the target with some bombs and then strafe to their merry hearts' content. Even real-time recon information would not help players who are already in the air - it takes a while for bombers to reach altitude, and it takes forever for C47s to get to their target.

If the game was set up so that you have to "paint" the enemy terrain with a recon aircraft in order to make it visible, then there would only be room for a handful of recon sorties at the beginning of a new map. One of the veteran players would probably cover the entirety of the enemy terrain on his own in one sortie. HTC would need to implement a random terrain generator so that we don't just dial up a website that has all the clipboard maps.

We would also have a situation where the enemy target would be in plain sight to non-recon sorties, but would not appear on the map because no-one has called up the Magic Plane of Seeing. That would be ridiculous.

"I'm over A44", "Where is that?", "It's right underneath me. I can reach out and touch the tarmac. I can smell bacon, frying on the stove. But you can't see it on the map because we haven't called up the Magic Plane of Seeing." "Oh."

Offline okiebob

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2006, 02:34:40 AM »

Offline Old Sport

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2006, 07:17:43 AM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Lets be it FUN to fly recon?

For the VAST majority of players the answer is no. I believe that's why recon isn't in the gme, and probably won't ever be.

Just my 2 cents.

Well...I wouldn't say flying the C-47 is loads of fun either. But you have to drop troops to capture bases (or take an M3 or LVT, neither of which are a lot of fun either IMHO). So, already incorporated in the game is the required use of A/C and vehicles that are not "fun" for the vast majority. Some people actually like to fly C-47s, so I'm sure some would like recce birds too. Don't have the slightest idea if they will ever be incorporated though.

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« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2006, 12:00:26 PM »
I like it because, in RL, they didnt just bring up a clipboard, look at the status,
and decide to bomb whatever is needed. They took their chances.
Afterall, they do want it to be as real as it can get
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