Originally posted by Simaril
Lets be honest...is it FUN to fly recon?
For the VAST majority of players the answer is no. I believe that's why recon isn't in the gme, and probably won't ever be.
Just my 2 cents.
For a lot of players, the only fun is up, fly to furball, fight, die, rinse, repeat. Not everybody wants to fly resupply, or drive GVs, or even fly bombing missions.... thats OK. Adding more options to the game just gives more ways to have fun, or to 'take one for the team' and fly that recon sortie to find the enemy HQ (or CV).
I'm OK with the recon info popping up for everyone immediately as the enemy installation is identified (they did have radios in recon aircraft folks - just read up on Midway). Once an airfield or installation is located, just have it show up on the clipboard map - until then, all you see is terrain on your map. HQ updates your map each time you up, so you will get a constantly evolving picture of what the enemy country looks like.
It would be very interesting to have the maps generate dynamically, but I think that is a long way off. We could substitute variants of the same map with the airfield types and strat objects moved around a bit for variety. Will there be dweebs who just download offline a complete map once they figure out which map is being used - sure, dweebs are dweebs. We got dweeb spies now out there giving out mission plans and CV locations, but the dweeb factor is best left for discussion in another thread
