Author Topic: Making Recon Useful  (Read 1528 times)

Offline okiebob

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2007, 01:40:52 AM »
good point YES YES YES

as REAL as possible. it is possibe to make their fields not appear on the map and we have to find them. and all the other watermelon weve talked bout so they should put it in

Offline EagleDNY

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2007, 06:00:18 AM »
Originally posted by Simaril
Lets be it FUN to fly recon?

For the VAST majority of players the answer is no. I believe that's why recon isn't in the gme, and probably won't ever be.

Just my 2 cents.

For a lot of players, the only fun is up, fly to furball, fight, die, rinse, repeat.  Not everybody wants to fly resupply, or drive GVs, or even fly bombing missions.... thats OK.  Adding more options to the game just gives more ways to have fun, or to 'take one for the team' and fly that recon sortie to find the enemy HQ (or CV).  

I'm OK with the recon info popping up for everyone immediately as the enemy installation is identified (they did have radios in recon aircraft folks - just read up on Midway).  Once an airfield or installation is located, just have it show up on the clipboard map - until then, all you see is terrain on your map.  HQ updates your map each time you up, so you will get a constantly evolving picture of what the enemy country looks like.

It would be very interesting to have the maps generate dynamically, but I think that is a long way off.  We could substitute variants of the same map with the airfield types and strat objects moved around a bit for variety.  Will there be dweebs who just download offline a complete map once they figure out which map is being used - sure, dweebs are dweebs.  We got dweeb spies now out there giving out mission plans and CV locations, but the dweeb factor is best left for discussion in another thread ;)


Offline B@tfinkV

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2007, 06:43:55 AM »
its a great idea in theory.

but far too much effort when all that is needed is to type on green channel 'FH down at 35'.

i agree that right clicking enemy fields is too easy though.
 400 yrds on my tail, right where i want you... [/size]

Offline Bronk

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2007, 09:45:43 AM »
To make recon useful we'd need  a bit different set up.

1. Can't see enemy base on map  until recon AC get to with in visual range.
2. Cant see strat targets until spotted by recon ac.
3. Once spotted by recon ac enemy cv will pop up on map for a fixed period of time.
4. Recon AC will have the ability to spot enemy gv Icon from farther out.

Things like that might make it useful.

See Rule #4

Offline AX_00

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Making Recon Useful
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2007, 03:14:41 PM »
finding the bases and cities and factories would be fun ... could jsut be found and radioed back when inrange and telephoned back, not actualy, but this helps us belive the idea of not actually landing or needing a speacial seeing plane to find these feilds or stats,
and i figure, as long as somones in the area, stats are shown up to date?

and adding supplie depots and slower supply lines would be nice too, because this would help "starve" out bases from re upping their ord or hangers or town.

also, i havnt noticed any specific work on ciites or factories w/ intent of working for the greater good. i dont see a bomb wing upping and taking out the ack factory because we want to down ack when we first attack a feild, and this would help pro long the ack from popping up.  that and taking out cities and troop factories to slow down the general upping of things and greater hurting the people you pork.

maybe adding factory sites in general so that plane factories, bomber factories , tank factories... bring these down and have some sort of effect on the country

and maybe insead of having the crazy road that makes no sence and goes up 90* when it needs to.. maybe have these roads and train tracks go to larger hubs and such and supplied by factories to be found out and taken out to further mess up the other countries ability to survive
bleed the country and kill it that way.

I dont bother w/ spell check..