Author Topic: Republican Candidates for 2008?  (Read 1902 times)

Offline chancevought

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Republican Candidates for 2008?
« Reply #120 on: January 23, 2007, 11:11:28 PM »
thats cool...I would like to know what SUV that is.  What part of Sport is necessity though?  I build custom cars, many with V-8 engines and realize that though they are cool, there is not really a NEED for it.  Deisel engines do provide better MPG and I feel they are the best performers MPG-wise and can be fed biodeisel in their stock configuration.  I believe this is more responsible too.  A UV with a diesel engine makes the most sense (if runnin Bio), but count how many times u see people using them w one occupant and no cargo.....too much.  But an SUV is not a good example to cite against biodeseil use......

Offline Mark Luper

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Republican Candidates for 2008?
« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2007, 11:24:42 PM »
The vehicle I speak of is the Ford Excursion. Hugh cargo carrying room when all the seats are down with a really high towing capacity. With the diesel it was around 10,000lbs but don't quote me on that, I don't remember exactly. They are'nt sold much anymore and only available by special order. Here in Texas there is a bunch of them around and most are using deisels. But I have to agree, most seem to be carrying one occupant.

The problem with a vehicle like that is that most of the time it won't be used at it's maximum potential because most people can't afford to own it and let it just sit in the driveway.  So you buy a vehicle that will do the work you need it to and it's overkill the rest of the time.

I'd love to have one but havn't been able to justify purchasing one. Don't really need that much truck.

My Mustang does most of what I need a vehicle for but the cargo carrying capacity sucks.


Keep the shiny side up!

Offline lazs2

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Republican Candidates for 2008?
« Reply #122 on: January 24, 2007, 09:02:14 AM »
chance... there you go again... you like big V8's and doing whatever you want but you think the SuV guys are "ignorant"

What would you do to get people out of those "ignorant" SuV's?   Why should you be allowed to drive anything that gets the same or worse mileage?   You don't mind restricting others so long as it makes you feel good and you can still do as you please.


Offline lazs2

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Republican Candidates for 2008?
« Reply #123 on: January 24, 2007, 09:08:10 AM »
mt... I think you are the one who needs to read TR a little better.

"welfare" did not mean that he wanted the government to take from everyone and then redistribute that money.

Certainly we should all be concerned about the welfare of our fellows.. the sticking point is in what we do about it.   you and chance for instance feel that only taking money from everyone at gunpoint and letting politicians redistribute works....

I believe it should be an individual choice and decision...  perhaps if people knew that making bad choices would not be an automatic pay check from the government....

We would have less people making stupid choices?     Maybe people who make shameful choices should feel..... shame.   Maybe a handout should be acknowleged and recocnized as such and... there should be some gratitude rather than feeling it is owed you by everyone else who is making good choices and working hard.
