Author Topic: Winning TT Map  (Read 4666 times)

Offline SunKing

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Re: Capturability....
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2007, 01:20:08 PM »
Originally posted by Patches1
I think ALL airfields and GV bases, and their Towns, should be uncapturable and undamagable. This preserves my personal albility to launch from any field, anywhere, in any Country, and not have to worry about anyone ruining my personal fun, and allows all of the GV, Furball and Bomber Folks to have unlimited fun without my interuption of their ultimate enjoyment.

N'est pas?


That would be terribly boring MA.

Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2007, 01:22:02 PM »
"I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it." -- John Stuart Mill

Auger, what is 'IMNSHO"  In my .. ..  .. humble opinion'?

IMNSHO:  "Show me a person who isn't liberal at 22, and I will show you someone who doesn't have a heart.  Show me a person at 35 who isn't conservative, and I'll show you someone without a brain" --Neighbor of Dredger.

I think ALL airfields and GV bases, and their Towns, should be uncapturable and undamagable. This preserves my personal albility to launch from any field, anywhere, in any Country, and not have to worry about anyone ruining my personal fun, and allows all of the GV, Furball and Bomber Folks to have unlimited fun without my interuption of their ultimate enjoyment.

Patches, werd...

Sunking, patches was being uber sarcastic...a funny

Offline SunKing

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2007, 01:26:43 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger

Sunking, patches was being uber sarcastic...a funny

my bad..

Offline crockett

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Re: Re: Winning TT Map
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2007, 01:34:44 PM »
Originally posted by Donzo
I don't buy it.

From what I saw you rooks took the island and stopped at that.  I did not see any push "outward" after the island was taken.

Why not just take the air bases on the island and leave the v-bases alone?  You could still push the fight outward as you say with no threat from the inside v-bases.

All and all I don't buy your justification for taking the entire island.  But if it makes you feel better...

It's because us rooks took a vote and we voted the Bish and the Nits off our island. :D

I think keeping people interested enough dies off after some time on the missions. Sure there is enough interest from enough rooks to take over "Rook Island" but after that it kinda dies off.

One of the key bases that needs to be taken IMO even before all of TT is taken is A25. The Nit didn't seem to interested in TT but the Bish always seem to want it back.  

So if 25 isn't taken fairly fast the Rooks end up getting tied up fighting on too many fronts (usually the wrong ones) to really do much more after we take TT.

I do tend to agree if we took the A bases on TT then move outward I think we could win the map by forgetting about the V bases on TT for a short time. I disagree with the need to take them right away.

Offline tedrbr

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2007, 01:44:52 PM »
They want to keep it, they can defend it.  TT has a small FT above it most of the time.  If they took a small amount of time to pork the ord at surrounding bases on occasion, or patrol for/intercept buffs, they would never lose TT as often as they do now.

Not unlike all the lifters from a CV so busy vulching a field that they  fail to defend their own CV.  Ord is left up at target base.  Bombers come in unmolested.  No one ready to turn the CV as needed.  CV goes down.

What really is amusing is, while other players are running offensive, or more often failing defensive actions at other bases trying to hold what we have.... once TT is taken over, there are cries of "we need to take TT back!" ... we need to "resup" this/that base at TT!".......... these from those that typically ignore calls to defend this base or that, or don't join missions, or run resups anywhere else on the map.  But suddenly, it is imperative that we take TT back, and everyone should participate.

Well, at least we tend to lose numbers and price of perk rides tends to go down when we lose TT.

Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2007, 01:46:25 PM »
I do tend to agree if we took the A bases on TT then move outward I think we could win the map by forgetting about the V bases on TT for a short time. I disagree with the need to take them right away.

Crocket, it is a tough call isn't it, i know what you are saying.  Maybe if one guy could go over an kill troops on TT vbases, then we could focus outwards.

On thursday a group of us did just that, left the TT base alone and attacked outward.   We failed, it became a furball, and the TT v-base attacked and recaptured.

Problem with leaving TT vbases alone  is a 'gentlemans' agreement not to go after adjoining airfield won't work.  Inevitably someone (s) will launch gv's and m3's from the TT base and go after the airfield.  Leaves the 'backdoor' attack open.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 02:40:09 PM by DREDger »

Offline crockett

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2007, 02:45:24 PM »
Na i don't mean just leave them alone. You have to keep an eye on them and hit their troops like you were suggesting.

That or just take them fast if they are going to be taken. Personally I think 1 mission should be able to take two of the V bases on TT.

That or the GVer's that love TT so much should spawn from the A bases to protect them instead of the V base that's close to TT. One thing is for sure that the Bish don't seem to want to give up TT.. So if you take the one A base 25 has to be hit hard and fast.

Offline Rondar

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2007, 02:50:48 PM »
DREDger, with 3 other arenas, you arent forced to be in the isles (tt) arena at all.  Just go in the other ones if you are tired of what is called tt.

A fair enuf response DaPup. I enjoy TT every once in while when I only have a few minutes as well. That's why I say make them uncapturable.

As you said yourself, you enjoy tt sometimes too.  Its just that people like you who think YOU dont like it messes it up for those of us who do.
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Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2007, 03:09:44 PM »

If they make the TT bases uncapturable like I've said, or surround them with 30k mountains isolating them, then I suppose that would define the intent of TT to be a place for the short up, shoot'em and bomb'em gallery.

They are not uncapturable, and on this map owning the center is key to winning the map, especially under 50% fields rule.

But to say I am ruining others fun is a fallacy.  Thats like saying one kids soccer team ruins the other kids soccer teams fun, by winning the game.

Its just that people like you who think YOU dont like it messes it up for those of us who do.

..and I read this 3 times and have no idea what you mean.  People don't join my missions to take TT because they think I don't like TT :confused:
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 03:11:50 PM by DREDger »


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Winning TT Map
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2007, 03:14:15 PM »
make that TT place on furball island a rook haven.  that is to say rooks should always capture it.  the result of such domination is icredibly comical spittle spewing posts by the crawlpuppies.  these posts bring me great pleasure and some are actually excellent whines, even quotable as signature material.

Offline Rondar

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2007, 03:35:31 PM »
DREDger what I was trying to say was it appears to me that you dont like tt.  So, you organize to your best, ways of taking it down, in my opinion.

I went on one of your missions to take an airbase, and I'll say you do run great ones.  And people know that on rook side.  They are well organized and such.  Yes, I would say you dont like tt and enlist help to knock it down.  That is my opinion at the moment.

So, since you do like to make missions to vbases, and airbases too, I would suggest you take a look at v6 and v26 also, instead of always in center island.  

Why is the center of the island so important that other bases cant be taken earlier and let those who like tanks, tank a while?   Then if you think you are going to win the map, then you can take the island if you need to.

Again, this is my opinion and I am not going to get in any kind of word match anywhere, but just wanted to have my say on the subject like you had yours.

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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Winning TT Map
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2007, 03:41:37 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger
I think we are all familiar with the TT (Tank Town) island map, it's been on LW orange now for a month.

I've put a good deal of thought into this map and how it can be won by any one country.  I am convinced that like in chess, control of the center of the board is the route to victory.  Once you have that, you fight and push the enemy outwards.

To that end, this weekend I organized a number of missions to capture TT and with a good degree of sucess (rooks).  It was alot of fun running the missions and we had fairly good turnouts.

Of course, I was lambasted by numerous players on ch200, and even from my own countrymen for doing this.  For some reason people consider this bad form, like there is some 'unspoken rule' to leave the TT bases alone and fight captures on the periphery of the map.  

I can understand their point I suppose, many people just want to up for a quick battle at the shooting gallery, or a quick plane flight to drop a bomb or two then dogfight a little.  (People enjoy this game in different ways and I don't want to presume to tell them how)

The fun for me however, is organizing raids and making good captures to 'win the war and map'.  To that end, I will continue to try to win the center and I am sorry if that ruins fun for others.

So I have a proposal (which maybe should be under wishlist). Make the center island bases UNCAPTURABLE  .  I think this would make many people happy.

The way the map is currently configured though, these bases are capturable.  I have to assume the HTC made it this way for a reason.  Until this uncapturable suggestion is made, I will continue to fight this map in the way I've described.  (and so will my squad and whoever joins my missions)

This has to be the largest post of complete lies and BS I've ever read!  GO sell your lameness somewhere else.  There are other arenas to play in but you pick orange and decide that you and your gang O dweebs alone should take care of TT!  I hardly ever GV, but the only time I do is on TT map.  It's a great getaway from lame furballs that aren't happening!  People who love to GV live for that map.  I don't know how long you've been playing, but TT bases should be the last to take.   You are doing nothing but being an arse with a "Supposed" cause!  TT bases are never defended as much as other bases on that map because only the "furball only" types up there in planes and a couple of bomber dweebs.  Just the fact that you came in here and lamely attempted to defend what you did goes to show that you know it is a lame strategy.  Over the 4+ years I have been playing, that map has been reset about 98% of the time with all TT bases in tact!  So go blow this bull up someone elses arse who doesn't know better!  Good day!

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2007, 03:49:54 PM »
Originally posted by Rondar
DREDger what I was trying to say was it appears to me that you dont like tt.  So, you organize to your best, ways of taking it down, in my opinion.

I went on one of your missions to take an airbase, and I'll say you do run great ones.  And people know that on rook side.  They are well organized and such.  Yes, I would say you dont like tt and enlist help to knock it down.  That is my opinion at the moment.

So, since you do like to make missions to vbases, and airbases too, I would suggest you take a look at v6 and v26 also, instead of always in center island.  

Why is the center of the island so important that other bases cant be taken earlier and let those who like tanks, tank a while?   Then if you think you are going to win the map, then you can take the island if you need to.

Again, this is my opinion and I am not going to get in any kind of word match anywhere, but just wanted to have my say on the subject like you had yours.

Rondar, you make an excellent point. He just wanted to spoil the fun of all those poor GV dweebs.  You can reset that map everytime without one TT base being taken!  It's the same reason that OzKansas used to get attacked in the middle.  Some Big shot know it all who thinks he's the l33t mishun planner convinces a bunch of newbs that it is vital to winning the map, when factually the map can be won with all the center bases in the hands they started in!  I can just hear DREDger now, "Cmon guys, if we take these bases, we'll win the war!"  I am guessing that TTisland map is still up today! LMAO!  Way to ruin the GV fellows that can only log in for a short time only to find that Dredger has them all in the same countries hands!  Lameness personified!:rolleyes:

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2007, 04:19:40 PM »
Again, this is my opinion and I am not going to get in any kind of word match anywhere, but just wanted to have my say on the subject like you had yours

Fair enuf Rondar.  I respect your opinion though I disagree.  Thank you for joining my missions as well, I hope to see you there again.  

So go blow this bull up someone elses arse who doesn't know better! Good day!


Wow, I can tell you feel very strongly about this, your post(s) is filled with so much anger and vitriol.  We can disagree though, without bursting a blood vessel here.  

I've been playing the game for a good while now too, and yes you are right, the TT map has been reset plenty of times without TT being taken, but that was under the old capture system, not todays system.

If you will notice my post says to make TT bases uncapturable  , that could probably be done in conjuntion with mountains to isolate it as well.  It could become like a micro-arena inside the larger one.  Let me ask you this, how hard would it be for HTC to make those bases no captures...what, 2 strokes on the keyboard?

The fact is they are not no capture bases, nor are they intended to be. Now I'm sorry if that pisses you off but don't rant at me for it.  This is strategy, it is fair play and based on those who join my mission and written in support on this post, I am not the only one who thinks so.


ps.  I play orange.

Offline MotorOil1

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Re: Re: Winning TT Map
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2007, 04:41:25 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
Over the 4+ years I have been playing, that map has been reset about 98% of the time with all TT bases in tact!  

Being the experienced player you are, you will also note the now uncapturable fields on the main Island near the HQ.   Typically these fields were captured in a typical reset.  Now that they can't be touched, what fields do you think would be the next best in order to reset the map?    Hmmm, maybe the TT fields?  Don't forget you need %50.

I'm just speculating....

:huh :cry
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