Author Topic: Winning TT Map  (Read 4664 times)

Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #30 on: January 22, 2007, 04:45:07 PM »
Being the experienced player you are, you will also note the now uncapturable fields on the main Island near the HQ. Typically these fields were captured in a typical reset. Now that they can't be touched, what fields do you think would be the next best in order to reset the map? Hmmm, maybe the TT fields? Don't forget you need %50.

Yep :aok

Offline SkyRock

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #31 on: January 22, 2007, 04:48:33 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger
Again, this is my opinion and I am not going to get in any kind of word match anywhere, but just wanted to have my say on the subject like you had yours

Fair enuf Rondar.  I respect your opinion though I disagree.  Thank you for joining my missions as well, I hope to see you there again.  

So go blow this bull up someone elses arse who doesn't know better! Good day!


Wow, I can tell you feel very strongly about this, your post(s) is filled with so much anger and vitriol.  We can disagree though, without bursting a blood vessel here.  

anger? lol  

I've been playing the game for a good while now too, and yes you are right, the TT map has been reset plenty of times without TT being taken, but that was under the old capture system, not todays system.

are you sure of this statement?

If you will notice my post says to make TT bases uncapturable  , that could probably be done in conjuntion with mountains to isolate it as well.  It could become like a micro-arena inside the larger one.  Let me ask you this, how hard would it be for HTC to make those bases no captures...what, 2 strokes on the keyboard?

One might ask, "why make HT do something that we as a community can do out of the understanding that  many in the community are GV 'ers at heart and truly love having a TT!

The fact is they are not no capture bases, nor are they intended to be. Now I'm sorry if that pisses you off but don't rant at me for it.  This is strategy, it is fair play and based on those who join my mission and written in support on this post, I am not the only one who thinks so.

For one, I am not pissed off,  secondly, I will rant when and at whomever I feel like,  thirdly, that strategy is lame and disrespectful to the multitude of GV'ers who love TT, and lastly, I would be willing to bet the majorityof experienced players would find it extremely dweeby and tasteless to capture all of TT!  So continue to post here on the boards your lame attempt to defend your dweebery!


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Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #32 on: January 22, 2007, 05:19:12 PM »
Skyrock, lol, I remember your channel 200 statement last night about 22 being captured by 'Dredger and his band of twits'.  You have little credibility with me my friend.  I find you insulting and you may spout off all you want, it falls on deaf ears here.

I am fairly sure that the Orange TT map hasn't been captured in a month or so.  There have been a number of posts on it and I play in it every day, but no, I can't say I've been on it 24/7 as a matter of certainty.

As far as there being some 'understanding' on TT bases, or aces people being 'gv'ers at heart', claptrap.:rolleyes:

There is no explicit or implicit understanding of how this map should be fought.  Whine all you want, thats how me and my crew are going to fight it.

I hope you;ll come join my missions someday anyway.  :aok

Offline TalonX

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Tank Town
« Reply #33 on: January 22, 2007, 05:27:26 PM »
Much as we have a fighter town on a long ago map, we have this TT.  I do enjoy TT when it comes around in rotation.

I would prefer that bombers be excluded so that those interested can GV in peace.     That was somewhat achieved with the TT map that had the 20K mountains around it.

All that said, it is no longer a map that shows up for a week at a time and is a treat. Even I tire of the endless TT.   I would like to see us go back to auto map rotations once a week.  This should end the desire to bomb TT into the stone age.

And for those that consider it mindless, that's fine.  Stay out.  Just because we all don't play your way, doesn't mean we are wrong.

Build a giant mountain range around TT.  Make the bases uncapturable.  Problem solved.

Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline sirvlad

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2007, 05:32:20 PM »
TANK TOWN is a complete waste of time,anyone gets kills there almost right away you don`t even have to move.OH what fun!!!!Real guys who enjoy tanking drive to enemy bases and form a proper attack from the side of the field that best enables them to get there target.I`ve done numberous attacks on fields to deack it so the pilots can get in there and do their job.Then the real fun starts I`ll drop VH and sit on the end of the run way and blast away planes.Many a bish/rook know what I`m talking about.Then after 13 minutes I`ll drive back over to vh and drop it again.Then usually kill 4 or 5 tanks that got out,then again kill those guys in their planes.Eventually some guy comes along with lancs and drops whole load on me,and I`m dead,though you`d be surprised how many miss.Anyways  tt is a waste and I`d rather 1 country own the whole island.

Offline bj229r

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2007, 05:44:51 PM »
Any time this map is on, arena is always full and 1/4 to 1/3 of all folks not in tower are either tanking, or furballing OVER the tankers, or bombing the tankers to smithereens and then being killed by said furballers. In short, LOTS of folks have a frikkin BLAST on the island, which seems to tork off the win-the-war folks.  Just gang the se country off the map and be done with it, as has been the case for some 7 years on this map. (While taking 11 of the remaining countrys' bases...admittedly a toughie)
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Offline Lusche

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2007, 05:54:23 PM »
Originally posted by sirvlad
TANK TOWN is a complete waste of time,anyone gets kills there almost right away you don`t even have to move.OH what fun!!!!Real guys who enjoy tanking drive to enemy bases and form a proper attack from the side of the field that best enables them to get there target.I`ve done numberous attacks on fields to deack it so the pilots can get in there and do their job.Then the real fun starts I`ll drop VH and sit on the end of the run way and blast away planes.Many a bish/rook know what I`m talking about.Then after 13 minutes I`ll drive back over to vh and drop it again.Then usually kill 4 or 5 tanks that got out,then again kill those guys in their planes.Eventually some guy comes along with lancs and drops whole load on me,and I`m dead,though you`d be surprised how many miss.Anyways  tt is a waste and I`d rather 1 country own the whole island.

Oh yes, tell us more what REAL GUYS really do  :rofl

So you declare your way to have "fun" in AH is the only true and valid one? Everyone not playing your way is wasting something? And because you have no fun that way, nobody should? Maybe itīs that "resources" thing all the squeaky generals are yelling about all the time...
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Offline VERTEX

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winning TT map
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2007, 06:01:32 PM »
Skyrock, ( this post may offend you, read at your own risk)

Having participated in a number of Dredger's missions I take great offence at being called a twit. If you were intenting to use such offensive language I would appreciate some sort of disclaimer at the beginning of your posts so as to not to have to read it to find out it offends me. You have taken the moral high ground before and insisted on this type of behavior from others.

Practice what you preach sir.

Offline LYNX

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2007, 06:22:07 PM »
I have so much to say about this but it's after 12 here an I gosta be up in 5 hrs.  

I will respond in full and it will favour Dredgers suggests also tactics, on my return to the boards after another 11 hr shift ....good night.

Offline crockett

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #39 on: January 22, 2007, 06:23:53 PM »
I have nothing against GV'ers they make nice targets to drop bombs on,  that and they don't squirm quite as much as LA's do. :D

One thing I do get frustrated with thou is when a base is getting attacked and GV support could defiantly help it out. 90% of the GVer's are sitting over on TT.

I could see the fun in TT for the GVer POV just like I see the fun in furballing.  But IMO if your not going to help bases that need support then I could care less if people get ticked if TT is controlled by one side.

Just a few hours ago we were attacking the Nits base I think it was A4 or A5. VH was still up, town was still half up and a FH or two were up, but all field ack was dead.

We were just basing raping the air strip because there was almost no GV support from the Nits. I kinda felt a little sorry for the guys that kept trying to take off but vulching them took care of that. :lol

Had there been any GV support, I'm sure we wouldn't of had such a vulch fest on that base, because anyone that had ord's were few and far between.

So this isn't aimed at all GVer's because I know quite a few do help out in defending and capturing bases and I'm glad those few do. But those guys that never leave TT to help out on other bases just so they can park there 10 or 15 kills. Well personally I don't mind killing off TT.

I wouldn't call myself a win the war player but I'm not a full on furballer either. I just like to shoot at stuff, but I'm always up for helping out my team where ever they need the help. Maybe if more players did that, then it wouldn't matter so much about  the need to take out TT just to reset the map.

Offline bj229r

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2007, 06:33:14 PM »
One thing I do get frustrated with thou is when a base is getting attacked and GV support could defiantly help it out. 90% of the GVer's are sitting over on TT.

So, in other words, even though THEY are having fun, they aren't helping you in your cause, so their ventures must be eliminated. How is that different from so many similar posts in this thread?
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Offline crockett

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2007, 06:51:07 PM »
Originally posted by bj229r
So, in other words, even though THEY are having fun, they aren't helping you in your cause, so their ventures must be eliminated. How is that different from so many similar posts in this thread?

What I'm saying is I could care less how they play the game, but if they aren't going to help out when the help is needed, then I could care less if they lose TT or not.

Offline Lusche

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2007, 06:52:11 PM »
Originally posted by crockett

So this isn't aimed at all GVer's because I know quite a few do help out in defending and capturing bases and I'm glad those few do. But those guys that never leave TT to help out on other bases just so they can park there 10 or 15 kills. Well personally I don't mind killing off TT.

Sounds just like "If you donīt fight the battles I decide to be important..."

I call for help myself sometimes without anyone following my call. But itīs not for me to decide were/how anyone should fight.

And it was certainly not because of TT that no Knight GV drivers showed up in your example. We were thrown off TT long ago ;)
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Offline DREDger

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2007, 07:02:55 PM »
So, in other words, even though THEY are having fun, they aren't helping you in your cause, so their ventures must be eliminated. How is that different from so many similar posts in this thread


You have valid point about TT being so popular, and by all means this game should be about fun.

The problem though, is that this map puts players at odds with eachother.  I am a strategy player and like to win the map, as are alot of people.  Many others have a blast at TT and want it left alone.   But I don't think you can do both in this case.

My contention is under the new capture system, you can't really win unless you take TT first.  To that end I have broken taboo and organized it's captures.

What do you think about my idea of making TT bases uncapturable, and perhaps isolating it from the rest of the map?

Offline pluck

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Winning TT Map
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2007, 07:27:06 PM »
through all similar posts similar to this....see the previous  tt posts and just as many ft threads  i have come to this.

1. Some people just people believe the can force a certain group to fight for taking bases where a certain group play at.

2. the behavior above, leads to even further dislike of both sides style of play.  following this logic, leads you to the failure of the group who wants to force others to fight in a way they seem fit....because they like them less.

3. These type of dislike leads to HTC threating to remove areas like this from the maps....which makes the guys you really like the area mad, and i guess also the people who like to capture it, because it's the challenge of capturing such fields, as the argument is.

4. you make your own name in MA.  If you want to be known has the group that always takes TT, fine, but you have to know there are going to be many people less than happy with you.  it was your choice.  you could also make a name for yourself by vulching fields while 20 cons still up, dive bombing lancs, bomb and auger, constant suicide 110 into cv, HO'o'Cane shooter, timid run weeny, and many other interesting names.  all of which can be defended until blue in the face.  from there is no restriction in AH, it was done in RL, or it's just a game.  what's right and whats wrong?  its up to you to act, and everyone else to decide.  you can't do, then tell everyone else it's ok; just doesn't work very well.

as far as isolating tank town, sounds good to me, why not?  maybe get a ft too.  just for those who like to fight many people and have little time.  and before we hear it, the DA is for 1 v 1 combat, not furballs.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2007, 07:30:04 PM by pluck »
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