Author Topic: WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?  (Read 2638 times)

Offline Krusty

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2007, 05:02:36 PM »
When you land hits you will see "hit sprites" -- Most will be little yellow-white starbursts. 30mm or 37mm (if you have a plane that carries these weapons) have a huge red-black fireball when they hit. It's lovely, really.

A couple of things:

The message buffer can help you out. If you lost your wing and it say "you have collided with so-and-so" then you got too close and rammed the guy. If you did not get this message than 1 of 2 things happened: 1) somebody was behind you that you didn't see, or 2) you shot some rounds (while spraying) onto the friendly guy.

Aces High has what is called "Killshooter" (KS for short). If you fire at an enemy, he takes damage. If you fire at a friendly, you will take the damage for him. So watch where you shoot!

Depending on the plane you choose to learn in, you will need sustained hits to get a kill (or disable an enemy and get the kill). In a p51, keep firing until something breaks off. You need a good 2-second hit most of the time, depending on the durability of your enemy.

I suggest you try "Offline" practice first to set up joystick mapping and any other settings. The drones offline allow you to practice gunnery (but they won't fall out of the sky when missing wings, they fly on invisible tracks).

Oh, and until you're a little more comfortable, avoid carrier group ack. It's a death trap. Fly around them, or attack the planes taking off, but stay outside of the guns' reach.

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2007, 09:09:52 PM »
eheh ty for the info gents,

yes I will keep away from carrier groups.  Learned that the hard way hehe..

Yea, that kill I had, when I shot him he was still jumping around but after the 2nd spray he just flew straight as to say ok youve got me,  a split second later and large chunks of plane were flying in the air, wings ...tails etc etc

Pretty neat.  

I'm REALLY impressed with my landing.  I was able to land on the runway.

When I was on all flaps it almost killed my plane.  Took my CG and threw it WAY off so I could only do half flaps and had to come in hot.  BUT I didn't have gears ANYWAY so it really didn't matter lol.

Offline xbrit

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2007, 10:50:59 PM »
Glad to see your having fun Sin always remember thats what is important, it's too easy to get serious and start losing in the enjoyment stakes.
My son is a Wow addict and I'm always in here and that means the wife will probably pour coffee into the PC sometime soon.
Look forward to seeing up and Fly Rook we look good in green !!

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2007, 11:02:36 PM »
Shot down 2 of 3 of a bomber group.   Got one so bad the wings ripped off and there was really nothing left.

Anyone know booger8?  :)

Ok, so now I'm having issues with my headset.  It's a plantronics and sounds like GARBAGE.  But, people are saying they can't hear me either :(

might be defective.  Might be a conflict with all the audio devices I have.  I have onboard 5.1 and then a creative audigy 7.1 card.  I disabled the onboard garbage to alleviate some confusion but am jumping back in now as everything tests fine on my end.  Might have just been an adjustment issue.

 I have so many questions I hope to have answer soon, I read the documentation about this game but didnt get a chance to follow the links people posted other than the basic documentatio nabout maps, planes, flying, mapping etc.  

Ok going back in :)

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2007, 11:43:27 PM »
ok I suck.

Not that bad but still, I suck.

Lost 3 ships in about 1 hour.  Sadly 2 of them were from me ditching into the side of a mountain or hill, pushing the envelope a BIT too far.  Too bad you can't continue to pull back when you are looking through a straw hehe.  

If I slow down too much, I have 10 red baddies on me eheh.

Good times.  My headset is still making me frustrated but I got it working.  Turned mic volume up on highest for all settings on my comp and in game and then I put the mic inside my mouth practically.

Plantronics garbage :(

ANYWAY.  I had a good time but alas my time is short here tonight so I wanted to pop this message out real quick.  I have a few questions if someone is willing to go down them quickly otherwise just ignore them as I'm sure as I do more reading I'll have them answered.

-Stats - do you get stats and how?  I made 2 or 3 kills and never saw anything other than the system saying YOU SHOT DOWN blah blah.  Also do you have to land on the runway to get the stats or near a base or, do you have to return to the base you took off from also?

-Red Dots - I know they mean enemy air or whatever, but many times I am bouncing down on planes that aren't showing on the radar?  Are they too low or?

-Weather.  Is it always sunny and are there ever any clouds to duck into?

-Red/Green bars.  Do they mean base health or supply or something?  I read about this but it didn't go into detail about it really.

-RPM - how can I change my rpm, not throttle.  Or, should I say, how do I cool my engine other than making sure WEP is off and throttling back to say 50%?

-Prop tilt?  Is there such a thing?

Thanks guys!  Had a blast tonight.  The headset, voice thing REALLY ads to this game.  I would bet it is one of the bigger draws to the game as it ads realism and team work to the mix.  Very nice.   Also is there a way to mute a certain person that may be griefing?  I already know there will probably be people that will do this from time to time.

Offline Krusty

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2007, 12:16:33 AM »
Originally posted by Sincraft
-Stats - do you get stats and how?  I made 2 or 3 kills and never saw anything other than the system saying YOU SHOT DOWN blah blah.  Also do you have to land on the runway to get the stats or near a base or, do you have to return to the base you took off from also?

-Red Dots - I know they mean enemy air or whatever, but many times I am bouncing down on planes that aren't showing on the radar?  Are they too low or?

-Weather.  Is it always sunny and are there ever any clouds to duck into?

-Red/Green bars.  Do they mean base health or supply or something?  I read about this but it didn't go into detail about it really.

-RPM - how can I change my rpm, not throttle.  Or, should I say, how do I cool my engine other than making sure WEP is off and throttling back to say 50%?

-Prop tilt?  Is there such a thing?

When you start blacking out it means you're pulling too many Gs. You're going too fast and pulling too hard. Slow down, or don't pull so hard. In some aircraft you can literally rip the wings off by pulling too hard (spitfires come to mind) or you can rip parts off because they're not strong enough (control surfaces on Ki84 and B26 come to mind). You don't always have to be at top speed. Sometimes you can slow down for a fight and still have enough speed to run if it goes bad.

- What you see in-game is just a "name in lights" -- that's only when you land more than 1 kill by ending a sortie while over friendly cement (including rearm pads). Stats are compiled separate from the game. You can go to the main website, and under the "community" menu there is a "scores" link. The first option or the one that says "expanded format" are the only ones you'll really want.

- Red dots indicate an aircraft on radar. If you right click on the clipboard map you can turn "radar" on and off. You will see white circles. If the circle is red it means that radar is destroyed for the time being. Red dots will only appear inside one of your team's radar circles. If they are below 500feet above ground level, they will show up on radar.

- Clouds: There are some roving clouds that move around the map. They obscure vision. Then there are the clouds that are thin and whispy at altitudes like 14k, 16k, and so forth. For the most part it's perpetual June.

- Dar Bars (red/green bars) indicate relative strength of teams. More green means more friendlies are in that sector. More red means more enemies. After about 7-10 it doesn't get any larger (so it could have 7, it could have 50, it's a "full" dar bar, indicating a high enemy strength). This does not count vehicles or aircraft below 500feet. It does count, however, across radar ranges, or even when radar is down.

- RPM can be controlled by the keypad +/- keys (not by your backspace, on the keypad). You don't need to cool your engine. You can run at full throttle (without WEP) as long as you have fuel. The engine management in Aces High is simplified. There's a lot of other realistic elements though. I think they just didn't want you fiddling with your engine when you want to be pulling ACM. You won't blow the engine or anything. When WEP overheats it will turn itself off.

- No prop tilt, as far as I know.

Offline ROC

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2007, 12:23:02 AM »
-Stats - do you get stats and how? I made 2 or 3 kills and never saw anything other than the system saying YOU SHOT DOWN blah blah. Also do you have to land on the runway to get the stats or near a base or, do you have to return to the base you took off from also?

**You can see your overall rank on the clipboard when you check the roster.  There is also a Scores Page, look above this forum, under Community, then Scores, pull up your info there.

-Red Dots - I know they mean enemy air or whatever, but many times I am bouncing down on planes that aren't showing on the radar? Are they too low or?
**Red Dots are the Radar Dots near you.  If they are Low, or the base Radar Tower has been taken out where you are flying, you won't see the red dots on the clipboard map.  Right click on the map, and select Radar.  If the Ring is RED, the Dar is Out, white and it's good.

-Weather. Is it always sunny and are there ever any clouds to duck into?
**Yep, there's weather, it changes :)  Sometimes there's clouds.

-Red/Green bars. Do they mean base health or supply or something? I read about this but it didn't go into detail about it really.
**Bars are DarBars.  That shows how many people are in that sector.  Broader than simply the Dot Radar, which shows Exactly where they are.

-RPM - how can I change my rpm, not throttle. Or, should I say, how do I cool my engine other than making sure WEP is off and throttling back to say 50%?
**In control setup, look for Keyboard and Joystick Mapping, and see where RPM is mapped.  It's been so long since I used the default setting, I don't know where it is, but you can place Any Setting Anywhere you want.

-Prop tilt? Is there such a thing?
**Just when I land, I'm awfully good at tilting those buggers.

EDIT  hehe  Krusty beat me to it.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2007, 07:00:55 AM »
ahhhhhh, very interesting. :)  

THANKS GUYS!  Very helpful, very helpful I must say.

Great community. :)

I do miss flying in clouds however.  That was always a big advantage to a person like me that is not a good turn fighter.  Given the right plane, I think there is nothing better than chasing a guy around in a turnfight during a furball and finally landing a score on em.  But, I prefer to sit high in the skies in cover until I see something I like, pour in and bash then zip out (Boom and Zoom).

I see this game also had anti aircraft guns, tanks etc etc?  I'm gonna have to try those out also.

Nice to see there is an objective to the game.  Makes destroying your enemy kinda mean something eh?

Anyone have any suggestions on what planes I should be using?  I am using a p-51d atm and was just wondering if there are others out there?  My p-51 seems to have a pretty low tolerance for speed as I get control lock pretty quick.  Or so it at least seems.  

OH and what are missles for?  I was looking at what it takes to destroy certain objectives.  What do missles count as a  5# bomb or, just for air to air..or can you kill radar with it but it's not in the list of what kills it or?  Just a bit confused about that.  I saw missles and thought Ooooooo, that should be fun! :)

EDIT:  Says I have 5 kills in the stats page?  Are these accurate?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 07:03:37 AM by Sincraft »

Offline Schatzi

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2007, 07:48:12 AM »
Originally posted by Sincraft
ahhhhhh, very interesting. :)  

THANKS GUYS!  Very helpful, very helpful I must say.

Great community. :)

I do miss flying in clouds however.  That was always a big advantage to a person like me that is not a good turn fighter.  Given the right plane, I think there is nothing better than chasing a guy around in a turnfight during a furball and finally landing a score on em.  But, I prefer to sit high in the skies in cover until I see something I like, pour in and bash then zip out (Boom and Zoom).

I see this game also had anti aircraft guns, tanks etc etc?  I'm gonna have to try those out also.

Make sure your mode2 (vehicles and boats) is mapped in JS setup.

Nice to see there is an objective to the game.  Makes destroying your enemy kinda mean something eh?

Anyone have any suggestions on what planes I should be using?  I am using a p-51d atm and was just wondering if there are others out there?  My p-51 seems to have a pretty low tolerance for speed as I get control lock pretty quick.  Or so it at least seems.  

The P51 actually has a very high speed tolerance compared to some other fighters like the Ki84 or 109s. But how a plane handles also depends on the loadout... ie a heavy plane with bomb, rockets and extra fuel will feel a lot different then the same one with 25% fuel and no externals.

As for "beginner" planes... I usually recommend the Spitfire MkVIII or MkIX or the F6F (needs flap work for turning!). While they are not the best performers, they are very good overall and have a rather forgiving handling, ie the odd mistake will not mean certain demise. But that doesnt mean that other planes are "unflyable" or too difficult. Whats more important is: pick a plane you like and stick with it. Learn it inside out and upside down, its strength its weaknesses, how it performs against the other plane types etc etc.... Check the Trainer Corps Homepage, we have a few links to plane performance pages that will give you an idea on how planes match up.

Oh and one more thing: turn off your stall limiter in OPTIONS > PREFERENCES > Flight. It limits your AoA (angle of attack - angle between wing and flight direction) and thus keeps you from pulling into a stall (=too high AoA). But it also keeps you from using your plane to its best performance. Its like training wheels on a bike - over the years, i found that turning it off sooner rather then later will keep you from having to "learn to fly" all over again in a few months when you DO get rid of it.

OH and what are missles for?  I was looking at what it takes to destroy certain objectives.  What do missles count as a  5# bomb or, just for air to air..or can you kill radar with it but it's not in the list of what kills it or?  Just a bit confused about that.  I saw missles and thought Ooooooo, that should be fun! :)

The missiles are mainly Air to Ground (I think one or two planes have air to air, but they are NOT guided... hitting a bomber formation is very difficult at best, a fighter downright impossible as long as its maneuvering). They count as normal "ordenance", ie you can attack any ground object or vehicle with them and do damage - how many of them you need depends on your hit accuracy and on the object hardness. The "ballistics" are calculated, ie gravity drop has to be taken into account.

Missiles can be used to deack, vulch, kill ground vehicles, Hangars etc etc...

EDIT:  Says I have 5 kills in the stats page?  Are these accurate?

I cant tell, since I dont know how many kills you got awarded in game. But id assume they are.

Kills are awarded to the player that did the most damage to the opponent and is still in that same flight when opponent dies. Note that that is not always the player that deals the fatal damage! When you get a kill awarded you get the chat message "SYSTEM: You shot down xxxxx". Another way to get a kill awarded is a "proximity kill" - when an enemy dies (crashes, bails) within a certain range of you, and noone has put a bullet into him. The proxy kills create a kill message, show up in the stats (extended format) but give you no points.

21 is only half the truth.

Offline Krusty

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2007, 10:38:45 AM »
Please note, they aren't "missiles", but rather "rockets".

Unless these rockets are on a 110G or a 190 or a 109, they're only meant for ground targets. The WGr 21 rockets are time-delayed and are meant for use on bombers. Don't hold your breath if you test them out, as most pilots have been flying for 6+ years and still haven't gotten a hit with them.

Offline jaxxo

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2007, 03:19:58 PM »
up said plane grab said alt...engage said enemy with to friends....rinse and repeat

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2007, 10:19:46 PM »
Hey guys thanks ALOT again for the replies.

Ok, rockets - check.

yea I know about altitude.  I don't do well with running to friends as usually I'm too interested in killing EVERYTHING red I can find.  I guess I should learn to pick my fights and learn when to run eh?  Ok ,...check!

Um.  what else.  yea, lots to learn.  It's now 11:17pm , I just finally finished the #@$%* now I'm ready to play. :)

Offline Simaril

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2007, 11:59:52 PM »

First, welcome to AH!

Second, you have to remember some very important things: Never listen to Jaxxo, and the Blue Knights are all servants of Beelzebub.

Jaxxo was being a tad sarcastic. While many people spend their $15 with that kind of careful, safe flying -- there are also lots who love the adrenaline of an "ears pulled back and hair on fire" fight. If you like going in aggressively, killing as much red as possible before going down, then more power to you!

As you progress, you'll find that the game has layers on layers on layers. When you hit a plateau, and find that you're getting caught the same way over and over, schedule a session with one of our excellent Training Corps. You'll pick up some new stuff, and before long you'll be talking the Air Combat Maneuvering talk and stricnging together some scary 3D maneuvers.
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline parin

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2007, 12:25:56 AM »
Heck it even comes close to many WoW forums in post #'s.

HE said WoW!
Wgr 21 works great!

Quick Jam from SkyRock...

Offline Sincraft

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WOW, Aces High 2?!?!?
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2007, 01:13:59 AM »
Yea I spent a couple hours in tonight.  Was in too deep for my ability and got shot down.

FINALLY figured out that there is a zoom to the scope hehe.  Although, I am finding it actually harder to get shots or to zero in on an enemy aircraft that way, I did shoot one down but was shot down twice or more and my engine quit on my for some reason without hits to my ship.

I'm seeing ALOT of warping going on?  Is this normal? Being worked on or does it get frustrating getting on someones 6 only to have them zoom 1k away suddenly all the time?

I manned an anti aircraft gun and got a kill :)

Wondering, how far can these things hit from?  I was leading REALLY far a group of bombers at 5k and would have sworn I saw chunks o joy flying from their planes.  Anyway to find out if I made hits on these things?

Very fun game indeed, yet not too addictive that I am excited to wake up tomorrow and play it, which is a good thing otherwise I'd get nothing done!  It's a nice retreat that I believe will be for a long career here.

However, I have to say for the age of the game I was a bit surprised at the subscription fee! YIKES.  I MAY have to skip a month or two here and there when I get extra busy and don't intend on flying at least a few times a week online.   I know about the 6 month sub paying for 5 but it's still a bit steep I think.  But that's just me :)  I'm stingy.