Author Topic: Lamest style of play  (Read 1928 times)

Offline bzek74

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« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2007, 11:54:24 AM »
Ok bombing a dug in spawn camper is cool otherwise the raping will go on all day. Bringing anything other than heavy fighter to TT is bad joojoo.

What the rooks have pulled two maps is total bs in my book capture all of TT. Its taking advantage of whats supposed to be sacred since Ive played I dont recall knights trying to control tt.

If most people commonly agree not to bomb tt vh bases then why capture the bases? Its kinda a violation of a unwritten law. If anything the main island should have the untakable bases on that map. Its saying the select few who decide to capture these lack honor. Cause really how many people sit in flaks and panzers at the vh in tt bases waiting for a attack? NOONE! Because for the sake of gameplay they trust the base wont be taken.

And the sad truth is untill nits are off the newb rotation we lack the total teamwork needed to recapture main bases. We should that lastnight when ground was broke into tt airbase cap was getting started and then BLAM! 43 people decided to chase a lone 109 in which probably 19 of them killshot eachother trying to get him...good example? :-p


Offline Bronk

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« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2007, 12:06:15 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger

Capture it all and deny everyone the ability to go there.  LOL


It's because of statements like that people think you're a griefer.

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Offline DREDger

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« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2007, 12:11:10 PM »
Because for the sake of gameplay they trust the base wont be taken.

Naaa, its for the sake of gameplay and instant gratification that they spawn to TT and play 'whack the mole'.

I do kindof feel sorry for the knits on TT map though, seems they were ousted off pretty early and relegated to a far corner of the map while bish and rooks slugged it out.

Does seem that the knits kindof get the shaft on player experience.  I think cause every new player, especially the kids, take a look at the three sides and immediatly say "I WANT TO BE A KNIGHT!!!...u know, cause it's coooool.

Offline Bronk

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« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2007, 12:22:09 PM »
Originally posted by DREDger
Because for the sake of gameplay they trust the base wont be taken.

Naaa, its for the sake of gameplay and instant gratification that they spawn to TT and play 'whack the mole'.

I do kindof feel sorry for the knits on TT map though, seems they were ousted off pretty early and relegated to a far corner of the map while bish and rooks slugged it out.

Does seem that the knits kindof get the shaft on player experience.  I think cause every new player, especially the kids, take a look at the three sides and immediatly say "I WANT TO BE A KNIGHT!!!...u know, cause it's coooool.

No its because of the way new players are allocated now.
It's not random they are sent to the lowest side.
Since knights have the lowest numbers guess where the 2weekers go.
Top that off with the once the 2 weeks are over and "mommy wont pay for me to play.". Its a vicious cycle of 2 weeker squeakers.
If they stay more than 2 weeks. They are a most likely sick of being on the short end of the stick and jump to greener pastures.

As for tt there are some of us who don't like click/spawn/die.
These people have developed other methods of extracting their fun in tt.

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Offline Shuffler

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« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2007, 12:42:47 PM »
Farfignugen :aok
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Offline bzek74

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« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2007, 01:53:36 PM »
Theres still alot of Nit vets that blow captures just vulching, I mean its not hard to up with ord drop it on town or vh then go about vulching ( ok capping ). Thats where c hawks and 68's really have it going on for nits they set thier minds to a plan and normally get the take. I noticed lastnight Freebirds dont go down without a fight Ive seen just a few try to take the base hoard for a take. Its just a shame we dont have a mission planner like Ghi that the country seems to rally around.


Offline 4XTCH

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« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2007, 03:25:41 PM »
Originally posted by bzek74
Theres still alot of Nit vets that blow captures just vulching, I mean its not hard to up with ord drop it on town or vh then go about vulching ( ok capping ). Thats where c hawks and 68's really have it going on for nits they set thier minds to a plan and normally get the take. I noticed lastnight Freebirds dont go down without a fight Ive seen just a few try to take the base hoard for a take. Its just a shame we dont have a mission planner like Ghi that the country seems to rally around.


Thanks 90prf... Now if we could only get LippyCH to join in some of our "missions" MUWAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAA.:rofl
Floatsup has been putting up some good missions as of late, but I'd agree that there is no one like a 'ghi" on the Knight side for mass organization since 68KO ... RIP Bro <>.. Maybe it's just me, but I have'nt seen  "Alliance" in awhile.


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Re: Lamest style of play
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2007, 04:48:29 PM »
Originally posted by BaldEagl
I spent some time in tank town today for the first time in months.

I'm not comlaining, whining or saying it shouldn't be allowed but the planes flying around unmolested bombing GV's has to be the lamest style of play I've maybe ever seen.

If thats the only way for those guys to get kills then I guess I can see why they do it.

At least a guy who HO's you is taking a chance.

It didn't used to be like that on this map before they put the town in.  In fact, before the town there were awsome ground battles in the open ground through the center of that island.  Now it's degraded to spawn campers and people bombing the GV's.

Guess it will be a few more months before I visit again.

planes have been bombing GV's since planes since like forever.....

get over it

Offline DREDger

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« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2007, 05:31:54 PM »
'Anyone' can say that again.....

My general rule of thumb:

If I am in a GV at TT, and someone bombs me dead, I consider them to be dweebs for taking a plane to what should be a GV fight.  Skilless, weasley griefers with no sense of how the game shuld be played.

If I am in plane bombing GV's at TT, prefereably those retreating to land their kills, then that is too freaking bad, the game is set up this way for planes to get to TT.  If HTC wanted it different, he would put up a mountain range all around it.

Also, if I am a GV at TT and my country takes over all the other enemy TT bases, I consider that bad form and again weasely griefers who only want the game played their way.

If I running mission(s)  to take TT as a strategic means of controlling the center of the map, whereby protecting flanks, and expanding possible launching points for future missions, well that is too bad as well.  If HTC wanted it different, they would make the bases uncapturable at the center.

I hope this clarifies how I feel.


Offline nickf620

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« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2007, 06:10:50 PM »
why not use whatever you can to make someone else have a bad day

ohh and the crowd is turning on you quick change your opinion about bombing TT
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Offline Rino

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« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2007, 06:48:58 PM »
Noooo, mussssst not bomb my preciousssss.  I neeeeeeeds my
precioussssss perrrrrrks and fame, yessssss.
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Offline tedrbr

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« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2007, 07:12:50 PM »
Pork the fields around TT.  Pork the ord.  Pork the troops.  Pork surrounding airbases that can reach TT island easily enough.  Pork the fuel.  Pork the dar.

Vehicle resups?  Can't have everything.  

When no bombs, and no troops/supplies to bring them back up, you don't get bombed at TT.  Strafed maybe, but not bombed.   Countries could always try to put their own buff pilots to work (this would work better if buff drivers had better perk plane than Arado to strive for too.....).

Beg for addition of German 88mm Flak36 added to game.... chase bombers out of "your" airspace.


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« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2007, 07:42:24 PM »
Originally posted by Dace
Ask any "real" tankers from the war and they'll probably say airplanes were the biggest threat to their safety. Why should it be any different in the game? I mean what else is a Stuka or Il2 good for? I would say that's why those 2 planes are in the attack GVs

for that matter ask any REAL tankers and they will probably also tell you they didnt just materialise out of thin air into the middle of a fight
Or materalise out of thin air already surrounded by enamies just waiting for them to materialise out of thin air

they actually (oh heavens to betsy!) had to travel to a fight just like airplanes

and while your asking. Ask the Heavy bomber crews exactly how frequently they did missions at 1K Or how many timnes they divebombed in B17s?
while in formation no less

I mean after all. If they didnt or only rarely did it IRL. Why should it be any different in the game right?;)
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Offline BaldEagl

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« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2007, 08:38:15 PM »
Weighing in again:

I've been thinking about this a little.

I don't have any problem with planes bombing vehicles.  I do it myself, although not at tank town, and when I'm defending a VB or airfield I expect it from others.  No problem.

What makes this a little different I think is that at tank town now, you don't even have to move to spawn camp.  You spawn, turn your gun and open fire.  That makes the GV's (evidently) very popular, easy targets for attackers and even more so for bombers.  After all, they're all just sitting there in a little pile.  

Thats what made me think the whole idea was so lame... similar to vulching but almost more so because the targets are all just sitting there, already up, not moving, waiting to be dead.  Making it seem worse was the fact that all of the planes that were up while I was on were from one country, analagous to the hoard attacking an undefended base.

On this map, before the town was put in, the vehicle spawns were near the ends of the valleys leading to the VB's.  If you wanted to fight other  GV's you had to dive across the center plain to get close enough to shoot at them and as people drove to their various attack points they spread out.  This in turn made more work for the attack planes who had to at least fly some distance to get to the next GV and almost no one brought in bombers.  They'd have been flying around all day trying to get GV's with 1 bomb at a time.  Therfore, while planes did drop bombs on vehicles, it was more difficult for them thus the ground wars were much more fun.

In addition to this, because the planes had to fly around more, there were more defending planes wanting the relatively easy kills on the attackers helping to reduce the bombing problem for the GV's.  Now, to bomb at tank town, all you'd have to do is come in high, dive for the spawn, drop, extend back out and up and leave making the job more difficult for defending fighters.

It's really interesting what a town and the relocation of the vehicle spawns did to this map.  It totally changed it and, at least in my opinion, for the worse.

I understand people probably like this style of play.  While I was thinking about this I finally grasped "whack-a-mole".  I like that description and it really fits here.

I'd like to see 2 versions of this map in rotation, one with the town as it is now and one without, as it was, then let the players decide.  On the other hand maybe they already have.  Maybe HT's got stats that prove it.  I don't know.

I hope that better explains my thoughts as I posted this thread.  As I've said it really had nothing to do with losing my tank.  It had much more to do with the changes that have occured in this map.
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Offline ghi

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« Reply #44 on: February 12, 2007, 11:29:56 PM »
imop, TT is a kindergarten for lazzy overweight azzes style, :Spawn and shot,no need too  think too much,: and they deserve a bomb once in a while to wake them up, and make them more active
« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 11:33:07 PM by ghi »