Yup! Bloody brilliant too, and it's on the last steps before mass production.
It's been, IMHO a little hush-hush about it, and I am not sure their website is even in English yet, - maybe understandable.
I know one of their engineers (well he is in the design and manufacture, as a co-worker and craftsman) and he explained the concept to me.
I also know the guy who did the setup for initial emission tests. (computer setup)
Anyway, the design is simple (mechanichal) and bloody brilliant. Works on all systems (with some little adaptions I presume), - small engines (mower etc), car engines (both diesel and petrol), two-stroke, four-stroke, etc etc.
Emissions of a typical car engine, especially regarding CO (not CO2) go low enough for a "garage suicide" to be impossible. Fuel efficiency is much more (20%+) and power from the same fuel burn is also increased.
20% here, and another 20 there add up nicely.
Reliability is estimated to be better than any systems known, and the costs are low.
The trick is called Total Combustion Technology, and the english abbreviation is TCT.
http://www.fjolblendir.is/No english version. They are now dealing with mass producers, - I think Honda will be involved, and there are discussions with the chinese.
So, tell mr. Branson