This month marks my first year with AH2 - the first 7 months with twist-stick. At that point it was completly natural for me to use the twist function - didnt even think about it, just did it when needed.
When I got my pedals I was forced to be aware of the rudder function, it did not feel natural at all - often I would forget my legs and lock the rudder in a ackward position.
Recently I have again reached that point where I dont think about the rudder in a close turnfight - I just do it per instinct.
But - I dont know if I today would fly different if I had stayed with the twisty-stick.
What I do know is that the pedals for a long period forced me to be more analytic about how my axis movements affected the plane.
I also tend to believe that the greater travel of the pedals gives me more room for precise rudder movements.
And lastly, I have more fun with pedals - this-is-how-a-ww2-bird-is-supposed-to-be-flown-sense just increase the immersion for me

oh - by the way - if you sit in an office chair with wheels (like I do) find a way to block it, or you are in for a surprise first time you push the pedals