Originally posted by BBBB
I have never been able to get a round to connect on a Tiger. That is why I suspect Bronks flims. They are off line and I am pretty sure he lowered the Tigers hardness to make them easier to kill. The total number of Tigers killed by the B-25H since the B-25H came out is: 132 Kills. Compare that with the number of B-25Hs being killed by tigers: 465.
I've been able to kill Tigers, Panzers, T-34s and Fireflys in the B-25H. It's not easy to get an out right 1st shot kill (got lucky only once with a 1 shot kill on a Firefly but I suspected it might have already been damaged before hand). All of them, exept the the lone exception, took multiple passes.
I always strike broadside first, hoping to take out a track. If I see the tank has lost a track then I change my attack course and come at if from the rear, hitting the engine compartment. Usually 1 or 2 rounds fired from close range (600 to 400 yards) is enough to get it to start smoking. Then I just keep at it until it blows. More often than not, it takes almost a full ammo load of 75mm to take out a tank. It can be done but it's not easy and best results usually come from hitting in a weak area like the engine and firing at a close range.
Soft skinned GVs like M-16s, LVTs, Osties and jeeps are a lot easier and increased chance of taking them out with one shot.
However, as with all thing with life, YMMV.