Author Topic: Aggravated Assault/ Some legal advice wanted/ I'M fine, but you should see the HIM!  (Read 12665 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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I only have one question.   Why on God's Green Earth would you "shake the guy's hand"?     This is where I lose all rationale of what happened.
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Offline Neubob

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Originally posted by Masherbrum
I only have one question.   Why on God's Green Earth would you "shake the guy's hand"?     This is where I lose all rationale of what happened.

See, Mash, herein lies Serenity's brilliance...

Already resigned to the fact that a mugging was inevitable, he concluded that his best chance to catch the dastardly scoundrels after the fact would be to get one of their fingerprints.


Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by GtoRA2
You know Serenity prolly made this all up, but he is a kid, kids do stuff like that.

What’s really sad is the adults in this thread picking on a 14 year old. You would think they would act in a more mature manor, but I guess that’s to much to hope from some of these "adults".

Picking on someone?  This implies that any such criticism is unwarranted.

I guess in some nutjob societies it's ok to fabricate and lie simply because you are 14.  I've never been there, though.

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by Masherbrum
I only have one question.   Why on God's Green Earth would you "shake the guy's hand"?     This is where I lose all rationale of what happened.

Because, what if I was wrong? Often times I think the worst of people and follow stereotypes. Just because I had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen, doesnt mean i'm going to reject what on the surface is a friendly gesture.

Why did I take two blind side punches and still remember? When was the last time you've heard of a guy getting punched in the cheeck and forgetting things? Now, if they had aimed for my stomach, I have no doubt I would have dropped with the first punch, but again, he is stupid enough to punch SOLID BONE. Any idiot knows better than that!

And as to the lack of a police report: Are any of you police officers? Do you KNOW any? Ask them if the police would release a report of a crime against a minor, when the victim has opted to press charges, but before it has gone to trial. Unless Hawaii is a wack-job state in withholding this, I'm pretty sure this is what they would tell you will happen.

Oh, and by the way. I've provided pictures of the damages to support my claim. Can you offer ANY evidence whatsoever that this is a lie? Didn't think so. So be prepared to provide proof before you make these claims.

Offline wulfie-away

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Originally posted by Serenity
Alright, heres the background. My name is John Carter, and I have been to Mars...

"In under a second I had my knife out, extended, and within centimeters of his throaght."

Under a second? You sure about the time elapsed here? Hand into pocket, grab knife, hand out of pocket, deploy knife blade?

"I was ready to deliver a lethal blow, and would enjoy it SO much. But then my concience kicked in."

A lethal blow, with a 5" blade? 'Just like that'? Where'd your proficiency come from exactly?

Why would you 'enjoy it so much'?

As for your conscience kicking in, you must be a wired-in-the-brain killer. In the midst of a 2-on-1, both guys bigger than you, both islanders (the rough-tough types are uniformly nasty), you with a deployed blade an inch from one of their throats (and he just stood there, huh? didn't jump back, jump and tackle you, etc.?), and some non-caveman-vs.-sabertooth higher brain function actually takes control of the show for a few seconds? Kid, you're a replicant. :)

"knowing that while I would have NO problems leaving them both unconcious"

The 'knowing' has me a little worried. Especially for a  2d year judo student.

"I might just get annoyed enough to USE the knife"

So your conscience has it under control when the knife is out, and you're all set to kill the dude, but you're worried that once it's back in your pocket, with both of them out of the fight, you might pull it again and get all chechen on their asses?

I'd say don't go USAF. I wouldn't want you dumping a 500 lb.'r on a bunch of dead jihaddis because they shot their AKs at your jet...while I'm busy poking around amongst them.

I mean I know Eagl is a whoopeeed Dyed-in-the-wool Killer, be he's a Professional and I don't think there's an ounce of chechen in him. :) (Heya Eagl :))

"Id swear I felt a rib crack"

Tell me, what exactly is the sensation of 'feeling a rib crack' when you kick a guy while you are wearing shoes?

"A quick slash to his throaght, and plunge it into his back... he'll be no concern and it will be so much fun!"

A quick his throat...with a 5" folder. A plunge into his back...with a 5" folder. Someone get on the phone with the knife design guys. They are putting a few un-needed extra inches on all those combat/fighting knives.

Again with the 'fun' comment. You are a genetic killer I guess. I know a guy who has had to actually kill someone with his hands within the last few years. He had over 100+ lbs. of muscle on his enemy (and that's a low-side guesstimate), far superior training, had been in combat numerous times before it happened, and when he was giving me the scoop, 'fun' was about the furthest thing from his tone of voice.

Ok, all slagging don't know me from Adam. And you're nowhere close to that POS voss. You're a kid who made up a story about a fight, to make you look like a badass. You're 15? No harm no foul.

I am worried about your attitude though. Let me explain why.

When I was 15-16, I gurantee I would have kicked your bellybutton 6 ways from Sunday. I fought full contact, had a very strong boxing background, I (thought) 'knew' I was good, and it felt good. I fought all the time - on the mats, and in the ring.

And then I ran across some real street kids, and did knock one of them out (which surprised them, because I was really drunk, and stupid because of it, and stumbled on them breaking the law, and was too f*cking clueless to read all the signs they gave me to "F*cking leave now, drunk stupid rich white boy"), and then the oldest of them did have a knife to my throat after I'd been tackled and pinned by 3 or 4 others...


...they had me cold. My clueless non-streetwise friends had cleared the alley, had no clue I wasn't with them anymore, and the oldest of the street fighter kids (he was probably 22? We were all 17 and therefore invincible) had this knife to my throat, I was helpless, and he didn't kill me. Told the others "Let him go and let's get the f*ck outa here".

So take it from me, your attitude can get you killed. I had more skills, and more muscle to back mine up, and my attitude was more "I am a badass because I fight more than anyone I know and I do it well" as opposed to your "I need to make people think I am a badass" and I still wound up pinned with a knife to my throat in a dark space between buildings off of El Camino Real. I swear to the gods that guy is one of the top 3 people I'd like to meet again, because that's the only time in my life that someone hostile has had me 'dead to rights' and they basically opted to not kill me. I'd love to meet that guy and say 'thanks for showing mercy on my stupid dumb 17 years-old arrogant punk ass'. I'd buy him a case of beer a month for the rest of his life. No joke.

I'll tell you one other thing that will make you 100x the man at 15 that voss ever was - come clean. Just tell eveyrone it was B.S. and you're sorry. You're 15, nobody's gonna really bust your balls for it that bad, and in 3 or 4 years you're not going to know any of these guys anyways. But it will show character.

Trust me.

As for you guys making the voss comparisons - remember exactly what voss claimed. No comparison in my book.

Can't wait to try AH again once I get a life and a comp. setup to handle it.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 07:26:47 PM by wulfie-away »

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by wulfie-away
"In under a second I had my knife out, extended, and within centimeters of his throaght."

Under a second? You sure about the time elapsed here? Hand into pocket, grab knife, hand out of pocket, deploy knife blade?

I have VERY fast reflexes.

"I was ready to deliver a lethal blow, and would enjoy it SO much. But then my concience kicked in."

A lethal blow, with a 5" blade? 'Just like that'? Where'd your proficiency come from exactly?
Id say having your wind-pipe sliced open has a tendency to be quite lethal.
Why would you 'enjoy it so much'?
Because when someone tries to cause me pain, I take a LOT of joy in delivering to them even MORE pain.
As for your conscience kicking in, you must be a wired-in-the-brain killer. In the midst of a 2-on-1, both guys bigger than you, both islanders (the rough-tough types are uniformly nasty), you with a deployed blade an inch from one of their throats (and he just stood there, huh? didn't jump back, jump and tackle you, etc.?), and some non-caveman-vs.-sabertooth higher brain function actually takes control of the show for a few seconds? Kid, you're a replicant. :)

The SOB was too stupid to notice it. And as for my concience, I dont know why I took the time to think. I normally just react, and don't care about the consiquences. But, for some reason, this time I thought ahead to the results of my actions. Who knows, maybe its just a little maturity finally rearing its head.

"knowing that while I would have NO problems leaving them both unconcious"

The 'knowing' has me a little worried. Especially for a  2d year judo student.
They obviously had no clue how to fight. Thats what makes me so confident. Anyone unable to incapacitate someone smaller than them in two blind-side punches obviously doesnt know what he is doing.
"I might just get annoyed enough to USE the knife"

So your conscience has it under control when the knife is out, and you're all set to kill the dude, but you're worried that once it's back in your pocket, with both of them out of the fight, you might pull it again and get all chechen on their asses?
By that I meant if they continued attacking me. I have a nasty temper, I'll be the first to admit it.
I'd say don't go USAF. I wouldn't want you dumping a 500 lb.'r on a bunch of dead jihaddis because they shot their AKs at your jet...while I'm busy poking around amongst them.
I mean I know Eagl is a whoopeeed Dyed-in-the-wool Killer, be he's a Professional and I don't think there's an ounce of chechen in him. :) (Heya Eagl :))

"Id swear I felt a rib crack"

Tell me, what exactly is the sensation of 'feeling a rib crack' when you kick a guy while you are wearing shoes?
Um, what used to be a solid rib-cage giving way under your heel?
"A quick slash to his throaght, and plunge it into his back... he'll be no concern and it will be so much fun!"

A quick his throat...with a 5" folder. A plunge into his back...with a 5" folder. Someone get on the phone with the knife design guys. They are putting a few un-needed extra inches on all those combat/fighting knives.
Um, you can kill someone by stabbing them with a pencil if you do it just right. There isnt more than 5 inches of flesh between your skin and your spinal cord, nor is there more than 5 inches between your skin and your corroted artery. 5 inches is more than enough. Longer knives just mean you dont need to aim as carfully, they penetrate farther, and so you can cut into any part, not just those closest to the surface.
Again with the 'fun' comment. You are a genetic killer I guess. I know a guy who has had to actually kill someone with his hands within the last few years. He had over 100+ lbs. of muscle on his enemy (and that's a low-side guesstimate), far superior training, had been in combat numerous times before it happened, and when he was giving me the scoop, 'fun' was about the furthest thing from his tone of voice.
Like I said, I have a nasty temper. 15 years of being treated like nothing because of the color of my skin has given me a VERY nasty attitude. I can take verbal assaults, but if you want to make it physical, I WILL enjoy every blow, every cut, and every scrape I deliver to you.
Ok, all slagging don't know me from Adam. And you're nowhere close to that POS voss. You're a kid who made up a story about a fight, to make you look like a badass. You're 15? No harm no foul.

I am worried about your attitude though. Let me explain why.

When I was 15-16, I gurantee I would have kicked your bellybutton 6 ways from Sunday. I fought full contact, had a very strong boxing background, I (thought) 'knew' I was good, and it felt good. I fought all the time - on the mats, and in the ring.

And then I ran across some real street kids, and did knock one of them out (which surprised them, because I was really drunk, and stupid because of it, and stumbled on them breaking the law, and was too f*cking clueless to read all the signs they gave me to "F*cking leave now, drunk stupid rich white boy"), and then the oldest of them did have a knife to my throat after I'd been tackled and pinned by 3 or 4 others...


...they had me cold. My clueless non-streetwise friends had cleared the alley, had no clue I wasn't with them anymore, and the oldest of the street fighter kids (he was probably 22? We were all 17 and therefore invincible) had this knife to my throat, I was helpless, and he didn't kill me. Told the others "Let him go and let's get the f*ck outa here".

So take it from me, your attitude can get you killed. I had more skills, and more muscle to back mine up, and my attitude was more "I am a badass because I fight more than anyone I know and I do it well" and I still wound up pinned with a knife to my throat in a dark space between buildings off of El Camino Real. I swear to the gods that guy is one of the top 3 people I'd like to meet again, because that's the only time in my life that someone hostile has had me 'dead to rights' and basically opted to not kill me.

I'll tell you one other thing that will make you 100x the man at 15 that voss ever was - come clean. Just tell eveyrone it was B.S. and you're sorry. You're 15, nobody's gonna really bust your balls for it that bad, and in 3 or 4 years you're not going to know any of these guys anyways. But it will show character.

I'd love to do that, but this isn't B.S. And I know my attitude will probably end me up in a very bad spot, and probably even killed. I'm more than aware of that. But my attitude isnt that I'm badass. I know I can be beaten, EASILY. But in this case, I wasn't the underdog. They were clueless idiots who expected an easy victim and were surprised. The only thing I have on the guys here is that I react quickly, and powerfully. I dont waste time bragging about how tough I am, I don't try to act tough. I'll put everything I have into it, and not waste time being cool about it. And, I just don't fear a lot of things. I know I'm going to get hurt. I'm not afraid of it. I know I'm going to die eventually, I'm not afraid of it. Again, if they get two good punches in and cannot even cause me the slightest pain, I KNOW ive got nothing to worry about.

Trust me.

As for you guys making the voss comparisons - remember exactly what voss claimed. No comparison in my book.

Can't wait to try AH again once I get a life and a comp. setup to handle it.


Offline Neubob

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I react quickly, and powerfully. I dont waste time bragging about how tough I am, I don't try to act tough. I'll put everything I have into it, and not waste time being cool about it. And, I just don't fear a lot of things. I know I'm going to get hurt. I'm not afraid of it. I know I'm going to die eventually, I'm not afraid of it. Again, if they get two good punches in and cannot even cause me the slightest pain, I KNOW ive got nothing to worry about.

So, not only do you wear his shirt, but now you've co-opted his persona! Astounding.

Serenity doesn't get mugged... Serenity allows large men to handle him in a rough manner because he's THAT comfortable with his masculinity.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 07:59:54 PM by Neubob »

Offline Golfer

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"We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and to live honorably, so help me God. "

You haven't taken this oath yet but I'm sure you know it's significance.

Offline SteveBailey

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Originally posted by Serenity
, when the victim has opted to press charges,  

In the end, the police have YET to find them

ROFL.  Press charges against whom?   :rofl   :aok

Offline Serenity

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Originally posted by Golfer
"We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and to live honorably, so help me God. "

You haven't taken this oath yet but I'm sure you know it's significance.

Yes, and I have yet to lie. I'm still waiting for a shred of solid evidence other than Bob's speculations showing that I am lieing. And bob, I didnt say I allowed it. I just said I wasnt afraid of them, because they OBVIOUSLY couldnt hurt me.

And Steve. When the police take a report, they ask "If the criminals are caught, do you want to press charges?". They ask, because sometimes people don't want to go thrugh the work of actually pressing charges. I said "Yes, I do want to press charges". Them asking this question doesnt require the criminals to be caught first. In fact, there is a segment ON the police report asking if you would be willing to press charges.

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Originally posted by Serenity
Just because I had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen, doesnt mean i'm going to reject what on the surface is a friendly gesture.


Ive been in Hawaii long enough to know I was about to get mugged.

:rofl    :aok

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
:rofl    :aok

And what do you mean to say with this? Have you ever gotten a feeling someone was about to do something only to be proven wrong? I had a distinct feeling something bad was about to happen. Unfortunately, I was right. Now, what if I was wrong? What if I refused to shake his hand and return the gesture. He would have been offended and knocked me anyway. Its a lose/lose situation, so what harm is done in shaking his hand?

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Originally posted by Serenity

Why did I take two blind side punches and still remember? , he is stupid enough to punch SOLID BONE. Any idiot knows better than that!


Let me help you for the sake of future lying.  If anyone who knows even remotely how to deliver a blow punches you in the cheekbone"blindside", you'd most likely  be concussed and have broken  facial bones to go with it.  You need to get over your "solid bone fantasy"

Oh ya, about that solid bone fantasy. The Zyogmatic, or cheek bone, is actually perforated to allow for the passage of nerve/vessels.

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Originally posted by Serenity
And what do you mean to say with this? Have you ever gotten a feeling someone was about to do something only to be proven wrong? I had a distinct feeling something bad was about to happen. Unfortunately, I was right. Now, what if I was wrong? What if I refused to shake his hand and return the gesture. He would have been offended and knocked me anyway. Its a lose/lose situation, so what harm is done in shaking his hand?

Well since you asked, and you "knew" you were going to be mugged: The only intelligent first move, since you had no-one else to protect, would have been to retreat/do your best to avoid the confrontation. Your failure to avoid the conflict was your first of several foolish moves in your fictional story.

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Originally posted by SteveBailey
If anyone who knows even remotely how to deliver a blow punches you in the cheekbone"blindside", you'd most likely  be concussed and have broken  facial bones to go with it.

Did I not say he obviously had no idea what he was doing? While the cheeck may be perforated, it puts up a lot more resistance than say, the gut. Theres no part of the human body impervious to damage, but I'd say the cheeck is pretty solid compared to the rest of your body.