Actually, Neubob, I did initially think you taking the p*** out of certain individuals around here but changed my mind. Mea culpa.
However, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but saying "Nuke Mecca" generates the same reaction as "Death to Israel" from me. And usually involves words akin to imbecile.
I'd also like you to point out where I have ever even echoed a sentiment such as "Nuke Hanukkah". I accept your apology in advance.
Finally, I've never considered "Nuke Uncle Sam" was a popular phrase. "Nuke America" I've heard of, perhaps even seen on a placard, although I would say it is a Cold War thing. Either way, Google returns 10 times as many references to the latter compared to the former.
It seems the imbeciles prefer to go with the literal rather than the abstract. I guess it is punchier.