The KOTH TOC is this saturday january 5th at 3pm EST, first plane will be the P-47D-35.
Latest and updated list, including December results is:
2007 Winners: AKDogg[3], BearKats[2], BluKitty[2], Fester[2], Lazer, Murdr, Platano[2], SkyRock, Slash27, TC[3], Vlkyrie1, WMLute[5].
2007 Wabbits: AKDogg[3], Allison, Alucard[3], A8coflys, BearKats[4], Biggles[2], Blukitty,Bruv119, Dweeb, Fester, Fianna, Fringe[2], FX1[2], Hornet, Jim Beam,Kappa, lucine, m00t, Muppy, Murdr[4], Platano[3], Scotch, SkyRock, Squealer, TC[3], TW9, Vudak, WaRLoCkL[2], Weak, WMLute[3].
Looking at the numbers you have to consider AKDogg, BearKats, BluKitty, Murdr, Platano, TC and WMLute and Fester early favorites.
Previous two winners did get invitations.