Here is the Youtube direct version in case the volume was too low and you wish to boost it... absolutely LOVE the fact that this Socialist gun hating woman, Mika Brzezinski, got it shoved in her face on camera by her co-anchor by making Mika Brzezinski admit to the viewing lefty audence that Jeanne Assam, a private citizen armed with her own gun and ccw permit, stopped that killer dead in his tracks and saved so many lives.
Mika, repeat after me, gun in the hands of the good guys defending unarmed people is a good thing. Therefore, guns are not killers... murderers are killers.
WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This just MAKES MY DAY!!!
Her co-anchor made her look like the bellybutton she is, in my opinion
Here is a comment about the video from a Youtuber:
"wilburjr: I usually vote democratic but believe that #2 means 'me and you'. If a gun stops a nut from hurting people, then a gun is good. Please view search word wilburjr -thanks."
The backlash amongst the lefties against vilifying guns instead of people is starting, it seems...