I hear everyone squawking about vulching, HO'ing, dweebery, ganging etc.
Maybe we should set forth Rules of engagement In AVA. here are my thoughts.
1. No HO'ing, on the merge you cannot fire at your opponent. you must wait to get atleast a 10 or 2 o'clock shot.
2. no vulching. if the guy is coming in for a landing, you cannot shoot him.
If hes taking off, you cant shoot til the wheels are up!
3. Ack Running. if in a 1V1 you are not allowed to run to ACK. you must fight like a man and either live or die. if on the other hand you are in a 1 V 5 or more, you are now allowed to run like hell if you like.
4. Ganging, No more then 3V1 if you are the 4th fighter, you must pull off and go find something else to do.
5. running, once you've turn tailed and left the fighting field, even if being chased, you are not allowed to turn and go back after the guy chasing you. you must return to base and re-up.
6. alt monkey. you are not allowed to BNZ the other side from more then 2000 above said victim. you cannot loiter at 20k and then come blasting in on a guy at 8k. Not allowed, sorry!
7. interuptions. you are not allowed to interupt anyone engaged in a intimate conversation with a sheep. and no sheep-sharing!!
any thoughts??? this is just my 2 cents
Long Live Storch!!