Lazs, it's the path of reason that guides you to best satisfy your love for fellow men. If the guy is drowning and you (for whatever reason) would sink while trying to rescue him, or die and thus feed two rather than one soul to the sharks, and have nothing to show for your efforts (save a few seconds of hope to the drowning guy), you haven't done something that stands up to reason
Just as it doesn't stand up to reason to feed an addicts habits.. Nor try and meet him "halfway". You get him out of the addiction.
I think if reason supplants emotion, there's never more, and probably less than, 1% of hesitation where reason gets in the way of action. Reason is sovereign, not emotion.. I'm all ears to being proven wrong, but so far, I haven't seen any reason to think otherwise.
If all you have in your head is your goal, then the time of hesitation is very very small. 1% at the very most. If you have things figured out well enough, you don't have to crunch any numbers. Reaction's instantaneous except in situations where you have to reassess a lot of things. It's like turning one cog at one end of a chain of cogwheel machinery: turn the first, and everything else turns, including the other extremity of the chain, where the "solution" cogwheel says what to do. Not the clearest analogy, but that's how it works in my mind.
I don't think it really would be longer than an emotive response.