Author Topic: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are  (Read 7872 times)

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #165 on: June 11, 2008, 09:17:32 AM »
Who is this waldron character? 

The advice you have given would not be considered sound by most who play the game (myself included) steven.  The general consensus is that flying better players makes you better.  This has been shown over and over again.

my CFI's favorite sayng: ""you only achieve the level you train to.""
to put that into AH only fight lower skilled pilots, you'll remain a lower skilled pilot yourself. fight top notch pilots, and you will eventually become one of those top notch pilots yourself.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #166 on: June 11, 2008, 09:56:21 AM »

Perhaps someone could provide some more interesting advice than "Get a Trainer" "Record your Fights" "Atack everything irrespective" "Take time to learn ACM's"

In all honesty though, those are the best things to do to break out of "noob" status.

The last one, attack everyone irrespective, will in my opinion, get you the quickest results too.

I remember when i first started, flying in an area where there were only a few friendlies and enemies going at it. Bluekitty was one of the enemies, and pulled what i thought were totally impossible reversals over and over  shooting my plane into a million pieces.
The first few times i wanted to take the throttle and stick and throw them against the wall i was so frustrated.

I cracked a beer, took a deep breathe, pressed record, and took off again, this time less concerned with how i was going to win but more just to watch what blue was actually doing. I still lost EVERY fight, but i gave a <S> and logged. The next day i watched the films, and tried to copy blues moves against other opponents. 

You know how i learned what a barrel roll was?  I was fighting biggles, spit vs spit, and just when i had the advantage and was ready to pull the trigger, he performed a perfect barrel roll, fell in behind me, and shot off my tail.

After that I  googled "acm", and realized what that actually meant, and was able to watch guys pull off the moves i read about, and not be in total awe, but determined to learn them myself.

Best thing to do is to be patient and prepared to lose alot before you win alot.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 10:00:07 AM by Speed55 »
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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #167 on: June 11, 2008, 10:39:11 AM »
ill add my wothless two cents in

if you fly the way the original poster says to, then you will NEVER amount to crap in this game, i dont fly so much any more, but i have always flown to the biggest red dar possible,looking to find the best nme  i could, at one point i upped from this base i saw an nme  near he has alt and speed, so what i go after him anyway, well he shoots me down like 6 times in a row!!!! i was so friggen mad, but then i think well what ever, i put myself there. this was a year or more ago,
did i change my tactics? heck no!!!!!
 so a few months ago i am doing my thing attacking a big dar, i am flying solo, i get engaged by at least three nme, i kill the first one, one runs away, the other tries to engage me in my better turning Hurri, he was flying very good but i still killed him!! guess who it was? the same stick that killed me 6 times in a row, i was ecstatic, well in the mean time i was jumped on by another, killed them, and here comes a hurri,  i knew who it was, that same stick, i think you all will know him by "Lynx", well we fight in hurris, to be honest,          i killed him again!!!!!!!!  i was frigging screaming, seriously i was yelling out loud, i was so hyped up, my kids didn't know what to think ? LOL
now if i took the advise of poster that would have never happened, and that day was by far the greatest i ever had in AH!!!!!!!!!

  the fight, thats what AH is about, not score,not being the "best", not running and coming back when the guy is engaged with someone else and picking him,
Not flying with 10 or 15 friendlies jumping on one guy,(LAME), its the fight and having a great time win or loose.
 again just my worthless $02.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #168 on: June 11, 2008, 11:31:10 AM »
I'll add 2 more cents.

If you don't know what a yo-yo, immelmann, hammerhead, barrel roll, split-s, spiral climb, defensive spiral, scissors, rolling scissors, lufbery and every other acm move you are not going to win against a better pilot other than on a lucky shot or a pick.  There are no magic moves (although there may be an occasional game glitch).  All acm are documented.  It's up to you to learn what they are, when to use them, and how to manage them.

If you don't know how to judge and manage relative energy states you aren't going to win against a better pilot.

If you don't practice and become adept at situational awareness, you aren't going to win against a better pilot.

And finally, if you don't study these aspects and then put them to use in a fight (mostly by trial and error), you'll never master them.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #169 on: June 11, 2008, 12:49:50 PM »
I think Waldron's points spark a latent prejudice against newb pilots as contributors seem to feel a collective frustration that new people tend to mob, not learn the skills while looking for shortcuts, stay out of range if they dont have all the advantages, go for Ho'es and glory seek when they have achieved very little.
Experienced people feel they are hunted as trophies especially when they are at a dissadvantage by those who dont appreciate their skills. I know I do it. If I saw an experienced pilot flying low and slow and smoking i would and have thouroughly enjoyed gunning them down :t It proves nothing but it feels great :devil

I say its only to be expected and stop picking on the newbs for getting sick of getting their arses kicked. I saw one guy on here who thought Waldron should be banned. Get a grip.
There's no latent prejudice against noobs, there's no dread of being hunted, no one's picking on the noobs for getting sick of getting their arses kicked.  Waldron should be banned and prolly will be, to see why you need only check out his post history; if the nonsense he's posted in this thread isn't clue enough.
Who said that :huh
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Anodizer

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #170 on: June 11, 2008, 01:15:41 PM »
Oh!! But it IS all about the score, being the best, running and coming back when the guy is engaged with someone else and picking him/her.  That's all it's ever been about.  And there is definitely a hierarchy here  Unfortunately, for the majority to play this game, those despicable facts are true.  There are a number of "honorable" players here as well..  To deny that is to ludicrous.    But most talk smack (me included) and exploit every dishonorable advantage possible.  Gang rapes, picks, hoes, running to ack.....All common place here..  Personally, I think they should make it where you it's dangerous for you to fly through your own ack.  If we're going to be realistic and have it where "realistic" desperation tactics can be used, then the consequences should be just the same: fly through your own ack with one or several on your tail and take your chances..  Can't tell you how many times I've started to duel someone with respectable intentions on my part, and they begin to ho from the start (I can name 10 names off the top of my head) or one of their team-mates picks me after coming down from 10k and zooming at near the speed of light.  I can just imagine hearing them on their squad or range vox "HEELP HELLLP! MY K/D RATIO!!"..  I could care less about rank/score/k/d ratio.  There are less honorable ways to manipulate that stuff and I'm just not a less-than-honorable guy..  But I am a hoot.. :devil  I fight until there are no more enemies, out of ammo, or shot down(which is most of the time).  Let's face it, being denied your kill because you get picked is disappointing to say the least.  It's one thing to help out a team-mate, but it's something else entirely when you are clearly in a 1v1 or even 2v1 (you being the one) and you get picked by the guy you just don't see because you're concentrating on the one you're already dueling.  Yeah, I know what you guys are gonna say about SA and all that, I get it..  But sometimes you're just so in the pipe that all you see is that dude you're desperately trying to gain a lead on so you can cut loose on 'em..  I have a rule that I follow.  If I see a 1v1 whether in the MA or DA, I stay out of it unless I'm asked for help.  And then, ONLY THEN do I come in to lend a hand, most of the time only shooting a warning burst to make the other guy honest..  But that's just me..  But to add to it, when some dirt-ball begins to gloat or you call him out and he makes some remark about your rank or k/d ratio, it's just that much more frustrating and those moments leave you wishing for a monitor that allows you to teleport your fist through it to connect with the other guys face.  I hardly fly in the MA anymore, however I'm finding that now-a-days, the DA is becoming or has already become the same way..  The same old Temp-tards (yes most of them are tardlettes with the only tactics known being hoing, picking, ramming).  Who the hell wants to learn anything when you can have superior performance where it matters most (down low) and think you accomplished something when you do drop from 10k on someone else's fight and take them out after spraying your whole ammo loadout and then landing that one kill.  Wow, such an accomplishment!  BRAVO!! :salute  I know I'm sort of scattered in this post.  But the points I want to make is that to the majority here, their rank has everything to do with it.  I'm sorry, but I hardly believe any of you, especially those of you who know you're pretty good, are not concerned with your score..  It's natural.  After all, I want a better k/d ratio.  I eventually want to be known as someone who is pretty good.  I look up to a few guys here.  I try to record every encounter that I think may be them (based on plane and tactics)..  I learn some things.  Some things are harder to grasp.  Some planes I truly want to be better at and it makes me stay away from others that are easier to get kills in.  I stay away from flying perked planes for the most part and even I have the perks, I'd probably never fly them(just signed up again after being gone for awhile).  I'd love to be one of those guys who can make a 38 do things people simply can't comprehend.  I ending up investing some money into my set-up (Hotas and bigger monitor).  I've got all the tools to make me better.  Now comes the study part..  I watch all the videos I can find regarding ACM maneuvers and theory.  I practice them (will someone freakin' show me how to do a defensive barrel role already?????)  Ultimately, I believe it takes some amount of talent to play this game and patience to get better (of which I truly lack patience). 

ill add my wothless two cents in

if you fly the way the original poster says to, then you will NEVER amount to crap in this game, i dont fly so much any more, but i have always flown to the biggest red dar possible,looking to find the best nme  i could, at one point i upped from this base i saw an nme  near he has alt and speed, so what i go after him anyway, well he shoots me down like 6 times in a row!!!! i was so friggen mad, but then i think well what ever, i put myself there. this was a year or more ago,
did i change my tactics? heck no!!!!!
 so a few months ago i am doing my thing attacking a big dar, i am flying solo, i get engaged by at least three nme, i kill the first one, one runs away, the other tries to engage me in my better turning Hurri, he was flying very good but i still killed him!! guess who it was? the same stick that killed me 6 times in a row, i was ecstatic, well in the mean time i was jumped on by another, killed them, and here comes a hurri,  i knew who it was, that same stick, i think you all will know him by "Lynx", well we fight in hurris, to be honest,          i killed him again!!!!!!!!  i was frigging screaming, seriously i was yelling out loud, i was so hyped up, my kids didn't know what to think ? LOL
now if i took the advise of poster that would have never happened, and that day was by far the greatest i ever had in AH!!!!!!!!!

  the fight, thats what AH is about, not score,not being the "best", not running and coming back when the guy is engaged with someone else and picking him,
Not flying with 10 or 15 friendlies jumping on one guy,(LAME), its the fight and having a great time win or loose.
 again just my worthless $02.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 01:18:11 PM by Anodizer »
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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #171 on: June 11, 2008, 01:38:00 PM »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #172 on: June 11, 2008, 08:28:21 PM »
I think Waldron's points spark a latent prejudice against newb pilots as contributors seem to feel a collective frustration that new people tend to mob, not learn the skills while looking for shortcuts, stay out of range if they dont have all the advantages, go for Ho'es and glory seek when they have achieved very little.
Experienced people feel they are hunted as trophies especially when they are at a dissadvantage by those who dont appreciate their skills. I know I do it. If I saw an experienced pilot flying low and slow and smoking i would and have thouroughly enjoyed gunning them down :t It proves nothing but it feels great :devil

I say its only to be expected and stop picking on the newbs for getting sick of getting their arses kicked. I saw one guy on here who thought Waldron should be banned. Get a grip.

I don't think there is a prejudice against newbs, but maybe against those who lay out blanket statements as a "tip" that isn't going to help anyone. Its not that Stephen is a newb that people object to what he post, but the statements that he posted.

Not being able to speak for anyone else, but I, as a more experienced player don't feel as tho I'm "hunted", nor would I consider myself at a disadvantage being low, slow and smoking. I would consider it a challenge to kill that  guy diving in on me thinking he has an easy kill.

Newbs will ALWAYS get their arses kicked due to the game being so in depth, so well thought out, so well presented. The attraction draws them in faster than they can learn. It is the nature of the beast. Those who accept that they will not only die, but often, are those they will be the upped tier in a few months feeding off everyone else.

Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #173 on: June 11, 2008, 09:19:04 PM »
Then you can have FUN playing with yourself.
You know, there are other ways to can have "fun" playing with yourself...


Say, I vote for a sticky, a lock, and a thread re-name to "How not to start a thread" or something similar
Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #174 on: June 11, 2008, 09:52:48 PM »
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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #175 on: June 12, 2008, 11:34:39 AM »
I think you guys are being a bit harsh.  I have actually taken this advice and put it to practical use in other areas of my life.  For instance, I am a huge MMA fan, and have always thought it would be great to get to fight in the Octagon, but knowing my age, physical conditioning, and overall work ethic would be a factor in my failure I never dared to dream... Until now!  I joined a gym that teaches ju-jitsu, kickboxing, judo etc.  So last night I'm at the gym, there a few guys sparring and rolling around on the mats.  I'm just kind of hanging out on the fringes, jumping a little rope, doing some stretches, basically waiting for my time to strike.  Knowing I am no match for these young guys physically, I must use my intellectual advantage.  Then I see it, one of the Behemoth's pulls the other to the ground.  I think to myself "WWWD? (what would waldron do?)".  The answer is obvious.  Without hesitation I fling my 5lb. dumbells to the side and swoop in for a drive by headkicking!  Or, as I like to think of it, a perfectly time B&Z.  Victory is mine! The good news is, the doctor said I will make a full recovery and I was refunded all of my gym dues! I RULE!

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #176 on: June 12, 2008, 11:56:42 AM »
I think you guys are being a bit harsh.  I have actually taken this advice and put it to practical use in other areas of my life.  For instance, I am a huge MMA fan, and have always thought it would be great to get to fight in the Octagon, but knowing my age, physical conditioning, and overall work ethic would be a factor in my failure I never dared to dream... Until now!  I joined a gym that teaches ju-jitsu, kickboxing, judo etc.  So last night I'm at the gym, there a few guys sparring and rolling around on the mats.  I'm just kind of hanging out on the fringes, jumping a little rope, doing some stretches, basically waiting for my time to strike.  Knowing I am no match for these young guys physically, I must use my intellectual advantage.  Then I see it, one of the Behemoth's pulls the other to the ground.  I think to myself "WWWD? (what would waldron do?)".  The answer is obvious.  Without hesitation I fling my 5lb. dumbells to the side and swoop in for a drive by headkicking!  Or, as I like to think of it, a perfectly time B&Z.  Victory is mine! The good news is, the doctor said I will make a full recovery and I was refunded all of my gym dues! I RULE!

LMMFAO! ODBAL! Damn glad you're back! OMG! my tummy is hurting from laughing so HARD!

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #177 on: June 12, 2008, 01:19:20 PM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #178 on: June 12, 2008, 04:56:11 PM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
<S> Odbal
See Rule #4

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Learn Who The Enemy Aces Are
« Reply #179 on: June 12, 2008, 06:13:43 PM »
I think you guys are being a bit harsh.  I have actually taken this advice and put it to practical use in other areas of my life.  For instance, I am a huge MMA fan, and have always thought it would be great to get to fight in the Octagon, but knowing my age, physical conditioning, and overall work ethic would be a factor in my failure I never dared to dream... Until now!  I joined a gym that teaches ju-jitsu, kickboxing, judo etc.  So last night I'm at the gym, there a few guys sparring and rolling around on the mats.  I'm just kind of hanging out on the fringes, jumping a little rope, doing some stretches, basically waiting for my time to strike.  Knowing I am no match for these young guys physically, I must use my intellectual advantage.  Then I see it, one of the Behemoth's pulls the other to the ground.  I think to myself "WWWD? (what would waldron do?)".  The answer is obvious.  Without hesitation I fling my 5lb. dumbells to the side and swoop in for a drive by headkicking!  Or, as I like to think of it, a perfectly time B&Z.  Victory is mine! The good news is, the doctor said I will make a full recovery and I was refunded all of my gym dues! I RULE!

Now THIS is a man with a sense of humor.   Most excellent!!!   :salute
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