Author Topic: Here is a blast form the past  (Read 8327 times)

Offline Noir

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2008, 03:42:19 PM »
It has the 30 gallon DT does it not?

same slip tank that the other spits.
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Offline Yarbles

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2008, 05:32:49 AM »
BTW Do these threads ever lead to any changes or are we just amusing ourselves which is ok but you know?

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Offline stroker71

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2008, 01:54:56 PM »
Makes me wonder about the whole perk/eny system we have now.  I understand perked planes have to do with several factors (production #'s, speed, guns, ect).  But is the spit 14 such a deadly plane?  Same guns as a spit 16 without the clipped wings.  If it had 4 hispanos with clipped wings I could see a perk on it.  But in it's current configuration there is nothing special in the everyday MA fight.  Don't get me wrong it's fun to fly, I just want it unperked!
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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2008, 01:58:59 PM »
Makes me wonder about the whole perk/eny system we have now.  I understand perked planes have to do with several factors (production #'s, speed, guns, ect).  But is the spit 14 such a deadly plane?  Same guns as a spit 16 without the clipped wings.  If it had 4 hispanos with clipped wings I could see a perk on it.  But in it's current configuration there is nothing special in the everyday MA fight.  Don't get me wrong it's fun to fly, I just want it unperked!
You realize it has a completely different, more powerful engine than any other spit we have in game, correct?

Offline Simaril

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2008, 08:11:08 PM »

ENY and perk values aren't determined by the factors you mention - instead, the whole thing boils down to the plane's effect on gameplay, and on how the plane actually stacks up in "end result" statistics. So the talk of the Spit XIV's impact on the arenas is right on the mark.


Yes, this kind of discussion does lead to results. For example, the Ta152 was a perked plane up until recently, but after guys posted fair amounts of rational, logical discussion HT came to agree with the points and made the change. Most of the time, nothing happens -- because most of the time the complaints are endless repetitions of issues that have been beaten into the ground long ago. If you want to be heard, do your research, think thihgs through, and make a rational case for the point you're trying to make. Don't whine, show maturity, and stick to the point.
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Offline Yarbles

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2008, 08:19:12 AM »

If you want to be heard, do your research, think thihgs through, and make a rational case for the point you're trying to make. Don't whine, show maturity, and stick to the point.

Sounds like you are having a bad day mate I did nt notice anyone doing any of the above. I like you find some of the endless whingeing repetition on here annoying but I think it is important not to tar everyone with the same brush. Rather than insulting people I would suggest you explain how unperking the 14 would "unbalance the game" in a "rational mature way" showing that "you have thought it through"!!!

I think the main point has been answered in that it is unlikely to unbalance the arena. It just gives us another plane that is good up high. I think its superior handling characteristics to the P51 and P47 might decrease their use as fighter interceptors at altitude when range isnt the issue but I do not see this as a problem as it lacks the range, durability, ammunition load and ordanance capability of these heavier planes.


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Offline stroker71

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2008, 02:45:07 PM »
Didn't know I was whining. Thanks for letting me know!  Boils down to Spit14 isn't a game unbalancing plane.  If they unperk it you'll se alot of them at first then when everyone figures ont it's NOT an uber plane things will go back as they are now.  Very rare to see a 14 flying around.  Last night I outflew and shot down one in a 205 and he had alt coming into the fight.  But in his defence he kept turning to the right...big no no in that plane.  Most MA fights are low...Spit14 is not a low alt fighter.  I think HTC should give it a shot at unperking it for a few tours...see what happens. 
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Offline Simaril

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2008, 03:39:41 PM »
Sounds like you are having a bad day mate I did nt notice anyone doing any of the above. I like you find some of the endless whingeing repetition on here annoying but I think it is important not to tar everyone with the same brush. Rather than insulting people I would suggest you explain how unperking the 14 would "unbalance the game" in a "rational mature way" showing that "you have thought it through"!!!


Sorry, on re-reading that I can see how it might have seemed to be pointed at you. That was not my intent at all: was just trying to make an outline of how things get done in general. No insult intended~!
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2008, 04:02:11 PM »
Boils down to Spit14 isn't a game unbalancing plane.  If they unperk it you'll se alot of them at first then when everyone figures ont it's NOT an uber plane things will go back as they are now.  Very rare to see a 14 flying around.  Last night I outflew and shot down one in a 205 and he had alt coming into the fight.  But in his defence he kept turning to the right...big no no in that plane.  Most MA fights are low...Spit14 is not a low alt fighter.

Neither is the P-51D. Neither is the Me109. These planes are geared for high altitude fighting, yet they still outperform many "low alt" planes even on the deck.

The spit14 is well over 20mph faster than most other spits. It's just about 20mph faster than the spit16. More so the other models.

It's even MORE so above this compared to the C205.

Oh, and a Spit14's engine turns the other way. Turning right for him is a GOOD thing, and bad for your c205. The c205 turns better to the left. I don't know how high you had to dive from to get onto his 6, but unless he was already in a fight or just plain dumb, you should never have caught him.

Think of a spit as fast as the P-51D at almost all altitudes, and ever faster than one above 25k+. Now imagine a p51 with 2x hispanos on it. Now you've got an idea of why the spit14 is uber. Sure, doesn't turn as tightly as the other spits -- but they're way over modeled anyways. It's still pretty darn nimble, even if it doesn't turn like a zeke.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2008, 04:14:30 PM »
but they're way over modeled anyways.

How many spitfires have you flown?
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2008, 04:19:58 PM »
False argument.

How many krauts have you killed with a machine gun?

You can learn a lot about how machine guns worked by reading about the real folks that used them, killed with them, read the specs on them, but then you go into a game like RTCW and the machine gun takes 5 hits to the head to kill an enemy, and you know it's not right.

So, false argument aside, many folks believe the spits are over-modeled. I happen to be one of them.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2008, 04:21:56 PM »
false argument aside, many folks believe the spits are over-modeled. I happen to be one of them.

Great, that's your opinion, keep it that way. Please don't state it as fact.

Edit: Kinda like reading about B-24 raids and conclude that "The b-24 never flew at tree top lvl.".  It'd be an opinion, wrong but still an opinion.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 04:27:50 PM by Bronk »
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2008, 05:32:52 PM »
Again, a false argument.

Pulling up an old argument that was never proven. One training photo showed planes at least 60 feet above ground over trees practicing over their own airfield. The claim was they skimmed the grass so low they had grass stuck to antenna under the plane -- which had no antenna for it to stick against, and had no evidence supporting these claims.

Again, none of which has anything to do with this. It's a strawman argument to distract from the subject. It's a false argument and will get you kicked out of any court room or debate hall.

P.S. nit-picking one comment I made doesn't negate the rest of the post I made, stating that the spit14 is still 20mph+ faster than the other spits, has hispanos, fast as a p51 (faster above 25k) and is still a monster of a plane.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2008, 05:36:32 PM by Krusty »

Offline Lusche

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2008, 05:56:09 PM »

P.S. nit-picking one comment I made doesn't negate the rest of the post I made, stating that the spit14 is still 20mph+ faster than the other spits, has hispanos, fast as a p51 (faster above 25k) and is still a monster of a plane.

In theory it is a monster.

In practical AH gameplay, it isn't. A very capable plane in experienced hands indeed, but not that much of a monster.
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Here is a blast form the past
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2008, 05:59:43 PM »
The ki84 is a monster, despite pilots not taking 2 seconds to learn to fly it. The 109K4 is a monster despite its terrible 30mm trajectory.

The stall-speed handling of the spit14 doesn't remove it from monster-dom  :D

Its top speed, zoom climb, sustained climb, and overall roll/turn (just not at 100mph) are in the top percent of the game. That and it's got hispanos.