That's not an accurate statement and you know it. When the USSR was in Afghanistan the US covertly supplied the Muhajadeen (sp?) with weapons. The fact that Osama bin Turdhead was there helping the Afghans fight a foreign power in their country is irrelevant because Mr. Turdhead was not yet a terrorist.
One man's Freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. It's all a point of view. What's really ironic...My brother still has back issues' of
Soldier of Fortune magazine where those journalists' travel to afghanistan and actually live with, and help train those same Taliban guerillas. Why? Because at that time, Osama bin Laden was out there killing communists, which was something that people here only wished they could do. Mr. Turdhead was out there living the Redneck dream.
I'd tell you what the real $64 million dollar question is, though. Were we always' supporting a(n) Islamic radical, or did something happen to make him have a change of heart...?