Author Topic: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game  (Read 7825 times)

Offline Schlowy

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #120 on: September 19, 2008, 06:16:14 PM »
I read all this: I know 190s  :cool:

After reading all this mess, most of you are missing two vocabulary words, what I call instantaneous and sustained turn rates. All 190s in AW3 and in AH2, had the best roll rates, and probably the worst turn rates. What the 190s had in AW3 that they don't have in here is instantaneous turn rates. Hence ya could get a lot of corner for a short few secs but then speed would drop off quickly... the AW3 190s had near the best cornering but the worst Energy retention, it would lose energy quickly when trying to sustain any turn.

What does all this mean? Combined with the roll rate, the instantaneous turn rate allowed a 190 to force an over shoot. What a 190 couldn't out run, it would try to force to overshoot. Now back in those days... ping times were much higher. Forcing an overshoot was much easier. Lag could cause the guy behind you to miss, he shot where u were, but not where u are... to hit, one had to put a larger angle of deflection than ones eyes would assume, even when the target was temporarilly stationary.


190 turn rates explained (as according to my opinion of AW3's) modeling:
From straight and level: If I just instantly pull the stick all the way back, fast as possible, in aw3 the plane would only shudder and speed would drop quickly and probably start rolling, just like in here I suppose, with speed dropping off fast, as the elevators became like airbrakes but worse, causing the air to flutter and become turbulent and we lose control to become falling ducks.

The way to engage the 190's great instantaneous turn rate was pull back slowly at first, until you started getting 'bite' or 'grip' - until the plane started turning. The more it started turning, the more and faster you could pull the stick back and the more bite / grip /turn you would get. What would happen is that after a short few secs 2 or 3, when the stick was all the way back, suddenly it would change and one would be almost shuddering / airbraking again so one had to put the stick back to center quickly. Consider it like a clutch in a car, let off the clutch too fast and it conks out. Put too much gas for too long and ya spin the tires. Do it right and you rapidly pick up speed (get a lot of cornering). Hold the gas too long and its like pushing the breaks - lose E! The process of pulling the stick all the way back only took a few secs, but still tricky.


With these new definitions: (this is what I put on the Fw190 AoA thread in 'aircraft and vehicles,' updated it for here though.)

190s have roll rate in here. The sustained turn rate sux as we all know, but its instantaneous turn rate ruled. In AW3, the 190 used to be able to do 'few second sharp turns' without much penalty to speed / energy. After the few secs tho, speed/energy dropped off fast. With the instantaneous turn rates, one could get off snap shots at enemy planes. The instantaneous turn rate could be combined with the fast roll rate also to try to throw off trailing planes for a min to get speed back, or to force the enemy to fly past. In here, all we do is lose speed, they just slow down and reel us in. We can't force an overshoot, unless much luck.

In aw3, what you couldn't out run, you needed to try to force to fly past you. This was done by fast rolling and short duration high g turns. Hence: balance three angles, your direction (towards your friends or base) and your angle on horizon (if about to stall, get nose down, if got extra speed then could nose up). Try not to nose up if you are trying to build up speed. Do nose up once in awhile if trying to lose speed to force overshoot, in which case hold the turn to bleed off your E when lil by lil or alot when he's not expecting it. Becareful when you are above the horizon in relation to the enemy, your plane is a clearer target. All of that and balance with the angle of the enemy's nose behind you with your plane, you MUST stay out of his front, his bullets. Do this by 'flying out of the back window.' The 190 pilot would be looking out back window to see the enemies nose and bullets. Imagine a square infront of your plane with your base or your friends ahead of the center, and then enemy planes nose in the center also but its behind you. Make your plane follow the lines of a square infront of you, and sometimes diagonally go across it, or reverse the path, instead of clockwise, go counter clockwise for example. Land is very wavy in AH, so ya have to look forward a lot also if not over water. And by all means, push negative g's or use rudder to avoid the enemies bullets. In here the acceleration of 190s seems so poor that once ya give up speed, never mind trying to out run. And since turn rate, instantaneous, is so bad, never mind trying to force overshoot. Just bail out! Doomed! SUX! Once in awhile I've managed to trick planes into falling into the ground, or other tricks, but this is more less 'begging' moves. Yer probly doomed in here if get someone behind you in a 190, especially near to the ground. All the while peeps yell 'picker' and 'come back skilless dweeb.'

Sorry if this seemed repetative, but it got me 2nd place back in aw3 a few months in a row...
I'll quote a guy I shot down once "blank, you lagging blah blah" A good excuse nulifies the kill... the lag excuse isn't available anymore.  :cool:

*Edit: oh, and if you go and look at my ratings however its done, understand that I have such a low morale in here, since 190s are sooo porked in my oppinion, that i crash or just die on a whim lots of times, just because it looks like a fun or neat way to crash, or die. Alot of testing too, seeing what I can get away with.  :(

*Edit: some quotes
"Schlowy makes good bait."... someone.
"I got 4 or 5 kills clearing you" Skyrock <Salute, thx saving me>

*Edit again: Duh, what I flew alot, Fw190a4 (i think, its been awhile) The AW3 D9 was faster that most stuff, with not quit as good a roll rate as the AW3 a4, d9 pilot chose when and where though. Stay fast is/was the d9 rule.
"The AW3 Fw190a4 back then, was a plane that you could disrespect your enemy with." ~ Schlowy :)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 06:47:24 PM by Schlowy »
if the BoB is proof the spitty was better, then the Battle of Dieppe is proof the 109 was better.
Shane said in game 'oh the nazi kid' referring to me...
Lynx got in it saying 'yawn' and then calling me 'tw@' again...
I got chat

Offline yanksfan

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #121 on: September 19, 2008, 07:07:44 PM »
I don't remember who it was who did it, but it's not sliming.  I think it's an interesting yet strange maneuver.  It was on the southern part of the baltic map a couple months ago, I was flying a 109K-4, and a few of the 80th guys were around in P-38s (I want to say they were flying L's because they were white).  I brought up the neg g thing on 200 and received a reply like "What?!  You want me to stay in your gunsight?" :lol

That said, these same pilots were pressing the nits really hard, even though there were only 3 of them.  I enjoyed and appreciated what I saw for the most part.

You don't have film, don't know the pilot, your not sure when or where it was other then it was a couple months ago, and so you decide to bring it up here and now and call the "80th" to the carpet for something you can't give a name to or describe so that anyone would understand what your saying with out describing it for you?

Maybe you should film your B-n-Z dweeb crap and know what your talking about B4 mentioning names, and maybe learn to use your throttle some while cherry picking.

Have a ton of respect for JG11, dude your out of line.
ESTES- will you have my baby?
Ack-Ack -As long as we can name the baby Shuffler if it's a boy and Mensa if it's a girl.

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Offline Urchin

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #122 on: September 20, 2008, 10:19:41 AM »
The 190s are hands down the worst 'fighter' in AH.  Poor performance, exceptionally crappy cockpit visibility, craptastic cannons - the 190s have it all.  In AH1, they were bad.  In AH2, they went from bad to worst.

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #123 on: September 20, 2008, 10:25:44 AM »
Well, my apologies if I offended anyone.  :o

Some people were having a hard time understanding what I was trying to describe, so I thought maybe one of you guys could shed some light on it. <shrug>

Fwiw, I think I was vindicated on calling it a "flat neg g turn," so my original description was accurate.  It's definitely not a neg g pushover, I know the difference.

So this is inaccurate:
something you can't give a name to or describe so that anyone would understand what your saying with out describing it for you?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 10:34:55 AM by Anaxogoras »
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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #124 on: September 20, 2008, 10:51:12 AM »
Gavagai wrote:
P-38s like to do neg g turns in the horizontal,

Ack-Ack wrote:
LOL!  I'm sorry but clueless statements like that just make me chuckle.

Gavagai wrote:
It's a regular defensive tactic for a number of 38 jocks

Ack-Ack wrote:
Anyone that pulls a negative G turn in a horizontal turn fight in a P-38 is just asking to be killed.

Gavagai wrote:
It's not in a turn fight, it's when they are bounced from above high 6 o'clock

Ack-Ack wrote:
You either described the maneuver you're trying to explain incorrectly or you don't have a clue.  Please explain using a negative G turn as a defensive maneuver against being bounced by a high bogie on your six.

Gavagai wrote:
So I'm the bandit, and I'm coming in on a 38's 6 at probably -20 or -30 degrees of pitch.  The 38 rolls left, as if to make an evasive break turn, when the 38 sees me roll left to follow, he pushes forward on the stick into a neg g turn.  Timed correctly, it spoils the bandit's gun solution because following would mean a red-out.  Clearly, it works better on an aircraft with poor high speed roll performance than vice-versa.  In some cases, if I've seen a 38 in the area do this during a previous sortie, I've rolled left and then right immediately to fool the target into the same maneuver, and end up with a belly shot.

Bronk wrote:
Would you happen to have film of this? Sounds like an off angle neg g pushover.

Ack-Ack wrote:
Yep and not a 'negative G turn' like he describes.

Gavagai wrote:
I would think a neg g pushover points the nose down?  In this case, the pitch of the defender remains constant.

Bronk wrote:
So your saying they are doing a flat, Neg g turn?...
I'm still betting there is some vertical component to it though.

Gavagai wrote:
On some occasions the wings rolled more than 90 degrees, so in fact that would result in a little bit of pitch-up.

Ack-Ack wrote:
what you described what basically is a flat, negative G turn

Compare the first quote and the last quote.  Regardless of whether or not the maneuver is good or bad, or how frequently it's used, my description remained consistent through the entire thread, and was finally agreed to be a negative g flat turn, just like I said at the very beginning.
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Offline BnZ

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #125 on: September 20, 2008, 11:46:00 AM »
The 190s are hands down the worst 'fighter' in AH.  Poor performance, exceptionally crappy cockpit visibility, craptastic cannons - the 190s have it all.  In AH1, they were bad.  In AH2, they went from bad to worst.

Yes, I agree, the "bars" on the forward view seem exaggeratedly bad.

I also wish we would split the A-5 into two planes. An A-4 for Early scenarios and something with  more power and perhaps the better outer-wing 20mms for use later. A-6 perhaps?

Urchin, do you think there is anything "wrong" with the 190s relative turn and other performance in AHII or do you feel that being "worst" is right on the button?

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #126 on: September 20, 2008, 11:48:57 AM »
I also wish we would split the A-5 into two planes. An A-4 for Early scenarios and something with  more power and perhaps the better outer-wing 20mms for use later. A-6 perhaps?

Bnz, why would you prefer a split to simply adding the A-4 and A-6? :confused:
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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #127 on: September 20, 2008, 11:56:31 AM »
Bnz, why would you prefer a split to simply adding the A-4 and A-6? :confused:

I wouldn't, but I can already hear people complaining "We have too many 190s now!" "The A-5 will never get flown if you add the A-6." Right. Horrible problem that. Almost as terrible as how the P-40B hardly gets flown because we got the P-40E.

Far as I'm concerned, HTC could add most all produced and flown variants of every plane, but then you'd probably have griefers complaining the plane list takes too long to scroll through  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 11:58:03 AM by BnZ »

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #128 on: September 20, 2008, 11:59:51 AM »
Bnz, why would you prefer a split to simply adding the A-4 and A-6? :confused:

What would you lose replacing the A5 with the A6? I mean, with the G10-K4 thing, you lost the ability to carry 1 or 3 20mm's, but there's absolutely no advantage to having MGFF's to MG151/20s.

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #129 on: September 20, 2008, 12:11:31 PM »
334th FS

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #130 on: September 20, 2008, 12:14:17 PM »
I'd think that the A5 and the A6's production areas intersect each other well enough that you could just put the A6 in. The outboard cannons generally aren't used anyway (I don't use them, at least, even in the A8...)

Offline Anaxogoras

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #131 on: September 20, 2008, 12:26:14 PM »
I can never support the removal of any aircraft from the game if it saw action in WW2.  I know it's been done before, and not just to the 109, but I can't fathom a justification for it, save a desire to lump things together that were different.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 12:31:10 PM by Anaxogoras »
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Offline Urchin

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #132 on: September 20, 2008, 12:27:57 PM »
Yes, I agree, the "bars" on the forward view seem exaggeratedly bad.

I also wish we would split the A-5 into two planes. An A-4 for Early scenarios and something with  more power and perhaps the better outer-wing 20mms for use later. A-6 perhaps?

Urchin, do you think there is anything "wrong" with the 190s relative turn and other performance in AHII or do you feel that being "worst" is right on the button?

I know the 190s used to have better turn performance.  Of course, it also used to be possible to see out of the front of the cockpit.  As far as how it 'should' perform, I have no idea.  The 190s all have high wingloading, which doesn't lend itself to good turning performance.  I know for as long as I played AH, many of the people who chose to fly LW planes were unhappy with the way they were modelled, but it seems as if the 190s have been modelled in every game as being flying bricks.  I only played AH, but if the poor performance is similar across the board then it would be tough to castigate HTC for that.

Offline BnZ

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #133 on: September 20, 2008, 12:50:02 PM »
I know the 190s used to have better turn performance.  Of course, it also used to be possible to see out of the front of the cockpit.  As far as how it 'should' perform, I have no idea.  The 190s all have high wingloading, which doesn't lend itself to good turning performance.  I know for as long as I played AH, many of the people who chose to fly LW planes were unhappy with the way they were modelled, but it seems as if the 190s have been modelled in every game as being flying bricks.  I only played AH, but if the poor performance is similar across the board then it would be tough to castigate HTC for that.

Well, in CFS3, at low altitudes, in their A8, you could scissor against a P-51 diving on you, get the fight slow, then hit the WEP and accel level well enough to put him a mile between you before he began reeling the distance in again. And you really were the biggest bang in town with the six-gun package, whereas in AH 4xHispanos is probably deadlier. Not that I pine after CFS3 mind, that game sucked in most ways compared to AHII. The Spit9 could do a flat turn at its maximum rate of turn all day long like a jet....
« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 12:51:56 PM by BnZ »

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Re: The FW-190 series is the most poorly flown plane in the game
« Reply #134 on: September 20, 2008, 12:57:01 PM »
I've been playing around and shamelessly picking with the A-8 because of this thread, and I have to agree that the 4x20mm + 2x13mm armament of the A-8 isn't what you'd expect (instant death).  I have convergence set to 400 yards, and hitting at that distance is far less lethal than when I get inside 300 yards, or closer, so I'm considering reducing convergence to 300 yards.
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