Author Topic: On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot  (Read 2048 times)

Offline Jimdandy

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2001, 11:54:00 AM »
Tell us how badly the planes are modeled and if they are HO dweebs. Tell them you want a chog. LOL   I hate you for going before I have had the chance.   I'm jealous and I'm going home.   Have fun man! You will no doubt tell us all about it I hope!

Offline F4UDOA

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2001, 12:13:00 PM »
Yes I will take pictures and share my manhood or lack there of with you all. In fact they video you when your flying and give it to you at the end. I will try to convert pieces of it and post it. Should be a riot.


It's $900 banana's(dollars) for 4 hours of ground school and 6 dogfights. And no you don't need any experience to do it. Your sitting side by side with a military combat pilot in a Marchetti 260 fighter trainer. I really whish I could do it against another AH guy. It would make an interesting study.

Thanks for the info on the motion sickness pills BTW. I will take 1 at the most then.

I forgot about the HO's. Going to have use a different merge tactic I guess.

The think I wonder about the most is how real the maneuvers are in AH compared to an actual dogfight? How much rudder is needed for a coordinated turn, roll, bank etc. How hard can you pull before an accelerated stall? What do the G's feel like? I will definitely put together a long post when I get back. Hope I don't loose though.


These guy's travel around the country to different locations and even do corporate groups and probably reduced rates. Can we get then at the next AH Con?? It would be awesome to have them speak about ACM and then fly it.

I'm flying 17Feb. at 9:30AM so if anyone wants the reservation to fly against me I'm sure it's still open.

BTW, Eagler. Aren't you an active duty pilot??

Offline Dingy

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2001, 12:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jimdandy:
Tell us how badly the planes are modeled and if they are HO dweebs. Tell them you want a chog. LOL   I hate you for going before I have had the chance.   I'm jealous and I'm going home.   Have fun man! You will no doubt tell us all about it I hope!

The laser armament they use there are modeled after the AH Hispano.  You do not need to lead your target and a single ping will cause smoke to immediately belch from the plane.  They are one ping wonders  



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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2001, 12:24:00 PM »
Some of us at HTC are gonna try to do that this summer.
Have Fun!!!!!!!!

Nathan "NATEDOG" Mathieu
Art Director
HiTech Creations

".... And on the eighth day, God created beer. "

Offline Ripsnort

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2001, 12:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by NATEDOG:
Some of us at HTC are gonna try to do that this summer.
Have Fun!!!!!!!!

They got a booster seat for someone like, say, Superfly? <G,D,R>  

Offline Swoop

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
I'd just like to say that I have never gotton carsick, airsick or seasick in my entire life.

Last time I went home to Britain (mid dec'00) the sea was slightly rough (bout a 15ft swell)......800 people on the ferry, 600 of which were puking.  WTF were these pillocks going on a ferry in December if you get seasick?  

F4UDOA, I seriously jealous.....but just remember, if you puke up carrots......they aint carrots, they're bits of stomach lining.  


Offline AKDejaVu

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2001, 12:35:00 PM »
BTW, Eagler. Aren't you an active duty pilot??

Maybe confusing him with Eagl?  I know Eagl flies F-15's for the USAF.


Offline ygsmilo

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2001, 12:40:00 PM »
I did something similar earlier this year down in Florida except that plane was the T-6 Texan.

You will notice the G effect more than anything.

The visual ques from the cockpit are another thing but with the Macci (sp?) you and the instructor sit side by side rather than tandem in the T-6.

You will have a blast.

"Swager's Angels"

Offline iculus

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2001, 12:50:00 PM »
Also check out Warbird Adventures if down in Florida... they'll be in New York and Rhode Island this summer.

Offline Bluefish

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2001, 01:03:00 PM »
I did it at Air Combat's Fullerton operation back in July of "98, and it was an absolute hoot (got to fly against an aspiring instructor pilot, too).  They'll give you an excellent condensed briefing on ACM (I suggest you let them know you already know the basics, they'll accellerate it a little).  Then you fly out to the practice area (in SoCal it's over the Catalina channel, about 15 minutes from the airport).  The flight will let you get use to the controls and maybe do a little light acro once you get to the practice area.

My instructor pilot, a former Luftwaffe F4 recon pilot callsign Baron, was a GREAT coach, and we did all 6 fights in the vertical.  He REALLY knew his stuff (including anticipating the E-state of the opposing plane in a way that seemed supernatural)and was a great coach (he never touched the controls).  He also seemed pleased (if a bit nonplussed) when I yelled "Horrido" over the radio, hehe.  

One hint:  being real fighter jocks who are used to dealing with ejection seats etc. the ACUSA pilots seem to have a tendency to look back over their shoulders, even when going vertical.  I guess the ejection seats prevent you from just tilting your head straight back, like I'm used to as an acro pilot.  I think tilting your head straight back and looking up over the tail of the plane (like AH hi-6 view) gives you a better field of view when going vertical after the merge.

All in all it was one of the great experiences of my life, and I look at the tape of it whenever I need a pick-me-up.  If Baron or Loopy (he was the aspiring instructor who was my opponent- former A10 driver)are there, say "hi" for me (and remind Loopy about the former tanker who ruined his whole day back in July of '98).


Offline Bluefish

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2001, 01:09:00 PM »
Couple things I forgot to mention:

1.  They really suggest you not use rudder at all (i.e. no "hosing" the guns).

2.  The Saia Marchetti is VERY sensitive on  the controls, particularly in pitch (kind of like a 190 w/ PMS).  Fly with your wrist and don't horse it or you'll be in buffett real quick.

3.  There are no front quarter shots allowed and basically everything is from about 20 degrees off the dead six, so you don't have to really worry about deflection.

4. REMEMBER: the camera is running (hehehe)

Offline Jimdandy

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2001, 01:09:00 PM »
For anyone interested. The Collings Foundation has a B-17 and a B-24 they tour the country with. You can ride in them for about $300 (That's what it cost 3yrs ago). At the time when I did it they would let you fly it for 15min for $500. I heard that they wont let people fly it any more. I'm not sure about that. It's not as exciting as dog fights but it was fun.

Offline Fury

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2001, 01:11:00 PM »

You are sooooo lucky and I am soooo jealous.  A few years back, Fighter Ace sponsored a two-on-two competition and the #1 and #2 teams went to Chicago for some real dogfighting through this company.  I live near Chicago so I drove down to watch.

Every one of these people had a blast (one did get sick).  I got to be up close and personal; just didn't get into the planes.  Got to watch the videos afterwards.

This "as-close-to-the-real-thing-as-you-can-get" adventure is nothing like our nightly adventures.  You really do dogfight, and find out soon what your plane can and can't do -- for real.  The first pass is the most critical, trying to jockey for position, since a lot of the fights turned quickly into a tnb and with even planes, one mistake costs you everything.

Did I say I was jealous?  If I had the $$ I would be there in a second.


Offline M.C.202

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2001, 01:18:00 PM »
F4UDOA said:

>Thanks for the info on the motion sickness pills BTW. I will take 1 at the most then.

For a different motion sickness aid look at:

I have used them on dive boats to keep fish feeding to a minimum. Worked for me with only
a bit of "dry mouth" as a side effect. My wife has REAL motion sickness problems, and
she could eat a dive boat hamburger in the cabin without talking to the Porcelain God
Ralph :-)

Dino in Reno

[This message has been edited by M.C.202 (edited 01-24-2001).]

Offline M.C.202

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On Feb.16 I will be a real Fighter Pilot
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2001, 01:33:00 PM »
F4UDOA said:

>Thanks for the info on the motion sickness pills BTW. I will take 1 at the most then.

For a different motion sickness aid look at:

I have used them on dive boats to keep fish feeding to a minimum. Worked for me with only
a bit of "dry mouth" as a side effect. My wife has REAL motion sickness problems, and
she could eat a dive boat hamberger in the cabin without talking to the Porcelain God
Ralph :-)

Dino in Reno