Author Topic: An observation in the MA  (Read 416 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2000, 12:06:00 PM »
OK... since I knew you were going to ask.. a few more:

AKDejaVu has 101 kills and has been killed 35 times in the Ostwind.
AKDejaVu has 14 kills and has been killed 4 times in the Ostwind against the F4U-1C.
AKDejaVu has 16 kills and has been killed 18 times in the Ostwind against the Panzer IV H.
AKDejaVu has 22 kills and has been killed 8 times in the Ostwind against the Ostwind.

AKDejaVu has 91 kills and has been killed 18 times in the Panzer IV H.
AKDejaVu has 0 kills and has been killed 2 times in the Panzer IV H against the F4U-1C.
AKDejaVu has 33 kills and has been killed 2 times in the Panzer IV H against the Ostwind.
AKDejaVu has 52 kills and has been killed 12 times in the Panzer IV H against the Panzer IV H.

more stats that mean absolutely nothing.  I just love posting them.


Offline Fishu

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2000, 12:06:00 PM »
I've seen few Yaks..
and I think that Yak is one of the greatest fighters in AH.
Though, definetly not for them who can't hit without 1000 rounds.
I did once fight in C.202 though    like that plane when opponent is not outrunning from it.
Actually got C.205 and F4u that ride (lol, f4u literally dove right in front of me and got one big burst of 12.7mm and 7.7mm)
So, I'd fly C.202 if it wouldn't be 90% of time outran by its opponents.. (as we know, only rare pilots stays in fight longer than couple turns if hes not super turner)

Avoiding HO necessarily doesn't use up E at all.

and yeah, i hate that super cannon plane dilemma also..
Hispanos are not only strong, but those are usually on planes which carries 4 of those.
190A8 usually makes me smile when I see one, because those surely won't do anything same that tiffie or hog C can do (or spit for that matter)
I'd like to see early war planes more, with less those annoying super cannons..

Ahh, would I like to have Hurri I with 8x.303  

Ju-88 A-4 would have a chance then, would be interesting too.
Or Emils with MG-FF cannons (with very low ammo count) and 7.92mm.. or perhaps early Franz.
Bf 109 F-1 with 15mm   (was it F-1?)

I must admit that I like Tiffie, which I think kind of dweebish when used air to air, but I love doing its main purpose; air to ground missions in it. (though, its not hard to find someone bouncing you and then end up killing him)

But I see time to time 109G10's flying all over...
Though, I like more of F4 and G2.

Offline Ripsnort

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2000, 01:06:00 PM »
LOL Deja!

Offline flakbait

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2000, 02:32:00 PM »
Funked, nope. I watched him fly past at close to 350mph, we were both at 12k. I started my turn still looking back, and switched to forward view about halfway through the turn. When I came out of blackout I looked up and he was right there. All told 5-7 seconds went by, and he was starting a left hand turn last I checked. I broke left into a climbing turn. He reversed 270 degrees in 5-7 seconds with near zero speed loss and almost had me.

I say 270 degrees because the factory, which was to my left, was under me after I came out of blackout. Plus he was starting a left turn. In order for him to come around like that, he had to have made a 270 degree turn. Or at least 180 degrees if he switched to a right turn. Our test offline shows the N1K2 only loses 50mph while pulling 6+ Gs around 180 arc.

Me thinks there's something funny going on here

Delta 6's Flight School
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19 September 2000

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Offline Soda

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2000, 04:25:00 PM »
AKDejavu, funny you posted all that since it only proves all the more the point of the thread even though I know that wasn't your purpose.  Of the stats you wrote (and I like the D-Hog part):

Of your 36 total kills against fighters (took the bombers and goons out) you've got 24 of them against only 4 planes, the P51 (6), Spit9 (10), C-Hog (5), and N1K (3).  Roughly 67% of your kills came from only 4 plane types.  Throw in the P38 and you get another couple and bring that up to 72%.

Unless you're selective in looking for these planes it sure seems you see a lot of them... fact of the matter is by looking at your stats this tour you've failed to shoot down a single:
109G6, 109G2, 109F4, C205, 190A8, C202, Typhoon, 190A5, A6M5b or P47-D25.  

You've only bagged a single La5... I haven't even seen one though... when one comes up I bet it's like dogs on fresh meat.

Either you aren't meeting these planes or your shooting eye is off.. I doubt the second issue.  I know my stats are similar since not many people are flying them.


Offline StSanta

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« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2000, 05:36:00 PM »
He has been a nit. Nit has high concentration of LW fliers, so he hasn't met them as adversaries  .

9./JG 54 "Grünherz"

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2000, 07:09:00 PM »
You can read whatever you want into the stats.  I have a large number of kills against spits.  Other than that, there really isn't much of a statistical difference.

I've seen some of every aircraft that I haven't shot down.  Zeeks and .202s are always low near their own fields.  That is not a place I care to be.  LA5s perform better below 15k.  Once again.. not a situation I prefer to get into.

I like to stay high and engage when I have an advantage.  I'll run, dive, drag or do whatever to avoid situations where I don't have the advantage.

Its easy to lose a N1k in a dive.  Its easy to lose many planes in a dive.  I do it all the time.  Most of the planes are aircraft I cannot get my guns on in a tight 1:1 fight... so I avoid them if I can.

I've seen as many N1ks as anything.  I've seen some Typhoons and LA5s.  I've seen very few 190s.  I've seen MANY 109s.  Wether or not I've shot them down is not the issue.

The statistics mean nothing.. other than I'm a kickass F4u-1D pilot

BTW.. I posted 1D stats because that's all I've flown against air targets.  I have 2 sorties in a typhoon (a2g) and a few bomber missions.


Offline bloom25

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« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2000, 03:20:00 PM »
I fly the La5 A LOT, I've only met one in combat though.  I find that you can often surprise people because they aren't aware of what the la5 is good at.  (Or is TERRIBLE at.   )  I just avoid N1ks most of the time when I'm flying the la5, it's really a waste of time to try for them.


Offline Zigrat

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« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2000, 03:30:00 PM »
i think your stats are pretty much invalid then akdejavu after exaining your flyin style

flyin to live in the ma messes up scores because your opponents aren't doing the same..

below 15k a situation not to be in.. well thtas good if you are in a event flying to live against otherpilots flying to live, or in a 1 life scenario or in real life where everyone is flying to live, but otherwise it messes up statistics because of the different game play styles.


Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2000, 04:28:00 PM »
I totally agree Zigrat.  I said as much.

My statistics are not indicitave of anything but the results of my flying.

That is all.

It does not mean there were more spits up than F4u-1Cs or N1Ks or even 109s.  It simply means that these were the easiest pilots for me to kill... not even planes.. but pilots.

Most of my engagements don't end in "Boy.. I'm glad he wasn't flying xx plane".  Then end in "He woulda died doing that no matter what he was flying".

I don't have extraordinary ACM skills.  I'd rather not put them up against everyone every time I go up in the arena.


Offline Spatula

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2000, 06:56:00 PM »
Originally posted by Fishu:
I've seen few Yaks..
and I think that Yak is one of the greatest fighters in AH.

I completly agree. In fact i'll go one better and say, the yak is the best plane in AH in terms of performance. It turns well enough, very fast, accelerates fast, climbs well, zooms well, dive is good, hi-speed handling is not too bad visibility aint too bad. It is the plane that scares me the most when i see one, that and the 109 G.

I dont fly it, or any cannon bird, that often cause im too used of the ROF of 50cals.

Originally posted by Fishu:

Ahh, would I like to have Hurri I with 8x.303    

Hurri II gets my vote.

All i see are Niks, spits, and chogs and the occasional 109, 190, or P51. I cant remember the last time i saw a Jug.

Overlord Spatula

Real men don't need no stinkin cannons

=357th Pony Express=

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Offline Swager

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2000, 07:26:00 AM »
Swager has 6 kills and has been killed 4 times in the Bf109 F-4.

The 109F-4 is out there, ya just gota find it!!  Tuesday night I had a three kill sortie in it!  

Too bad it is made of paper!!  
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Soda

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« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2000, 08:11:00 AM »
  You might be out there but is there anyone else?  Just seems to be a lot of everyone flying C-Hogs and N1K's these days.  I admire people who hang with something that makes the fight more of a challenge like a 109F4, I was up in a Spit5 for a big part of a tour (talk about not being able to escape from anything)...

AKDejavu, everyone can play this game any way they want, but playing alt-monkey, only taking on fights with huge advantages, running away, is fine, except if you want to make friends and help people out.  Doesn't do squat for your ACM skills either... I can dive on anyone from massive alt and win every time.  But, lots of people play this way and it's totally up to you.  No probs here.


Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2000, 12:19:00 PM »
AKDejavu, everyone can play this game any way they want, but playing alt-monkey, only taking on fights with huge advantages, running away, is fine, except if you want to make friends and help people out. Doesn't do squat for your ACM skills either... I can dive on anyone from massive alt and win every time. But, lots of people play this way and it's totally up to you. No probs here.

I've never had problems helping people out.  I actually prefer it.  An engaged aircraft is much easier to kill.

So soda.. just because my style isn't yours.. and my stats don't really prove your point... doesn't mean that you have to dog my flying style.

I prefer the advantage.  I prefer an alt advantage.  The F4u doesn't do well over 20k.  That means I have to be somewhat in the fight at all times.  You just have to avoid continuous turning (extended engagements) in a multi-aircraft engagement.  That's a problem that many pilots have in the arena today.  They stay fixated too long.  Its also what makes the 1C so lethal... no other plane can make you pay for that fixation like the 1C.  No more "warning pings" to let you know someone is back there.  Some may call it realistic.

So.. once again.. keep digging.. looking for that excuse to validate your statements/data.  It really doesn't exist.


Offline Soda

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An observation in the MA
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2000, 02:42:00 PM »
  I think I already proved my point way back up in the thread, just you didn't seem to realize it.  You proved it with your own stats if you look really closely, you've either failed to shoot down, or not seen, a single: 109G6, 109G2, 109F4, C205, 190A8, C202, Typhoon, 190A5, A6M5b or P47-D25.  Being up around 20K, which I don't real consider strato, you're bound to come across 190's, P47's, and 109's.  Not sure about the others typically being up that high but the 190's work best with some alt to play with.  So, either you aren't finding any to shoot down or you aren't shooting the ones you do see down.  They aren't shooting you down either since you're 0 kills/0 deaths on them ALL, and everyone gets shot down, so I suspect that you just aren't shooting seeing them.

Point made, and unless you can prove something to the opposite then I think we can put that to rest.  Just saying "na, you're wrong." isn't proving anything, it's just showing that you can't.  I'd love to hear your explanation if you have one.  Saying "I never see them that high", well, 20K isn't that high and anyone in a 190 that isn't a 20K is going to have a pretty tough time.

Your style of flying has nothing to do with the stats, other than that everyone will tend to do better when they always attack with the advantage.  I agree, that's smart, but not always possible.  20K is almost medium alt in AH these days, I've seen a lot of people at 25K or higher.  Still, overall, I think it's down a bit from the 30K 109G10's I saw a tour or two ago.  30K was strato to me, 20K is just a good alt.  I look at a guy like Zigrat who can Co-Alt merge and clean my clock 3 times in 4, that's good ACM.  I could care less how you play and don't really see any problem with it.  Your stats are probably the better for it, bravo.

The C-Hog should be accepted for what it is, it's a plane that doesn't lend to getting assists because any shots that it lands are nearly always fatal.  Everyone knows it so I don't think that is the issue.  This isn't a "ban the c-hog" thread, I fly it too sometimes when I want that quake-like killing experience.  I just think that everyone realizes it now and you can enhance your fighting abilities by using it, hey, again, fair enough.  Still, when you see almost everyone and their dog flying only 1 or 2 planes, that's sorta disappointing.  It's gotta have HT and Pyro wondering why they even bothered to model the others that nobody is flying.

information provides insight for discussion, that's what this was.  constructive comments and counter information enhance the discussion.  blanket or unsupported statements like "you have no proof" do nothing but try and reduce the discussion to futility.  Explain how your stats are that way since you've failed to shoot down 10 different planes in AH this tour... it's been 23+ days since the tour started when I started this thread, having a bad month?
