Author Topic: I like to furball  (Read 3734 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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I like to furball
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2001, 04:21:00 PM »
However, the burden there is on the strategists to steer furballs to "important" targets. They can't just expect furballers to fly longer for the same fights they can have in a shorter amount of time.

BINGO!  Of course, this thread is primarily a result of that trying to happen.  Wether the attempt was overzealous or not I don't know.  I'm not sure it would have been warmly received regardless.

Of course, you assume that someone would have had to fly farther to find a fight.  That was not the case most of last night as far as I saw.  The fight was right at our front door at several bases.


Offline AKDejaVu

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I like to furball
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2001, 04:25:00 PM »
By the way.. the extent of my comments on the furballers at A1 last night was this:

"Our city is leveled as well as our ack factory"
"We've lost 5 bases and 3 CVs... but WE STILL HAVE A1!"


Offline Kieren

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I like to furball
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2001, 04:25:00 PM »
Right on, banana. Same here.

I repeat, I am glad there is strat in a game. I am glad there is something for everyone. I am glad to occasionally help out "in the cause" when I have time to do so. I am happy to help out a guy pinned down by multiple bad guys. I am happy to goon. I am happy to bomb or Jabo. It's all good. But when I have 45 minutes to fly, that may not be enough to do more than do a hop or two, and I may seek the fastest action I can find. I look at the radar and decide where I will most likely meet the type of opponents I seek. I don't think anyone cares if I do that, right?

The only problem at all that I have with anyone who demands strat over anything else is when they attempt to regulate my play, or in the event I do pitch in and help with a task, squeak that I am a loser and didn't do it right. Other than that, you do your thing, I'll do mine. Once in a while our paths cross, we'll have fun (I hope) and we move on.  


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I like to furball
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2001, 04:37:00 PM »
Originally posted by banana:
Seawulfe, I agree to a point. But to generalize and say that everyone who doesn't participate in the team that night is thinking "screw you", isn't fair. If you only knew how bad I want to play all night long and help take base after base. But, alas, there's this thing in my house that calls me "Daddy", and another that calls me "Husband".

Some of us have obligations that don't allow for long-term team play each night.

Yes I know, but for the most part that's the general response you get when you say "hey can we get some help over here?"

Still, I think that you can find your fix for fun each night even if you only had a half hour to play by simply going to a base that's being attacked and targets are over it. There's usually plenty of things to kill in the air and would take the burden off of the fellas that are trying to take the base down so the team can capture it.

You get your fun, team gets it's field. I don't see the problem at all?

EDIT/ADDENDUM: I didn't make it clear in my first post that I think people who only want to fly fighters and fight A2A can still CONTRIBUTE to the team. It's just a matter of GETTING them to contribute. You don't need to goon, mud move in a fighter-bomber or bomb from a high up bomber. If you just grab yourself a fighter, do what you usually do(furball) and come to a base your team is attacking where there's a red bar in the sector you can still help the team out. Helping the team doesn't mean doing something you don't like or don't have time to do, just as long as you help out the guys that are doing the base attacking thing.

[This message has been edited by AKSeaWulfe (edited 01-25-2001).]

Offline anRky

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I like to furball
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2001, 07:34:00 PM »
What this all comes down to is 'what kind of game do you want to play?'  What *I* would like from an 'online WWII air combat sim', is...

1) Historical Air Combat -- that conveys the same feel that I get from reading books like 'The First and The Last', 'Wing Leader', and many others.

2) Dogfighting -- lots of combat in lots of different planes, fighting with and against lots of different pilots, who are themselves flying lots of different planes.  

Instead of these two things, AH (and AW) provide much more of this...

3) Age of Empires -- with airplanes, of course.  Just a vaguely historically based strategy game (or it might be more accurate to say numbers game), played with wonderfully modeled WWII aircraft.  

But as long as long as there's the chance of a scenario in the not-too-far future (#1), and I can manage to find a few good fights (#2) under the canopy of F4s in the arena, I can put up with a lotta #3.  



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I like to furball
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2001, 10:47:00 AM »
agree with anrky on 1 and 2.   Also, Like banana, I have what i consider a life.   I come to AH to have fun.   If I wanted organization, boredom and teamwork I woulda just stayed at work and made the overtime.

aksea.. I read your whole thing and it makes little or no sense to me.   It simply doesn't apply to me.   As to what I look for when I log on....

1.. I look for squaddies to fly with so that I have a more enjoyable and less stressfull furball

2... I look at the radar (unless some low down scum sucking spoilsport has killed it) for the place that has the most action that is fairly well evenly matched red /green.  don't care what kinda red... a red is a red.

3... Look for fights that have like minded (furballer/respawners) fighter jocks participating.

4... hope like hell some "fan of strat/realism" dipshit in a lone suicide buff doesn't do a "realstic" single pass field closure so that I (and my squaddies) have to repeat the whole process over again.

You can have all the strat you want but the less it affects me the better I like it.   I'm sure this attitude baffles some but...There is some "realism" base to what I want tho...  Bases were not closed in one pass by one bomber.... nor, were radars knocked out.

It is also hard to feel too sorry for the "mission/strat" oriented when they don't/won't  fly in a manner that resembles WWII air combat... I have never seen a finger four formation let alone several.  You want to scream strat and realism in the same breath and continue to fly lone wolf or wingman tactics at 10-15K then you got a long way to go before I think your worth listening too.  Heck... truly fly "realisticaly" and I bet you will even bore yourself.


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I like to furball
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2001, 10:50:00 AM »
the whole thing is quite droll really... It boils down to the fact that the Amish in the game feel that "furballing" would be "ok" if.... The furballers would just get organized and furball in a strategic manner...

Offline Staga

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I like to furball
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2001, 11:06:00 AM »
Yesterday I left Knights and moved my camper to Bishland. With my CO we destroyed two Knight bombers otw Bish HQ and later I joined to Cit's mission to Rook City as a Tiffie pilot. Got three kills and really good "vibes" about how that mission went  (..Well I run out of fuel and had to ditch but so what  )
If theres a mission which looks like its planned wise you can bet I'll join and fly what ever is needed  

Offline popeye

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I like to furball
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2001, 11:12:00 AM » DO you squelch the country channel?

Where is Major Kong?!?


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I like to furball
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
Lazs, I've read your posts and you have a nack for taking things someone says and completely rearranging to something else.

I said nothing along the lines of realism. Simply, how can you furball when you don't have any bases? You can't, that's not a furball that's base defense.

Flying formation is too difficult and has no practical sense in the MA.

I'm not as you say "amish", I never said you couldn't have your fun. Did I? No, I said you can have your fun but you can still help the team. The fact of the matter is lazs you are NOT a team player. And using your life as an excuse doesn't work here.

My life is full of stuff to do. I'm never online during the weekends or week nights. Maybe 1 hour each weekday during the afternoon. I still somehow manage to contribute to the team.

The part that doesn't make sense to you lazs, must be that word team. You simply don't like participating on one. Fine, but why are you playing a game based around team play when you don't want to be involved in it? Or is it you just don't like doing things for other people?


Offline Westy

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I like to furball
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2001, 11:46:00 AM »
"Yes, it is your 30$, but why bother paying it just to take off, shoot a plane down, die, repeat until you feel like logging off? Head2Head is free and accomodates your needs right there."

?? Really ??  <shakes head>  Same thing goes for the land grab type and for those who want to play war.  

 The big difference is I'm not being narrow minded and inconsiderate of others.  I am not clogging the country channel, like some, and berating others online for not playing my way by helping me to furball.  I can definately not say the same for those who like to play war and land grab.

 Show me where, besides in your posts and via your opinion, that AH is team based? I can show you where HTC has added tools and features built upon a free for all basic gameplay that supports team effort, but you're wayyyy out on a limb in your reasoning and logic in saying that AH is intended to be soley team oriented.
 If that was the case it would be simply a matter of  no one could play online in AH without having chosen a side and become a member of a squad.


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-26-2001).]


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I like to furball
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2001, 02:25:00 PM »
I explained it above. Not hard to understand, well except for you which is quite obvious.

Never said anything about joining a squad. YOu don't need to join a squad to be part of a team.


Offline Westy

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I like to furball
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2001, 02:37:00 PM »
And my point is whizzing right over your head.

 "You don't need to join a squad to be part of a team"

I   don't   have   to    be    part   of  a   team    because    you    or    anyone   else   feels   I    should.

 Kind of simple really.



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I like to furball
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2001, 02:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by Westy:
"but you're wayyyy out on a limb in your reasoning and logic in saying that AH is intended to be soley team oriented.'

...ya!! Just you try and get Westy to bail ya outta a tight situation  

Offline Baddawg

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I like to furball
« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2001, 03:05:00 PM »
I like to do both.
Infact I like to do alot of things
I vulch
I furball
I shoot chutes
I bomb
I goon
I set up missions
I join missions
I drive a panzer
I whine on private coms
I dont tell others how to enjoy their play time.

I do stupid things on a nightly basis, like attacking a gaggle of N1Ks in my La5fn.

 I even get  a tad upset when I see silly strat implemented in the game  ,but then I come back to earth realising that there will always be another base to capture tommorow, the arena is not static.
Sometimes you are the windshield  sometimes you are the bug.

 <dream mode on>
There is only one thing I want someone to tell me in Aces High... and that is where can I find Mitsu taking off so I can pay him back in all those vulches I gave him at
A1   .
 <dream mode off>