Author Topic: Respect - Honor - Fair Play  (Read 9183 times)


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #75 on: January 02, 2009, 03:51:06 PM »
here are some of my general thoughts on these words

i cant begin to count the number of times i have been vulched upping from a capped base, one after another after another. i believe that on one night at one base during on engagement i was vulched 30 plus times.

now to most this sounds like im just a fool, well maybe i am. but what i have accomplished in more than one occassion is to keep all the score hungry vulchers moving low and slow over the base looking to feed their score hore itch. while they stayed low and slow other country men were inbound from a nearby base gaining all the alt and speed advantage one could ever desire. the vulchers wouldnt realize their foolish folly until they were pounced upon by a horde of incoming defenders that they couldnt hope to get away from. cap broken vulchers destroyed base saved. so what if my score suffered for it, they blew their chance to capture the base. I WIN  :aok

do i do this for honor or respect? do i think being vulched is fair? hell no!

i do it because i enjoy starting out as the underdog and coming out on top at the end of the day. it is the game that i enjoy. would i ever be so weak in personality that i would hope to find my honor in a game? i pray not!

knowing true honor can only be attained by looking into ones self. it can never be given by another. it is not a gift, it is a state of mind and a resolve to stand in the face of controversy in defiant defense of who you are and what you believe in.

it is the feeling that you have deep within your heart when at the end of the day you look back on its events and your responses to those events. its the feeling that you know that even if your goal was a failure you carry the pride that goes with doing everything possible to support it without ever compromising your personal morals and interpretations of right and wrong.

it is personal and uncompromising in its truthful measure of the man/woman. people with no honor lie to themselves about who they are, and must wear masks to attempt to hide their shame from themselves. but their self reflected shame is always plainly apparent when ever the lights go down and they sitting alone, then in the dark they are always confronted with the true worthlessness of themselves.

i am 40 years old and everyday i can look in the mirror and say with absolute honesty that i have never broken an oath in my life. can a video game give me the sense of pride that i feel when i acknowledge this fact of myself? can any internet game ever fill me with the knowledge that i have willingly suffered not for the accolades of others, but for the self imposed sense of right and wrong and the personal interpretations of the morals that i live by? i think not.

these things can only be determined for the individual by the individual. those who have been burned by the flames of life will bear their scars personally without bragging but with pride. They will find the personal glory in their willingness to confront the searing pain without doubting who they are or why they stand in the oven and will always hold their heads higher than those who ran from the heat before they even entered the kitchen.

this is an unattainable emotion in the setting of a video game. when the risk of loss is nothing then the personal honor to be gained by it is as well nothing!

respect, well i live by my moms impression of what respect is.

it is the giving of curtsy (please, thank you, pardon me, are you hungry, are you thirsty ect ect) that every human has a right to receive from another human being. this is given upon the meeting of another, by any means (ie in person over the net ect), they have a right as a sentient being to this treatment until such a time as they prove to me individually that they no longer should enjoy the fruits of this right.

respect is something that is only granted by right to animals, no humans have a right to my respect. animals are who and what they are without pretense or subterfuge. their honesty in persona should be envied and aspired to by all sentient beings.

humans must always earn my respect, it is never freely surrendered to anyone.

it is mine to give not theirs to take. but once it has been earned it bestows upon me the obligations to always treat that person, be they friend or foe in love or hate, with the utmost regard and consideration for the person that lives within the shell.

fair play is the adherence to the rules of the particular game you are playing. if the game you are playing has no rules or suffers due to an abundance of gray areas in them, then playing it in your own fashion to your own enjoyment is fair play.

if your style of play is making it unenjoyable to those around you,(not because you are winning, but because you are acting in a manner that is contradictory to the unwritten rules of competition on an even and level playing field), then as a person you should re-evaluate your methods. you should have the curtsy to reach the conclusion that either 1 you should conform to a style of play that is more acceptable to those around you, or 2 that you should acknowledge publicly that you care not for the enjoyment of those around you and that you expect no consideration for your enjoyment from others.

fair is fair, if you would act unfairly towards another then isnt it fair that others act unfairly towards you?

well those were my general thoughts.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 04:49:56 PM by FLOTSOM »

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Offline Obie303

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #76 on: January 02, 2009, 04:00:42 PM »
I'm sorry to say but the latest batch of AH players have no clue to the meanings of "Honor, Respect, or Fair Play".  Not all, but most.

First, I admire some of the replies and respect everyone's opinions.  But saying it here in the BBS and actions in the MA are totally different.  

I look at it this way, in the MA, I don't expect any measure of fair play or even a salute any more.  In the off chance that I have a fantastic fight, I will send a salute.  Most of the time, its a player that's been around a long time.  And you know what the great part is.......THEY SEND A SALUTE BACK.  That's respect, honor, and fair play in my book.  Not this PM crap that's been happening lately.  

We could go on about what's right about the game and what stinks.  But in the long run, we end up with just a game.  It all depends on how you want to play it....running and HO'ing everything in sight or looking for that one good fight that got you hooked on AH in the first place!

My .02 cents for what it's worth.  
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(quote on a Polish pilot's grave marker in Nottinghamshire, England)

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #77 on: January 02, 2009, 04:12:04 PM »
Well, the vulching aspect I don't like unless we are at the verge of taking the base.  Most of the time we will shut the base down and take it.  If the Hangers come up just as the troops are running or about to, guess what, we vulching.  If we there just to battle, I let my opponents up unless it becomes a 5:1 odds against me.  Then I either vulch them and hi tail it out or hi tail it out as soon as I see it coming,lol.
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Offline Bosco123

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #78 on: January 02, 2009, 04:20:42 PM »
You want respect, then give me respect. I'm not going to give you respect when you call us horde monkeys or cheaters. I will give you respect when you realize that, wheather or not it was NOE, you say "good take boys, that was suprising <S>" There is a little fun when you beat the mission, and you can say, "Base DENIED!" That's no pun intended, but it's when you can't handle the fact that your base just got taken and you say something cowardly like, "Nice Vulch noobs" or, "wtg, you took the hangars" That's very unappreciative. Obviously, no matter how we take the base, wheather it's NOE, or we tell you on 200 we are coming, we are effective in what we do, and that's why we do it. We use our squads biggest strength, which is numbers. We can still take a base with an ENY of 26, and we can take your base with the hardest planes to fly. It doesn't matter what we do, we can still take any base with great effectiveness. And that's why we do it.
50% of us, don't need to go back to our "hordes" to get kills, but like I said, we are effective at what we do, and why would we change it? we have the numbers almost every night against any squad in the game, we even get a scrolly bar sometimes. We feel "Squad Tactics" is what we do. We fly together and we take bases.
So from furballer to furballer, I know you guys use a wingman as much as you can, am I wrong? I don't know of a time were I had 5+ with out a wingmen. It is the exact same thing that you guys do, just with larger numbers.

If you guys still don't believe me, come to bish, have some fun. <S>
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Operator
United States Marine
"Stay ahead of the game, Stay ahead of the plane."

Offline Urchin

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #79 on: January 02, 2009, 04:27:28 PM »
Fred -

I stopped at my parents house after a 12 hour drive - still have an hour left to get to mine. 

I'll post a response to your post after I've had some downtime, my brain is too fried to make an intelligent response tonight.  If the thread gets locked I'll PM you. 


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #80 on: January 02, 2009, 04:31:51 PM »
You want respect, then give me respect. I'm not going to give you respect when you call us horde monkeys or cheaters. I will give you respect when you realize that, wheather or not it was NOE, you say "good take boys, that was suprising <S>" There is a little fun when you beat the mission, and you can say, "Base DENIED!" That's no pun intended, but it's when you can't handle the fact that your base just got taken and you say something cowardly like, "Nice Vulch noobs" or, "wtg, you took the hangars" That's very unappreciative. Obviously, no matter how we take the base, wheather it's NOE, or we tell you on 200 we are coming, we are effective in what we do, and that's why we do it. We use our squads biggest strength, which is numbers.

i believe megadeath says this best

To eliminate your enemy
Hit them in their sleep
And when all is won and lost
The spoils of war are yours to keep

............................. ....

You know your worth when your enemies
Praise your architecture of aggression

even within the confines of an insult can be found the praise of the vanquished bosco, just learn to see it for the declaration of defeat that it is.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2009, 04:53:24 PM by FLOTSOM »

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!
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"The game is designed to encourage combat, not hide from it."

Offline Obie303

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #81 on: January 02, 2009, 04:32:57 PM »
You want respect, then give me respect. I'm not going to give you respect when you call us horde monkeys or cheaters. I will give you respect when you realize that, wheather or not it was NOE, you say "good take boys, that was suprising <S>" There is a little fun when you beat the mission, and you can say, "Base DENIED!" That's no pun intended, but it's when you can't handle the fact that your base just got taken and you say something cowardly like, "Nice Vulch noobs" or, "wtg, you took the hangars" That's very unappreciative. Obviously, no matter how we take the base, wheather it's NOE, or we tell you on 200 we are coming, we are effective in what we do, and that's why we do it. We use our squads biggest strength, which is numbers. We can still take a base with an ENY of 26, and we can take your base with the hardest planes to fly. It doesn't matter what we do, we can still take any base with great effectiveness. And that's why we do it.
50% of us, don't need to go back to our "hordes" to get kills, but like I said, we are effective at what we do, and why would we change it? we have the numbers almost every night against any squad in the game, we even get a scrolly bar sometimes. We feel "Squad Tactics" is what we do. We fly together and we take bases.
So from furballer to furballer, I know you guys use a wingman as much as you can, am I wrong? I don't know of a time were I had 5+ with out a wingmen. It is the exact same thing that you guys do, just with larger numbers.

If you guys still don't believe me, come to bish, have some fun. <S>

I rest my case.  Problems solved.
I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.
(quote on a Polish pilot's grave marker in Nottinghamshire, England)

71 (Eagle) Squadron

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #82 on: January 02, 2009, 04:57:51 PM »
We use our squads biggest strength, which is numbers.

... we have the numbers almost every night against any squad in the game, we even get a scrolly bar sometimes.

Exactly what's wrong with the game today.  Hoard mentality.
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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #83 on: January 02, 2009, 05:07:35 PM »
Exactly what's wrong with the game today.  Hoard mentality.

my biggest strength, is to throw parts of my 38 o deth at the guy shootin at me. if i getREALLY desperate, i throw my special issue supercharged blender at him.  :D
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #84 on: January 02, 2009, 05:08:24 PM »
Exactly what's wrong with the game today.  Hoard mentality.
LOL what you have quoted sig material.
See Rule #4

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #85 on: January 02, 2009, 05:08:49 PM »
we have the numbers almost every night against any squad in the game, we even get a scrolly bar sometimes.

And isnt it wonderful that such big squads have to post missions on country chan to get even MORE #s
****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #86 on: January 02, 2009, 05:14:59 PM »
my biggest strength, is to throw parts of my 38 o deth at the guy shootin at me. if i getREALLY desperate, i throw my special issue supercharged blender at him.  :D

i chased down a 38 last night and almost swore it was you while i was shooting it!

i got hit with enough shedded parts that i had to land right after killing him because my engine was damaged my right aileron was gone and i 2 of my cannons were out!

is this a 38 drivers strategy or what?!


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #87 on: January 02, 2009, 05:27:33 PM »
i chased down a 38 last night and almost swore it was you while i was shooting it!

i got hit with enough shedded parts that i had to land right after killing him because my engine was damaged my right aileron was gone and i 2 of my cannons were out!

is this a 38 drivers strategy or what?!


yep...we like to think we're conserving. we conserve our ammo. we conserve fuel to an extent, as our aircraft get lightened up, and we catch your ammo, so we can return it to ya to reload it.

 :D :D

how'd u catch a 38 in a hurri though?..unless he was in a G, i didn't think hurris could catch us.

last night i had one of those horrible fights, but i may as well have gone up unarmed. xbrit was pickin on me  :D :noid, n72 was pickin on me  :D :noid and i think i actually got kilt by an m3 of all things.  :rofl :rofl

 seriously...xbrit handles that spit with excellence. it shows skill....he doesn't just "throw" it around like so many spit drivers do. n72 surprised the poop outta me the way he turned that dam p47.

and i think the most fun fight of the night was the one i mentioned against knifeman. it's ashame i augered right at the end.  :rofl

 i won't be on tonight, but hope to make it tomorrow night though.

ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)


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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #88 on: January 02, 2009, 07:33:37 PM »
I've only been online here for a couple of months,and learned the following things,

 #1,It's only a game.No need it getting mad a getting vulched 3 times in a row.It's happened to me more times than I care to remember.You can take off again from another field.Can't tell you how many times I've been shot in my parachute.

 #2 The Stratigists vs dogfigter augument is pretty silly.If you want to go man on man,why no stay in the proper arena? If you don't want the bombers destroying your hangars,go shoot them down.Seems like going to the DA would be a perfect fit for those why want nothing but air to air.Those that enjoy teamwork,tactics,and a well planned mission exectued perfectly can use the Main arenas.

#3 It's only a game.

#4, see #3.

Just my 2cents worth.

Well a short period of time you understand what many of the so called vets dont!!!!  Its a game...people do what is fun...end of story.

Here is the other side of the coin....

I have played since 1995...what many of the "vets" miss are the smaller numbers where personal relationships were easier to attain.  Get over it 400+ arenas your not going to arrange perosnal 2 v2 fights where you call out "bingo" and the guys on the other side let you rtb.  The game has changed but not in respect to "honor" and other made up virtual terms.  It is larger and grander...

I did the "l33t fiter" jock thing and IT IS BORING.......I did the AW tournaments....perfected the 38 (the best plane in AW)...and found myself bored silly...poppiing into other arenas just to "prove" myself.  At that time a good 38 squad were the widowmakers and I would go to their arena to hunt them when i was bored.

What did work for me though was the friendships and relationships I developed with my squaddies..In the bigger arenas you need need wingies...or you wil be another BBS/ch 200 whiney gurl who can't get 1 v 1's etc.  Hey the day of 1 v 1's are over...its multiplane combat...when I am outnumbered I call for help from my squaddies and beat the snot out them.  Thats what works.  I see all these "vets" flying alone and complaining...

Try this:

1.  recruit some decent guys
2.  train em up
3.  fly more then a few minutes a day so they can look to you
4.  have fun

its better then whining about getting jumped, picked, vulched etc...but IT TAKES TIME AND COMMITMENT....oooooh :cry

As for NOE's/base takes...sometimes its more about flying together and having fun then setting up bad situations that fail...on squad nights I could care less how many bases we take but I  DO care of we have fun and laugh and joke view base takes as something we are doing while we goof on squad channel.  For you solo guys in defunct squads who have 2-3 guys on at a time I see why this makes no sense...maybe you need a new squad. :t

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Re: Respect - Honor - Fair Play
« Reply #89 on: January 02, 2009, 08:38:02 PM »
I think this comment sums up everything wrong with the game in its current form. BTW I was there at the time and i'm guessing you were flying "RR" because I'd love to have seen you run +jase +dead or any of a host of other 38 drivers out of any arena. anytime anyone tells me they "perfected" any plane I know something smelly is being shoveled.

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