Author Topic: Option for Pilot wounds  (Read 1845 times)

Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2009, 10:47:44 AM »
I saw a screenshot recently that looked like hit location and bullet holes aren't so exactly matched. It looked like there's a symetrical map of possible damage graphics, and impacts trigger the closest one. I could be wrong... But it's definitely strange to have a totaly shot up plane (B25H in the TA) show completely symetrical damage graphics.

Damage graphics are top surfaces of the plane only.  Eye candy. 

Fly thru enemy ack in the TA for a while.  It's shooting up.  All the holes should be on the underside.  Nothing.....

Also, figure a pilot wound is more than likely shrapnel.  Fragments of bullets or cannon shells.  If you actually get hit by a round your plane goes boom.

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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2009, 02:38:59 PM »
Are you so sure about this?

The 20MM, or even 40MM, fired from the ground is very likely to fully penetrate, leaving holes on the top as well. Especially on the wings or control surfaces, as well as hollow areas of the fuselage.
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Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2009, 03:15:33 PM »
Are you so sure about this?

The 20MM, or even 40MM, fired from the ground is very likely to fully penetrate, leaving holes on the top as well. Especially on the wings or control surfaces, as well as hollow areas of the fuselage.

Except for the "new" damage model graphics, where you have a tattered up elevator or aileron, there are no damage graphics on the underside of the planes.

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Offline Babalonian

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2009, 05:42:32 PM »
My personal preference would be for pilot wounds to be modeled differently Because honestly albeit admittedly a bit sarcastically. I've driven a car while under extreme pain on numerous occasions,freshly broken bones in my hand, 2nd and 3rd degree oil burns on my arm, A badly abscessed tooth, and had not suffered as much of a distraction as we see in game.

Distracting? Hell yes! But not so much that I couldnt operate even in rush hour on the NJ Parkway (where your in more danger of getting into an accident at the speed limit then you are doing 100MHP)

My request is to either

A- find a different way to model the pilot wounds

B- Provide the players with the option to turn pilot wounds off, opting instead for instant death.

The way it is modeled now. I'd rather just die outright.

Now someone is going to Im sure mention bailing.
Look at my stats. Im  not afraid to bail when I need to.
But Im having more good fights ruined by pilot wounds lately. Then I am  finding good fights
Now granted. Many of those fights have been ones I probobly wouldnt have lived anyway.
But this wound followed by near instant total blackout stuff has got to go.
You dont even have a chance to properly disengage. And if your fighting more then one person. Your dead meat anyway.

The injuries in your comparisons are quite painful, but I don't think they're the same type depicted in AH where you're bleeding out, (I've been there though: pale as a ghost, loosing your sence of direction and up and down while just sitting in place on your rump, can't remember what you were thinking of 5 seconds ago, teetering between completely passing out or going into shock).  I believe that the game is not trying to simulate the pain, but rather the loss of blood from your injury by having you black in and out.

Personaly I'm not a fan of the current way it's done in AH either.  I've never had an injury where you're in and out of blacking out, especialy imediatley after being wounded.
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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2009, 11:50:26 PM »
Except for the "new" damage model graphics, where you have a tattered up elevator or aileron, there are no damage graphics on the underside of the planes.


There while its another subject entirely is something that could use upgrading.
some of the best damage model graphics in a WWII sime I've seen is in an old game called
 "B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th"

These shots are only mediocre.
I'll see if I can reinstall the game and take some screenies myself.
Older game but fantastic graphics.

Other screen shots can be found here;img;3
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 11:59:27 PM by DREDIOCK »
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2009, 11:30:56 AM »

Last night, diving in to save a countryman, in my F4U-1A, I got PW'd, killed the aggressor, and had to do a fighting egress back to the cv....  It was absolutely the best 5-7 minutes of the evening. 

PW's give you a different sense of urgency in the game and I would hate to see it diminished.

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2009, 05:32:41 PM »

Last night, diving in to save a countryman, in my F4U-1A, I got PW'd, killed the aggressor, and had to do a fighting egress back to the cv....  It was absolutely the best 5-7 minutes of the evening. 

PW's give you a different sense of urgency in the game and I would hate to see it diminished.


This response probably is going to  sound alot more sarcastic then its intended

Fine. and one of the reasons I asked for an option as opposed to having it removed from the game entirely
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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2009, 06:36:26 PM »
I know Dred. He's not looking for a crutch, or an out, he's looking for a better way of doing it. And I agree. 

The reason I suggested a "control+D" for the pilot is that you could have a decent idea as to how bad you were hurt. What we have now is a goofy system that is far too difficult to judge. You really can't tell how bad you're injured.

I've had two or three blackouts, a decent interval apart, followed by a longer interval, followed by an immediate blackout and death. And all sorts of other variations. I've had times where I got the impression, from the spacing and length of the blackouts, that death was imminent, and lived for a long time. I've had times where the same factors lead me to believe I'm not too badly hurt, and been dead 30 seconds later.

If the pilot "damage model" is detailed enough for it to determine how often you'll black out, for how long, and how long you'll live, then it's detailed enough to show us how bad we're hurt. If the pilot damage model is random, then it needs to be fixed or tossed out. In other words, if I can hit "control+D" and see how fast I'm losing what, and where, then I should be able to hit "control+I" (or substitute the appropriate unassigned key) and see what part or parts of me has a hole, or holes, in it, and how big the holes are.
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Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Option for Pilot wounds
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2009, 10:36:19 PM »
Personally, I think the damage model for pilot wounds needs more "options". We have 1 now. You are wounded and losing blood. You pass at with more frequency until you finally bleed to death. How about if it wasn't that way for EVERY pilot wound. Perhaps you get shot in the right foot and can no longer use that foot on the rudder pedals or something similar.

NoBaddy (NB)

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