Author Topic: All hail...  (Read 8555 times)

Offline Animl

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #165 on: January 19, 2009, 10:38:57 PM »

Me likes what this guy is doing\saying. Even if I don't totally agree with every single issue 100%. Not only presenting problems in a civil, cognitive, easy listening manner in detail, but also suggesting some solutions. Not just aimless sniveling.

He gets it.
The biggest problems can be corrected by the community\vets, as long as they don't just sit there and watch it go by.

<S> Scotch

Animl (from the ashes of Air Warrior nation)


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Re: All hail...
« Reply #166 on: January 19, 2009, 10:48:00 PM »

Pilot #3 is on the last day of his two week trial. He's a little undecided about taking the plunge so he logs on and takes off. About 5minutes into his first flight he runs into an enemy plane. "Cool! Lets go mr!!!" He attacks the guy we'll call "Falconweeeng".
"Falconweeeng" is one of those pilots usually in a horde, so when he's caught off guard by Pilot #3 he doesn't quite know what to do. So he re-ups and brings his horde of 20 over to take the base away from pilots 1,2,3, and #s dude. After being pounded out of the sky and pm'd insults, pilot #3 decides he can get better game play out of solitaire. He decides not to join.

Wow!  You really know me well!  For a guy with a fiter k/d of 1.6 and a attack k/d of 0.6 you should spend a little time in the TA before you talk smack...I think the 2 weeker would have a better chance of killing you however. :devil  According to your squaddie zazen since your attack and fiter score sucks he wouldn't even respect you enough to be civil to you.

Try this scenario:

Our 2 weeker ups out of an airbase....a pair of tempests are lurking over the soon as he clears the field ack they take passes at him until he gets nailed...."kappa killed you"  "fester killed you" pops up over and over again...he ups a distant base to try and get some alt and by the time he arrives they are gone.  WTG's all around when they land their kills...
Okay...a base is flashing!  CV off the coast...our 2 weeker ups a fiter and bam "shawk has killed you" he keeps getting vulched over and over again by different members of the non-NOE squadron.  Fine...he ups a nearby base but by the time he arrives it is too late and they have landed on the cv.
Crap...okay he goes to a busier field and  ups a spit16 and heds out where he sees an enemy f4u-1d doing scissors with a friendly...the friendly calls for help and he zooms in and picks the f4u off him.  Suddenly ch 200 is lighting up:
Skyrock: you wuss..your a coward for jumping in
Skyrock: YOU spixteen dweeb moron...I own you!!!

I could go on and on...half the l33t so-called furballers are pickers and are more likely to insult when they die then wtg or <S> (No Mark I am not calling you a picker...but you could be nicer on ch 200)

Maybe you should look in the mirror Scotch and ask yourself what REALLY drives folks to want to be in a mob and not focus on fiter it truly the land grabbing squads OR is it the l33t furballers who are quick to insult and use their experience to make the newbie miserable instead of looking for "fair" fights and putting themselves into harms way?

Now all that being everyone chooses to fly is their own 14.95...Noone i used as an example above is doing anything unethical or wrong.  I like shawk and his boys.  I personally could care less...but lets stop pretending that the basetaking squads are worse.  They thrive because THEY DO TAKE GUYS UNDER THEIR WING AND HELP THEM OUT!!!  Your podium perched "furballers" like to pontificate but do nothing to advance the game.  I have no idea who you are and I've been in aw/ah since 1996...and I truly won't miss you when your gone again.  It WILL happen because you will never care enough about this game and its development to actually spend the time to do anything but pontificate.  Talk is cheap and yours seems particularly worthless...

Here is a tip you will likely dismiss....The way to change things is not by insulting but by leading...Thats what worked for BoPs and many other successful and longlived squads.  And BTW BoPs came long after MAW and other squads...we didnt invent the megasquad...most active squads have multiple wings and did back then as well...
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 11:10:03 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #167 on: January 19, 2009, 10:52:06 PM »
The biggest problems can be corrected by the community\vets, as long as they don't just sit there and watch it go by.


A few years ago I might have agreed. Way to many of the newer players simply don't want to "get it" and why should they? The game rewards them for what they do...why change? In their myopic view, everything is fine.

I believe it will take fundamental changes to the game to alter this behavior. Heck, HT has made a number of changes in recent years to try and "make it better" (this, in part, is why we have split arenas).

What is more sad than anything else is the guys with the "it's my $15 and I will do what I want!" attitudes.

NoBaddy (NB)

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #168 on: January 19, 2009, 11:02:06 PM »
I have no idea who you are and I've been in aw/ah since 1996...and I truly won't miss you when your gone again.  It WILL happen because you will never care enough about this game and its development to actually spend the time to do anything but pontificate.  Talk is cheap and yours seems particularly worthless...

Here is a tip you will likely dismiss....The way to change things is not by insulting but by leading...Thats what worked for BoPs and many other successful and longlived squads.  And BTW BoPs came long after MAW and other squads...we didnt invent the megasquad...most active squads have multiple wings and did back then as well...

Geez, I've been in AW/AH since 1990 and only know you from what you post here. Does that invalidate your opinions?

BTW, I do know who "invented" the mega squad.  :D

NoBaddy (NB)

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #169 on: January 19, 2009, 11:04:04 PM »

A few years ago I might have agreed. Way to many of the newer players simply don't want to "get it" and why should they? The game rewards them for what they do...why change? In their myopic view, everything is fine.

I believe it will take fundamental changes to the game to alter this behavior. Heck, HT has made a number of changes in recent years to try and "make it better" (this, in part, is why we have split arenas).

What is more sad than anything else is the guys with the "it's my $15 and I will do what I want!" attitudes.

No offense NB but according to your stats..when you play the game you don't GV, Buff or capture.  How can you call somebody else myopic when you only play one aspect (fiter)???  If thats not a "its my $15 and I'll do what i want attitude" im not sure what is...

Animal's post in the other thread is still the best one I have read...if there really is a large group of vets who want furballing...form and train appropriate squads and have at it.

I have never seen a buff pilot insult a furballer because they havent learned all the tricks behind buffing...but furballers sure seem comfortable suggesting that anyone who hasn't entered a "ACM training" Dojo are newbs who "just dont get it"....
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 11:06:10 PM by FALCONWING »

Offline grizz441

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #170 on: January 19, 2009, 11:10:02 PM »
Wow!  You really know me well!  For a guy with a fiter k/d of 1.6 and a attack k/d of 0.6 you should spend a little time in the TA before you talk smack...I think the 2 weeker would have a better chance of killing you however. :devil  According to your squaddie zazen since your attack and fiter score sucks he wouldn't even respect you enough to be civil to you.

Score doesn't take into account which missions you are choosing to fly.  Scotch is always flying against stacked odds and doesn't give a hoot if his cartoon plane gets shot down.  Pretty sure he's notorious for taking a knife to a gun fight and still baggin "1.6" per sortie which is pretty impressive.  You're ignorant for trying to justify skill or lack thereof by looking at a scorecard.

Offline moot

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #171 on: January 19, 2009, 11:45:37 PM »
Falconwing, with all due respect it doesn't matter if Scotch is evil incarnate.  At least three quarters of the missions in the game either replace tactics with brute force in numbers, or never really show much air combat (totaly die anytime there's proper furballers on the target base, or just shut down/deny the fight via porking), or both. I'm not pointing fingers.  I'm just saying you can't substitute a big mission roster for real air combat.  Real air combat has some ACM substance to it, not just clobbering inanimate objects or steamrolling some furball with twice the numbers.

And the bit about furballers not coming down from their podium to put themselves in harm's way... It's almost become the norm for furballers (that I've talked to or whose posts I've read) to admit they fly almost exclusively on defense. Because most of the players they find in the game simply run away within two moves unless you bait them with enough sandbagging. That's not the way it should be.  And yet those players once in the big multi-wing squads keep doing it.. which you'd think wouldn't happen if they were correctly taken under the squad's wing. If all they do is provide their virtual bodies to the mass-attack clan, they really aren't getting any help at all. On the contrary, the evidence points to them stagnating. 
I have never seen a buff pilot insult a furballer because they havent learned all the tricks behind buffing...but furballers sure seem comfortable suggesting that anyone who hasn't entered a "ACM training" Dojo are newbs who "just dont get it"....
This is rubbish. Plenty of guys in bombers and jabos will do as much retarded whining or scoffing at someone pointing out that they're killing a great furball by dropping hangars no one asked to be dropped.

Scotch's K/D.. You have to be kidding, right? Scotch could pull off a score in the top ten/twenty anytime. That's not what floats his boat tho; try fighting him on your own, that's what he's interested in.   Stats don't mean jack.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 11:52:13 PM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #172 on: January 19, 2009, 11:50:12 PM »
Wow!  You really know me well!  For a guy with a fiter k/d of 1.6 and a attack k/d of 0.6 you should spend a little time in the TA before you talk smack...I think the 2 weeker would have a better chance of killing you however. :devil  According to your squaddie zazen since your attack and fiter score sucks he wouldn't even respect you enough to be civil to you.Try this scenario:Our 2 weeker ups out of an airbase....a pair of tempests are lurking over the soon as he clears the field ack they take passes at him until he gets nailed...."kappa killed you"  "fester killed you" pops up over and over again...he ups a distant base to try and get some alt and by the time he arrives they are gone.  WTG's all around when they land their kills...Okay...a base is flashing!  CV off the coast...our 2 weeker ups a fiter and bam "shawk has killed you" he keeps getting vulched over and over again by different members of the non-NOE squadron.  Fine...he ups a nearby base but by the time he arrives it is too late and they have landed on the cv.Crap...okay he goes to a busier field and  ups a spit16 and heds out where he sees an enemy f4u-1d doing scissors with a friendly...the friendly calls for help and he zooms in and picks the f4u off him.  Suddenly ch 200 is lighting up:Skyrock: you wuss..your a coward for jumping inSkyrock: YOU spixteen dweeb moron...I own you!!!I could go on and on...half the l33t so-called furballers are pickers and are more likely to insult when they die then wtg or <S> (No Mark I am not calling you a picker...but you could be nicer on ch 200)Maybe you should look in the mirror Scotch and ask yourself what REALLY drives folks to want to be in a mob and not focus on fiter it truly the land grabbing squads OR is it the l33t furballers who are quick to insult and use their experience to make the newbie miserable instead of looking for "fair" fights and putting themselves into harms way?Now all that being everyone chooses to fly is their own 14.95...Noone i used as an example above is doing anything unethical or wrong.  I like shawk and his boys.  I personally could care less...but lets stop pretending that the basetaking squads are worse.  They thrive because THEY DO TAKE GUYS UNDER THEIR WING AND HELP THEM OUT!!!  Your podium perched "furballers" like to pontificate but do nothing to advance the game.  I have no idea who you are and I've been in aw/ah since 1996...and I truly won't miss you when your gone again.  It WILL happen because you will never care enough about this game and its development to actually spend the time to do anything but pontificate.  Talk is cheap and yours seems particularly worthless...Here is a tip you will likely dismiss....The way to change things is not by insulting but by leading...Thats what worked for BoPs and many other successful and longlived squads.  And BTW BoPs came long after MAW and other squads...we didnt invent the megasquad...most active squads have multiple wings and did back then as well...
most of these guys you mentioned know better than to attack noobs on 200. Skyrock can be quite the charicter on 200, but Ive only witnessed him really go after guys that have been around the game a while.  Also what to have in mind is that you will get much more respect when you show that you truley try to get good at what you matter how many times you get shot down. You are never always going to reverse that guy..or probably ever coming out of that 2v1 firing one shot before your in the tower, but the effort has to be put. That always comes to a win/win situation if you work at it hard enough.
****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz

Offline viper215

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #173 on: January 19, 2009, 11:54:41 PM »
Ive been in the bops going on 4 years noq and ive never heard falcnwng call over vox "so and so shot me down...all bops up with me and lets slap him silly" learn before you talk scotch.
- Viper215 - Birds of Prey - Falcon Wing -
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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #174 on: January 20, 2009, 12:03:53 AM »
Scotch 9, Falconwing 3.  I'm not nessesarily a furballer either.

I had a 3 wing 60+ person squad in AW in '96/'97.  We were lucky to get 20 people on for squad night so you actually do need some numbers if you're going to try to get something meaningful going on a squad night.  Back in those days you also needed numbers though because if your bombers didn't have gunners they were'nt gunned. 

Another part of the deal now is that a lot of the squads are so young that they have all the time in the world to play and getting bunches of them online together isn't as big a deal.

I had a bit of a revelation tonight playing in the orange arena on the pinwheel map.  As soon as a country takes too many bases then they suddenly can't defend them all.  Then they get attacked and lose some and the circle jerk continues.  The base capture guys are, in reality, doing nothing but chasing their tails.  As an example, I took one base single handedly tonight and then defended it against an NOE single handedly.  I had fun doing both but defending was more fun.  Sooner or later this will get boring for them and they will either quit or learn to fight.

As to the vets taking people under their wings and teaching them the finer aspects of the fight well, some of us don't have the time or just want to play during the time that we do have.  There are plenty of options available to anyone that wants to learn so don't lump this on the vets as being their fault.

While I agree that the hoards have gotten out of hand I totally understand them.  There's still fun to be had in the arenas regardless of them. 

If an NOE hoard sneaks your base while you're busy having fun furballing in a different sector of the map, really, what real harm have they done?  By tomorrow that base will be yours again and so will a few of theirs.

It might not sound like I'm one of the learn to fight guys but in fact I am.  What I don't like is everyone ganging on a single con.  If people didn't do that one thing it would go a long way to relieving this issue.  Overall I'm just beginning to think that there's far too much attention being placed on this.  If we all just went into the arenas and looked at the map we'd all find what we're looking for.  I think we really can all co-exist and we can all have fun doing it.

My advice:  Pick your locations if you have to but just get out there and fight and have fun.  Who cares what's going on on the other side of the map?  And while your having fun be cordial to your opponents.  Being nice to people never hurt anyone.

Sorry, random thoughts.
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Re: All hail...
« Reply #175 on: January 20, 2009, 12:07:52 AM »
Falconwing, with all due respect it doesn't matter if Scotch is evil incarnate.  At least three quarters of the missions in the game either replace tactics with brute force in numbers, or never really show much air combat (totaly die anytime there's proper furballers on the target base, or just shut down/deny the fight via porking), or both. I'm not pointing fingers.  I'm just saying you can't substitute a big mission roster for real air combat.  Real air combat has some ACM substance to it, not just clobbering inanimate objects or steamrolling some furball with twice the numbers.

And the bit about furballers not coming down from their podium to put themselves in harm's way... It's almost become the norm for furballers (that I've talked to or whose posts I've read) to admit they fly almost exclusively on defense. Because most of the players they find in the game simply run away within two moves unless you bait them with enough sandbagging. That's not the way it should be.  And yet those players once in the big multi-wing squads keep doing it.. which you'd think wouldn't happen if they were correctly taken under the squad's wing. If all they do is provide their virtual bodies to the mass-attack clan, they really aren't getting any help at all. On the contrary, the evidence points to them stagnating.  This is rubbish. Plenty of guys in bombers and jabos will do as much retarded whining or scoffing at someone pointing out that they're killing a great furball by dropping hangars no one asked to be dropped.

Scotch's K/D.. You have to be kidding, right? Scotch could pull off a score in the top ten/twenty anytime. That's not what floats his boat tho; try fighting him on your own, that's what he's interested in.   Stats don't mean jack.

I'm sorry Moot but I call bullcrap....very few of the self-annointed furballers put themselves in harms way...many of those I have mentioned are the first to run when a co-alt bogey shows suggest otherwise is foolish...

and for Grizz....I only mention his stats because his own squaddie (Zazen) would not deem him worthy of respect according to a previous post...I was using it as an example of the pompous attitude exhibited by the folks who want to tell others how to play the game...If Zazen didnt know scotch he wouldn't talk to him...This is much more the attitude that causes folks to abandon ACM and stay with what IS fun for them...

My point is that IF furballing and ACM was the ultimate fun then only masochists would abandon it to gv, buff, jabo and capture fields.  Perhaps people who like the social context of the game find the other aspects of the game more conducive to playing for hours instead of a few sorties.  Crazy to think that most players could care less about who spent more time learning a cartoon airplane, throttle control and track-IR BUT instead pursue what gives them pleasure.  If they were truly only part of large squads because they sucked at ACM and they really didn't like the pther aspects of the would think they wouldn't spend $180/year and find another game to play.

As demonstrated earlier in this post...furballers can't even police their own arena (the DA).  Maybe they should figure that out before they demand that squad C.O.'s dictate gameplay in the MA's.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 12:10:37 AM by FALCONWING »

Offline Delirium

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #176 on: January 20, 2009, 12:10:35 AM »
For a guy with a fiter k/d of 1.6 and a attack k/d of 0.6 you should spend a little time in the TA before you talk smack...I think the 2 weeker would have a better chance of killing you however.

Scotch isn't a score monkey, I'd put money on him in a 1v1 any day of the week. Rank and ability are rarely, if ever, combined.

Besides, making baseless attacks like that diminishes your argument, whatever your argument may be.
80th "Headhunters"
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I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #177 on: January 20, 2009, 12:13:28 AM »
Scotch 9, Falconwing 3.  I'm not nessesarily a furballer either.

I had a 3 wing 60+ person squad in AW in '96/'97.  We were lucky to get 20 people on for squad night so you actually do need some numbers if you're going to try to get something meaningful going on a squad night.  Back in those days you also needed numbers though because if your bombers didn't have gunners they were'nt gunned. 

Another part of the deal now is that a lot of the squads are so young that they have all the time in the world to play and getting bunches of them online together isn't as big a deal.

I had a bit of a revelation tonight playing in the orange arena on the pinwheel map.  As soon as a country takes too many bases then they suddenly can't defend them all.  Then they get attacked and lose some and the circle jerk continues.  The base capture guys are, in reality, doing nothing but chasing their tails.  As an example, I took one base single handedly tonight and then defended it against an NOE single handedly.  I had fun doing both but defending was more fun.  Sooner or later this will get boring for them and they will either quit or learn to fight.

As to the vets taking people under their wings and teaching them the finer aspects of the fight well, some of us don't have the time or just want to play during the time that we do have.  There are plenty of options available to anyone that wants to learn so don't lump this on the vets as being their fault.

While I agree that the hoards have gotten out of hand I totally understand them.  There's still fun to be had in the arenas regardless of them. 

If an NOE hoard sneaks your base while you're busy having fun furballing in a different sector of the map, really, what real harm have they done?  By tomorrow that base will be yours again and so will a few of theirs.

It might not sound like I'm one of the learn to fight guys but in fact I am.  What I don't like is everyone ganging on a single con.  If people didn't do that one thing it would go a long way to relieving this issue.  Overall I'm just beginning to think that there's far too much attention being placed on this.  If we all just went into the arenas and looked at the map we'd all find what we're looking for.  I think we really can all co-exist and we can all have fun doing it.

My advice:  Pick your locations if you have to but just get out there and fight and have fun.  Who cares what's going on on the other side of the map?  And while your having fun be cordial to your opponents.  Being nice to people never hurt anyone.

Sorry, random thoughts.
The problem is most players just don't have the right stuff for learning proper acm. So they take shortcuts and horde or pork, or do the extremely timid pick/run/BNZ routine.
I did some 1:1 tutoring this weekend while trying to get used to new controls, and one thing it reminded me of that I'd realized a long time ago is that most players just lose patience when they realize how much drilling and discipline it takes to really be competitive. It's one thing to understand the concepts and know the right answer, and another to execute it correctly. Unfortunately even the theoretical step seems to totaly escape most players.

Idealy, the one best solution would be massive training. Just like in reality.  Some way or other that'd effectively pour all there is in a book like Shaw's straight into their head.  Then, and only then, would missions really be what they ought to be... Planners could actualy do some proper tactics, rather than the one-element missions we nearly always see.
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you


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Re: All hail...
« Reply #178 on: January 20, 2009, 12:22:47 AM »
Scotch isn't a score monkey, I'd put money on him in a 1v1 any day of the week. Rank and ability are rarely, if ever, combined.

Besides, making baseless attacks like that diminishes your argument, whatever your argument may be.

Since I don't know the guy and haven't encountered him except once that I remember...that is all I have to go on...Take off your glasses Del...he was the one who suggested that I couldn't handle a two weeker and would target him with my minions to drive him from the game.  He shouldn't dish out what he can't take...

I do believe that to an extent acm is reflected in stats...if you can't kill more then you are killed then you have poor judgement, skill or both.  I defend, dont grab up, jabo, get vulched, attack toen acks and still have a k/d > 2 in attack.  I'll never be called an alt-monkey and rarely vulch... Now does that mean I can beat Scotch in the DA?  Dunno...since all he does is fly fiters i would hope he would be good at that...but i can control throttle and flaps and play lead turn games in the DA as well as any...i would be happy to see how that turns out... :cool:

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Re: All hail...
« Reply #179 on: January 20, 2009, 12:37:08 AM »
I'm sorry Moot but I call bullcrap....very few of the self-annointed furballers put themselves in harms way...many of those I have mentioned are the first to run when a co-alt bogey shows suggest otherwise is foolish...
Uh.. no. I don't know how you ever got that impression. I was practicing with Bighorn a while back and he brought up a few points and all I could say was.. Dang, you're right.. all I do is fly defensively. I don't attack anymore, because they just run away.  That was the truth and pretty much all the furball-oriented players I've talked to echoed it.  

and for Grizz....I only mention his stats because his own squaddie (Zazen) would not deem him worthy of respect according to a previous post...I was using it as an example of the pompous attitude exhibited by the folks who want to tell others how to play the game...If Zazen didnt know scotch he wouldn't talk to him...This is much more the attitude that causes folks to abandon ACM and stay with what IS fun for them...
Your argument breaks down on the last point. What does one guy coming off as pompous have to do with the inarguable fact that ACM is the key to ability to survive and furball (whether for its own sake or during a mission, assuming the mission is seeing combat against players able to defend themselves and not just denial of hangars or porking desert base), which is what's fun.. Otherwise why play a multiplayer game at all?  This is completely independent of whether Zazen comes off one way or another in whatever he says.  If that is the reason given for not sticking to learning ACM, the player has some other issues.

My point is that IF furballing and ACM was the ultimate fun then only masochists would abandon it to gv, buff, jabo and capture fields.  Perhaps people who like the social context of the game find the other aspects of the game more conducive to playing for hours instead of a few sorties.  Crazy to think that most players could care less about who spent more time learning a cartoon airplane, throttle control and track-IR BUT instead pursue what gives them pleasure.  If they were truly only part of large squads because they sucked at ACM and they really didn't like the pther aspects of the would think they wouldn't spend $180/year and find another game to play.
No.. ACM is just one manifestation of combat. Combat is a martial art. It's not just one tactic, or strategy. It's not just one goal or way of doing things, it's a purpose: defeating the enemy. In AH, we don't have a war, we have a game taking the general mechanics of a specific part of WWII (air combat, plus some scraps of ground combat) that best adapt into a game. When you GV or Buff or Jabo, etc, you are recognizing the "enemy" or "problem" and coming up with whatever solution fits it. Like crafting a key you don't have for an unknown lock.  The problem is that the game is no fun when you repeatedly come up with the same big sledgehammer tactic for any given lock. Furballing rich in ACM is so much higher on the fun pyramid than one-element insta-missions because it's more varied and gives the player more tools to pick that lock with. More ingredients for whatever they want to cook up.  
It's the same with every other part of AH. In GVs, it would be absolutely boring to simply have a totaly square column of GVs coming right from the spawn and capturing the base, with no peril, no challenge, no unknowns, just one big steamroll. It might as well be AI.  

I didn't say you had to suck at ACM to go for big squads.. But the overall trend is definitely that the big squads don't breed the best sticks in terms of acm.  They're attractive mainly because they more or less guarantee the safety (in numbers) those players couldn't gain on their own by properly climbing the acm/sa/gunnery/timing learning curve on their own. That's a general trend, not an absolute rule. I'm not trying to be condescending.. It's just what's been obvious since I started the game.  And it's pretty similar to some dynamics that you find in reality, with people's way of life.

As demonstrated earlier in this post...furballers can't even police their own arena (the DA).  Maybe they should figure that out before they demand that squad C.O.'s dictate gameplay in the MA's.
Pigeon holing. e.g... The blue knights or muppets have nothing to do with e.g. the TAaerofighter squad or the mass of tempest/25k A6M/timid griefers. Nothing.
But yes... As the leader of such large squads that you yourself admit accepts so many in its ranks, so indescriminately, you do have some responsibility for what all those green players turn into.  It would be responsible to have them learn proper ACM, etc.  Whether you then lead them on to furballing or base taking or whatever, is totaly up to you and not anyone else's call.  But at least make whatever you do do justice to what AH is supposed to be about. Air Combat. Not Air Porking or Air Drones.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 12:39:39 AM by moot »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you