Author Topic: Plane you fear most?  (Read 6162 times)

Offline slyguy

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #150 on: June 04, 2009, 06:21:38 PM »
I'm not a big stats guy but I'd venture you've got an awful lot to learn after taking a gander. I cant see anything that would lead me to believe you've got above average ACM skills. Statistically my numbers last month in the LWA in an A-20 are better then your G6 numbers. Whats funny is that if you look at my A-20 stats I've got the most kills vs spitXVI and second is P-51.

Using skuzzy's uber stats page I was 15-3 in the LWA last tour vs spits of all flavors in the A-20. And the guys your in a pissing match with smack me around regularly. I'd just realize that your comments simply show how much room you have to improve...

Ah jeez here we go.  

Here's the last thing I have to say on this, and really the last thing I have to say on this snooty, condescending, hair salon you Stepford Wives call a forum.  Listen up.

All I did was share a method that has rarely failed me.  I completely believe in it but I think it bruised a few too many egos and stepped on too many toes because it didn't stroke some particular egos around here.  It was just my .02 cents and boy you had to let me know how worthless they were didn't you?  I didn't say one word about how "good" I am nor how good anyone isn't.  That had nothing to do with anything that I said.

And you just spent a bunch of time comparing your numbers to me, who has been afk for three years and hasn't even finished 2 tours since my return.  Way to go, man.  You're an inspiration to us all.  

Here's how stupid I'm not.  Don't butt in here after nosing around in my score sheet like it's your big sister's diary trying to prove a point when you full well know that it says nothing about what is going on in my typical AH evening.  You know nothing about it.  And if you do know, please share with me my sorties and what happened in them.  And if you can't, shut up.

How's that?

I'll let you all gossip about me amongst yourselves.  All I've gotten here is a **** storm of arrogance and attacks from the minute I asked a simple question in the help forum several weeks ago.  You can have it.


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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #151 on: June 04, 2009, 06:26:00 PM »

Offline humble

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #152 on: June 04, 2009, 06:51:50 PM »
All I did was share a method that has rarely failed me   

Actually I'd say it rarely works for you, feel free to look me up anytime and we'll explore the possibilities....

BTW I was the 1st guy that replied to your request for help there. I'm not trying to attack you, your simply making a lot of blanket statements that are inherently wrong....
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 06:55:23 PM by humble »

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Offline Steve

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #153 on: June 04, 2009, 06:57:51 PM »
 All I've gotten here is a **** storm of arrogance 

This from the same turd who said:

Don't "sorry" me.  I'm right,
I've been flying WWII air combat sims for 12 years.  Don't tell me I'm wrong.


I'm right, and no you don't

 :lol      :aok


Here's how stupid I'm not.  Don't butt in here after nosing around in my score sheet like it's your big sister's diary trying to prove a point when you full well know that it says nothing about what is going on in my typical AH evening.  You know nothing about it.  And if you do know, please share with me my sorties and what happened in them.  And if you can't, shut up.

You were preaching, incorrectly. When challenged on it you went with the "12 years... " stuff as if you are a seasoned veteran; not a classy one but as a turd looking down his nose at the masses.  Looking at your scores tells us you average an anemic 3 kills per hour. You are either very timid or very bad.

As for any poo flinging in this thread, you brought that on yourself. You could have taken your medicine like a man... or gone the route you actually chose: cry like a wounded schoolgirl and run home with your barbies.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 07:08:29 PM by Steve »
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #154 on: June 04, 2009, 06:59:36 PM »
I'm right, and no you don't.  You were CZ 38 guy huh?

Unless you played AW on Genie (which you didn't), its a safe assumption that my 16 years playing flight sims trumps your 12 years.  If you want to see how much of a factor the pilot is, we can always test it out.  Me in a P-38J and you in a 'better' plane.  How many fights do you think you'll lose in 10 minutes?

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Offline Letalis

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #155 on: June 04, 2009, 09:22:47 PM »
I know our prowess in-game is really the only thing we have to go off here folks, but X numbers of years and a certain k/d doesn't add up to much in the grand scheme of things...most of the time it simply means somebody was born before somebody else or person X discovered AH before person Y. These are things we can't use to put down our fellow cartoon pilots.
Moment of perspective over.  :)
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #156 on: June 04, 2009, 09:29:58 PM »
<< on so so..... but I'll fly anywhere, anytime, against anyone.
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Offline DamnedRen

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #157 on: June 04, 2009, 09:42:32 PM »
Unless you played AW on Genie (which you didn't), its a safe assumption that my 16 years playing flight sims trumps your 12 years.

Oh no! Delphi? Cris ring any bells? Ack-Ack....Dont tell me you were that spin dweeb...Vargis from B-Land?
Only other person that flew a nice 38 was Fool. Subbie was just learning back then.

J/K but it better not be true.....LOL


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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #158 on: June 05, 2009, 03:55:39 AM »
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you

Offline Grind

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #159 on: June 05, 2009, 04:42:10 AM »
109-K4 or Tempest.

Offline vonKrimm

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #160 on: June 05, 2009, 01:03:23 PM »
The spit? that I am taxinig to the re-arm pad in FSO; & the n00bs that don't know that "killshooter" is off in FSO that are also trying to get to the re-arm pad.

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #161 on: June 05, 2009, 02:58:30 PM »
 Me in a P-38J and you in a 'better' plane.  How many fights do you think you'll lose in 10 minutes?

 :rofl  You in a pj! There are few combination that are better, maybe lazer in pj! Stop bating him ack-ack it's no contest!  :D

Offline ink

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #162 on: June 05, 2009, 03:10:00 PM »
C47, cuz it's full of angry drunks   :eek:

Airframe-wise: Tempest, P51, K4.  Temp and 51 because they close distances so quickly while you are occupied requiring a higher SA "refresh rate" in a fight. K4 because as soon as you start heading home alone, low on ammo and fuel one will auto-spawn on your long 6.

As for highest concentrations of pilot quality: A P38G or J is interesting followed by 109s followed by INK, his metachlorian count is amazing. I always seem to eke out the win, but the requisite 6  friendlies might have had something to do with that... :uhoh

Yes I had to look up "metachlorian"  :lol      :salute

I think "slyguy" and "skytiger" are one and the same.

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #163 on: June 14, 2009, 08:56:16 PM »
Know the plane, assume the pilot is the best in the world, then you should know exactly what "he's gonna do". 

 I agreed with the rest of your post that this sentance is cut from. I hope you dont mind me chipping in about this one quote.
 Assuming the pilot is infact the worst in the world does wonders for pre-fight confidence. Remarkably It appears assuming the worst turns out better for the most part. When I recognise an attack or defence that is obviously well controlled I start figuring on the best. Once in a while the realisation may come too slow. Personal opinion, I find alot more engagements that benifit from an overbearing arrogance (untill proven wrong) than suffer through a late realisation of the underestimation of the enemy.
 A more learned player of aceshigh can often be spotted long before the merge if one pays attention. Just watch out for the ace who sprays a wild ho shot and misses from D2000 only to trick you and destroy you before you realise it is not a 2 week zipcode.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 09:01:26 PM by mechanic »
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Offline crazyivan

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Re: Plane you fear most?
« Reply #164 on: June 14, 2009, 09:48:59 PM »
I fear the picker! :aok
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