Author Topic: Horde the P-38G!  (Read 3157 times)


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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2009, 12:15:14 AM »
I have a good handle on english here.  I laugh at calling it vindication because of its connotations. Would you really use that word in reality?  When you use a word in any language, it's common to choose one that doesn't leave room for error, that's not ambiguous or otherwise vague in conveying what you really, precisely mean.. Vindicated implies the rest of its definition, which is definitely comical in this argument. That's semantics.Dude..,yes its a common phrase used by folks all the time.   Sorry. my mom grew up in the British school system and I use the term often...but once again you are getting off topic and so am i...

Let's just get to the point.  The screenshot and movie wasn't set up.  It just happens to be a nearly perfect illustration of what happens every evening we get together and fly against the hordes.  I have one from that same night where a group of players are literally flying their CV planes like drones on ballistic missile trajectories aimed at the airfield strat targets.  Flying behind them, shooting at them, flying next to and nearly on their 12 as they were flaming did nothing to shake them out of that win the war turpor.  That wasn't set up either.  Maybe you're a bit paranoid here.  The hordes are definitely not something anyone who's played any amount of time in the LW arenas in the last couple of years to question whether they actually happen.  They happen, and they happen often.  Just off the top of my head here.. Look up some of Wotan's posts.  He noted it too, and that's back in ~2002.  You could easily get the same assessment from Fariz.  Or Fester. Newsflash (to use your terminology) Hordes occurrred back in AW...the only thing that is different is arena size so the hordes are proportionally larger.  If your goal is to do away with of the way there were pickers, runners, milkrunners, scorepotatoes, vulchers and base takers as well

"Guppy won your respect".  Again, are you saying you would argue against someone not on the merit of their arguments but on how much you liked or disliked them?  Again.. this is your idea of not being biased?  Guppy and i argued plenty...we also pm'd plenty...and we ended up as friends...he also never stoooped to Scotch's level and im sure that helped.  AND seriously Moot you get into every post I'm in...I could care less who you are but you seem preoccuppied with me so I try to respond politely.  Your point of view is so uninteresting to me I never respond to a post you make.  No offense dude but YOUR the one with the wierd bias here.

And then you try and bring my being in the DFC into this.  Now that ticks me off.  Let me put it this way.. If a cop is having a nice damn beer at the bar, and you start rattling his cage and trying to poke at the uniform he isn't even wearing at the time.. Do you expect him to take you seriously? Not to think he's got someone trying hard to be a pr**k in front of him?  So you see DFC as cops... :lol :rofl :aok perfect!
That said - The DFC agenda is to do what it can to improve the quality of gameplay.  Now we've gone over this before, but let me re-iterate it for you once again.  The point of the game is air combat.  Air combat is a martial art.  What belt are you? :rolleyes: It's just a simulation of the real thing, but the dynamics are the same, no matter how fake the pixels are in that make-believe dimension. You cannot seriously combat efficiently without considering both tactics and strategy.  The whole furball/win-the-war dichotomy is bogus. The two are sides of the same coin.  Strategy and tactics work hand in hand.  One of the things the DFC would like to do is enrich the gameplay quality by impressing on all players the value in learning proper BFM, ACM, general tactical rules of thumbs, strategic possibilities, etc.  All the elements that will fill their toolbox with more means to reach whatever their ends are, not the least of which is having fun.
Why would these starchy formal academic sounding disciplines tantamount to having fun?  Because they give the players more chances of success.  They allow players to get into more fights, rather than sit out anything mildly difficult.  They will get the players to spread out for more challenging fights than just piling up on one low con while 10 more are coming with altitude, because they figure it might be the only kill they're going to get out of the sortie, since it's really not in their hands that the outcome of the fight rests, but in whatever the initial relative handicaps (altitude, speed, position, numbers, plane types, etc) are at T=0.  IOW, without the skills that the players will WANT to learn by being impressed on, by being exposed to them, the game is going to keep getting more and more decided by the planes, and not the pilots at their controls. 

I think at this point you get what I'm getting at.Dude, relax, breathe, I said I support the DFC despite some of its members...

The muppets trying to be like the BKs.  ... I don't know where you pull this crap out of, but it doesn't smell good.  The muppets aren't trying to be anyone. How you got the impression that there's such a behavior seems to be all your fabrication.. Whether projection or whatever, it says more about you than us.
And the squad doesn't have any major lead on the DFC's intention. You are trying real freakin hard to discredit the club.. That's low.Dude put back on your tinfoil hat :noid

And when I mentionned Widewing, it was in analogy to that instance of you making a totally erroneous assumption from lack of information,no...widewing insulted my squad...he and I addressed this....the fact tha I have never runinto him or knowingly fought him is fact not an erroneous assumption.  The only possible erroneous assumption was that when he insulted my squad I assumed he was a jerk.  Some folks i like have told me he is a decent i may be wrong...i will let time sort that out the same way you're apparently doing when you say that hordes are not prevalent in the LW arenas.  An accurate call.Once again i ask you to show me where i made this statement?  You are soooo blinded by this falc obsession you still don't understand what my post was about
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 12:18:45 AM by FALCONWING »

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2009, 01:50:42 AM »
Well if nothing else, the film by Scotch, along with one by Soulyss made it clear to me that folks were ruining my 38G so I was forced to get back in it and wreck it myself tonite.  It's just not right to have CorkyJr getting smashed up by everyone else and not me.  I do want to know which of you bastages let the air out of the tires however?  And who stole the armor plate?  I need that!

It was a good time.  I even killed a couple bad guys too. :)
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2009, 02:29:47 AM »
See, this is why I didn't buy your token "we're really parallel here", or your fake salute. "Vindicated"?  :lol You just don't get it, and yet (either disingenuously or because it really does escape you) you'll jump at the first opportunity to pretend you've got the high ground.. You're after the last word, not getting to the truth.  I don't have that problem, i cant relate to that.?? Agendas?  You mean playing russian roulette is an agenda?  :lol You're the guy at the head of a mega squad, and we're the guys in a motley crew of random furballers who'll switch to wherever the fight is, and you're saying we have an agenda? We can't even fly formation in scenarios, nevermind in the MA, and you're saying we have agendas? :rofl That's not the point.. One 38G gets totally swarmed.. It's just one instance of the dozens or hundreds that happen all over AH, all day.  Where's your pigeon holing Guppy35 (and BaldEagl, Nilsen, and dozens/hundreds of other players) along with Scotch?  It's nowhere because you're after Scotch here, the messenger, not the damn truth of how ridiculously lame the path of least resistance gameplay is.  You're letting your dislike for Scotch get in the way of objective argument. And you call others biased and say they've got agendas. 

"Vindicated"   LOL  Did we just step on the set of Spartacus or Gladiator or something?

 :salute To you guys. I've always found this blind "Nationalism" in AHII kind of ridiculous to begin with.

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2009, 03:25:51 AM »
<-- Wont even bother quoting anything or explaining my viewpoint.

Falcon, youre a dweeb.   :aok

« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 03:28:23 AM by Saurdaukar »

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2009, 06:48:02 AM »
Falconwing, I'm just curious...  Do you ever impress on your squaddies the importance of good SA?

I ask this because you often like to throw the "You have bad SA" argument in people's faces for getting ganged, so I assume you have a good grasp on the topic.

Wouldn't you agree that blowing your alt and E to all dogpile a low con, when several other high cons are either nearby or enroute, is a bad decision brought about by poor SA?

Wouldn't you agree that, when trying to take a base, and deep in enemy territory, (with your rate of attrition thus much higher, and rate of reinforcement much lower than the enemy's) it is undesireable to accept 50/50 odds with a HO shot?  Wouldn't that also betray a lack of SA?

I'm just trying to look at things from a different perspective here as opposed to the furballers...  But wouldn't a base-taker need good SA just as badly?  Don't many of their actions betray a real lack of it?

I don't mean to insinuate that your squad does this... 
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2009, 07:12:58 AM »
Looks like you have them right where you want them Scotch. :aok
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2009, 07:53:14 AM »
Moot I dont think you grasp what certain words have said before in posts English is not your native language so I truly further our discussion...

Parallel: when i say we are talking parallel I DON'T mean we are in agreement...I mean our thoughts/beliefs are NOT intersecting (crossing paths)...i.e. you don't get what I am trying to say....

i would interpret your statement of you and moot ""thinking parallel"" to mean that you both are thinking along the same lines.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2009, 07:56:54 AM »
So many big words wait our we having an argument on who can use the best words, vindication connotation :huh

could this please be translated?
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2009, 09:00:53 AM »
could this please be translated?

Me fail English?  That unpossible!
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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #69 on: March 03, 2009, 09:01:13 AM »
Wouldn't you agree that blowing your alt and E to all dogpile a low con, when several other high cons are either nearby or enroute, is a bad decision brought about by poor SA?

I agree.  For every friendly in addition to a pair on a bandit, the SA mistakes of the attackers grow greater than that of the victim.  At worst, it puts all of those twit-gangers in a poor position to meet the next wave of higher bandits.  This dynamic is partly responsible for good furballs evolving into vulch-fests.
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Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2009, 09:17:40 AM »
I guess the Muppets are trying to be like the BKs of old without the skill level, respect or sense of humor...but as the squad with the most members in DFC they seem to think they have a leg to stand on when it comes to is a shame for the concept of the DFC imho. 

Dude.. you simply have no idea what you're talking about on any level.. Muppets attempting to emulate? Clueless.. Muppets trying to lead? Clearly you are clueless..

What is the BK statement suppose to do anyway? As if you yourself will ever reach a level beyond the horde..

You know jack about the workings of my squad let alone the DFC.. Leave it out of your ridiculous drivel.. It has no place..

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2009, 09:33:24 AM »
Well if nothing else, the film by Scotch, along with one by Soulyss made it clear to me that folks were ruining my 38G so I was forced to get back in it and wreck it myself tonite.  It's just not right to have CorkyJr getting smashed up by everyone else and not me.  I do want to know which of you bastages let the air out of the tires however?  And who stole the armor plate?  I need that!

It was a good time.  I even killed a couple bad guys too. :)
(Image removed from quote.)

Hey dan..welcome back...

Vudak I'll send you via email...this thread is way off topic to begin with :t

Mazz - Yayyy I win! :devil

Kappa - Your my biggest fish thus only 2000 posts you are harder to snag!!!

Sorry guys...yesterday was the bored day off with snow...gotta work now....I guess I'll somehow continue to have an AWESOME time in the MA with AWESOME peeps and lots of laughs....

Sometimes I just like to "hang out" with the small percentage that are miserable or needing an "atta boy" to keep playing...thank goodness these boards exist!  Keeps my civic sense appeased :lol :rofl

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2009, 10:02:02 AM »
I upped a base.....there were a dozen or so GV's coming in, and then I saw about a dozen cons coming in....Every single one attempted a HO, except a yak.  They hit the field and then started upping from a cv...literally avoided every attempt to have a good fight suicide saturation...they finally got the hangars and the field was shut down and gv's took over.  I upped a field over, and was happy that maybe a good fight would happen between the bases.....NOT.  Every one of them HO'd and dove towards my base and dropped eggs and augered or killed by ack.  The stream of cons and their suicide saturation eventually got the hangars, and shut down the field. 

Now..... Muppets disagree with this type of gameplay...we believe it is bad for the game.  It will not be given a green light...or a free will be fought on all levels.   :aok

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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #73 on: March 03, 2009, 10:31:29 AM »

Mazz - Yayyy I win! :devil

Kappa - Your my biggest fish thus only 2000 posts you are harder to snag!!!

Sorry guys...yesterday was the bored day off with snow...gotta work now....I guess I'll somehow continue to have an AWESOME time in the MA with AWESOME peeps and lots of laughs....

And with that we come full circle.  The last bastion of the clueless is a three step process:

1.)  Claim victory when someone else decides you arent even worth addressing.
2.)  Claim that your entire tirade was a carefully planned fishing expedition.
3.)  Claim ancillary duty obligating your exit from the discussion so as to avoid further instances requiring the explanation of your position.

Nice.  You dont disappoint.  :aok

(At this moment, you are considering "thanking" me for my last line as a retort, arent you?  I know you are you silly goose!  Go ahead and type it!  "Thanks, Mazz.  Glad I could help!") 


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Re: Horde the P-38G!
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2009, 10:34:40 AM »
Well lets leave it at have cleverly proved my point and thank you very much :aok  According to YOU...scotch purposefully gets ganged by flying into situations where it is bound to occur and then posts screenies to show how bad gameplay has deteriorated.  By your own admission you hover at high alt around these fights for amusement and don't dive in to help.  Im assuming when you say "Scotch & co" you mean others in your squad strive for the same thing.  Cool...I'll leave a 20 dollar bill on the sidewalk and say how bad society is when someone picks it up and keeps it.... :lol

Thanks for explaining from an insider's vantage how this occurs.  I'm sure this behavior builds credibility and doesn't suggest personal agendas...

Delirium...if i had higher alt squaddies i probably wouldn't dive in front of 6-9 enemy cons and blow my e...but that just me (actually from watching you wouldn't're cleverer than that).  However if i did say "What the hell?" and dove in and died I wouldn't post screenies ridiculing those who killed me and suggest it was somehow their fault for the situation I put myself in.

I feel quite vindicated now...thanks :salute

Make no mistake there isn't a muppet that won't help a squad mate who asks for help .