Author Topic: Hello All  (Read 1770 times)

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2009, 10:39:38 AM »
you did? 

I had HG ceech, 3lips someothers in his squad,  some of the AoW,  soulslinger and allusive.    Ceech stuck it out all the others no longer play to my knowledge apart from my man playmate.  Who is now the CO of The Few's american wing.
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Offline USCH

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2009, 10:43:56 AM »
YOU don't drop troops at the base!!!! :) you drop them at town when its all down and all ack is dead....
most commen mistake by FA guys.... good to see you here

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2009, 10:45:41 AM »
oh i forgot  the old VAC_diggin is here too,   can't believe i forgot to mention him,  i'll get severely reprimanded now.   :cry

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2009, 03:47:49 PM »
Thank you for the many welcomes.  I will start my AH training tonight or tomorrow and give this game a whirl.  I just hope you all can be patient with my quest to be #1, well atleast #1 in my mind.  For those that have weak stomachs, I promise not to wear my Speedoman tag until I get good enough to kill a training drone.

I can already notice a big difference with this community versus that of Fighter Ace.



Offline Bark0

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2009, 02:58:13 PM »
We salute like this
<S> not =s=

Ok? :furious
lol  :salute

Quote From Shifty:
There's more to AH than the LWA...There's far more early war hanger queens as you call them missing than there are late war cannon armed uber rides.[quote/]

Offline Kazaa

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2009, 03:21:01 PM »
About time Admiral. AH2>FA.

"If you learn from defeat, you haven't really lost."

Offline Gianlupo

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2009, 03:26:24 PM »
I will start my AH training tonight or tomorrow and give this game a whirl.  I just hope you all can be patient with my quest to be #1, well atleast #1 in my mind.  For those that have weak stomachs, I promise not to wear my Speedoman tag until I get good enough to kill a training drone.

<S> Admiral and welcome onboard. You may want to pay a visit to the Offline mission forum on this board, you'll find a lot of missions you can play offline against AI pilots. I think it would be a good way to start getting the feeling for our FM and for the various airplanes capabilities: of course nothing can replace training with another player, but it's a good start.
Live to fly, fly to live!

Offline Admiral

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2009, 03:20:29 PM »
Hi guys..

To explain my current issue, I have to explain a little about the game Fighter Ace.  My biggest learning curve is to understand all available keys you can map to your joystick.  Fighter Ace was real easy where I could map the basic following keys to my joystick and the rest activate via keyboard.  Certain buttons would be mapped with multiple key mappings.  (Example: Padlock enemy + Closest Enemy)

Jstick Mapping:
1. Fire
2. Flaps Up
3. Flaps Down
4. Padlock Enemy + Closest Enemy (Fighter Ace has the ability to use their padlock feature to spot the closest enemy and then toggle between multiple bogies by using the '.' or ',' key.) Does AH have something similar?
5. Map
6. Full Wheel Brakes + Air Brakes
7. Full View + Trim
8. Gears

Keyboard Keys:
'.' or ',' : Toggle between padlocked enemy or friendly
F7 - F8 : Pan view of your aircraft
F4: Padlock view, but giving you the ability to look around using your mouse key
Ctrl+W: WEP
Ctrl+E: Engine (on/off)
Shift+E: Eject
RightShift + Backspace: Drop Bombs, Drop additional fuel tanks, Drop Troops
Shift + Spacebar: shoot rockets

From my first initial take on AH as compared to Fighter Ace.. Boy did we have it easy.. lol

In FA, my flight style was simple.. I was a pure Energy pilot who constantly kept an eye on his surroundings.  I'd always keep an eye on the map and little radar window at the bottom right corner of the screen, which does not seem to be available in AH.  I would also use the tabbing keys to keep an eye on the fastest or biggest threat coming in and also keep an eye on my wingmen where'd I'd usually call out orders to make sure we all come out alive.

I know I am new and this will take time to learn, but I have had the same keys mapped and same flight style for going on 10 years now... lol  So I know I can't expect to get this over night.  I have already mapped my keys as close as my previous FA mapping.  However, I would like to know if first of all, you can map multiple keys to one joystick button.  The biggest obstacle of mine was keeping my Situational Awareness as high as I have in the past.  The only way I was able to pan around my plane was via my joystick hatch key, which was also the way I kept my eye on the enemy. 

Are there better ways for the following?:

1. Keep an eye on the map (currently i was using the ESC key, but i noticed the map would not come right up, there would be a slight delay bringing it up and bringing it down)
2. Is there a master fuel gage?  Instead of panning across all tanks?
3. Damage View?
4. Padlock Closest Enemy and pan through others.
5. Padlock Closest Friendly
6. Is there a way to use your mouse to turn your head while in plane?  What is the best method to look around
your aircraft?
7. Do most of you use not only the buttons on your joystick, but many other buttons on your keyboard?  In FA, my keyboard buttons would not be needed during a battle, it just seems like I will need more key mapped to be successful.

Anyway,  there are plenty more issues I have, but lets just start with the basics .. lol

Thanks again for your advice.



Offline Bruv119

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2009, 03:55:19 PM »
im on our vent server for another hour +    check our private squad forum for vent info or jump on msn. 

we can get this setup to suit what you know already.
The Few ***

Offline WMLute

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2009, 04:47:22 PM »
Hi guys..

To explain my current issue, I have to explain a little about the game Fighter Ace.  My biggest learning curve is to understand all available keys you can map to your joystick.  Fighter Ace was real easy where I could map the basic following keys to my joystick and the rest activate via keyboard.  Certain buttons would be mapped with multiple key mappings.  (Example: Padlock enemy + Closest Enemy)

Jstick Mapping:
1. Fire
2. Flaps Up
3. Flaps Down
4. Padlock Enemy + Closest Enemy (Fighter Ace has the ability to use their padlock feature to spot the closest enemy and then toggle between multiple bogies by using the '.' or ',' key.) Does AH have something similar?
5. Map
6. Full Wheel Brakes + Air Brakes
7. Full View + Trim
8. Gears

Keyboard Keys:
'.' or ',' : Toggle between padlocked enemy or friendly
F7 - F8 : Pan view of your aircraft
F4: Padlock view, but giving you the ability to look around using your mouse key
Ctrl+W: WEP
Ctrl+E: Engine (on/off)
Shift+E: Eject
RightShift + Backspace: Drop Bombs, Drop additional fuel tanks, Drop Troops
Shift + Spacebar: shoot rockets

From my first initial take on AH as compared to Fighter Ace.. Boy did we have it easy.. lol

In FA, my flight style was simple.. I was a pure Energy pilot who constantly kept an eye on his surroundings.  I'd always keep an eye on the map and little radar window at the bottom right corner of the screen, which does not seem to be available in AH.  I would also use the tabbing keys to keep an eye on the fastest or biggest threat coming in and also keep an eye on my wingmen where'd I'd usually call out orders to make sure we all come out alive.

I know I am new and this will take time to learn, but I have had the same keys mapped and same flight style for going on 10 years now... lol  So I know I can't expect to get this over night.  I have already mapped my keys as close as my previous FA mapping.  However, I would like to know if first of all, you can map multiple keys to one joystick button.  The biggest obstacle of mine was keeping my Situational Awareness as high as I have in the past.  The only way I was able to pan around my plane was via my joystick hatch key, which was also the way I kept my eye on the enemy. 

Are there better ways for the following?:

1. Keep an eye on the map (currently i was using the ESC key, but i noticed the map would not come right up, there would be a slight delay bringing it up and bringing it down)
2. Is there a master fuel gage?  Instead of panning across all tanks?
3. Damage View?
4. Padlock Closest Enemy and pan through others.
5. Padlock Closest Friendly
6. Is there a way to use your mouse to turn your head while in plane?  What is the best method to look around
your aircraft?
7. Do most of you use not only the buttons on your joystick, but many other buttons on your keyboard?  In FA, my keyboard buttons would not be needed during a battle, it just seems like I will need more key mapped to be successful.

Anyway,  there are plenty more issues I have, but lets just start with the basics .. lol

Thanks again for your advice.



To answer all your questions simply: pretty much all yes.

Spend some time at the Trainers website

AH has mouse look (Shift M)  and most of the features you listed.

Print this out to make it all easier One page quick refrence

Spend some time at the trainers website, and visit and read.  Lots of good stuff at the AH Help page as well AcesHigh Help Page.

Take advantage of our one of the wonderfull Trainers in the Training Arena.  That would prob. be the most helpfull thing you could do and will shed months off of your "figurin' out ma'self" time.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

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Offline grizz441

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2009, 08:38:33 PM »
I don't think he needs to spend time in the TA right now if he's been playing for 10+ years...

To answer a couple questions... On the clipboard map open up the E6B and this will tell you your overall fuel and eta of flight time remaining.
To check damage, Ctrl D.

In fights you don't need to use the keyboard really if you have flaps, wep, and views mapped to your joystick.  In a multi bandit engagement the clipboard map isn't going to help your SA.  You need to keep tabs on everything going on with your views.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 08:43:13 PM by grizz441 »

Offline WMLute

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2009, 09:42:37 PM »
I don't think he needs to spend time in the TA right now if he's been playing for 10+ years...

To answer a couple questions... On the clipboard map open up the E6B and this will tell you your overall fuel and eta of flight time remaining.
To check damage, Ctrl D.

In fights you don't need to use the keyboard really if you have flaps, wep, and views mapped to your joystick.  In a multi bandit engagement the clipboard map isn't going to help your SA.  You need to keep tabs on everything going on with your views.

He will learn more in one hour with a Trainer than he can figure out by himself in a month.  Doesn't matter if he flew FA for 10 yrs, he's new to THIS game and the Trainer will be able to answer all his ?'s and get him pointed in the right direction.

To be honest, there are few people that fly AcesHigh that would NOT benefit from an hour with a Trainer.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."
— George Patton

Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit

Offline moot

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2009, 10:09:18 PM »
1. Keep an eye on the map
No, that's the fastest way to bring it up. Note that if you press Esc as it's coming up, you'll only slow it down, not retract it.
2. Is there a master fuel gage? 
The red needle on some of the most recently updated planes.
3. Damage View?
4. Padlock Closest Enemy and pan through others.
Tab. You can also set controls for padlock center target, or cycle to next one. 
5. Padlock Closest Friendly
Ctrl-Tab to enable friendly lock, then works just like enemies.
6. Is there a way to use your mouse to turn your head while in plane?  What is the best method to look around your aircraft?
Yes, map it to yaw and pitch camera, then you have an option to start in mouse view. H toggles it, I think.
7. Do most of you use not only the buttons on your joystick, but many other buttons on your keyboard?  In FA, my keyboard buttons would not be needed during a battle, it just seems like I will need more key mapped to be successful
I have all the time critical controls on the hotas.
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running very fast
I squish you

Offline Saxman

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2009, 10:29:29 PM »
Can't go wrong with a good HOTAS setup. Definitely recommend the CH set (F-16 Fighterstick + Pro Throttle). Oh, and you'll want pedals. Really, REALLY want pedals. Twisty stick is better than keyboard, but having pedals is night and day compared to the twisty stick. Rudder is useful all around, but especially in planes like the F4U where rudder can have a big impact on flight maneuvers.

As moot said, anything you need to hit in combat you'll want to have mapped to the stick. I don't use the keyboard for any actual combat controls, and most standard flight controls. I have flaps, gear, tail hook, engine selection (L, R and All) and controls (throttle and RPM), zoom, views, comms, weapons selection, primary/secondary/all fire, map, trim controls, etc. all mapped to the stick and throttle. The less you need to use the keyboard for actual flight the better and quicker you can respond.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2009, 10:45:17 PM »
alt+f4 = do not listen to anyone who tells you this
No thank you Turkish, I'm sweet enough.