I think the slum'd out arena slapshot alluded to was the smaller one....no one there...slums, etc...
I'm the last guy too ridicule...remember? CM#1?
Ref 60 player arena, one sided....isn't that the complaint on another thread right now? 20 people up? 19 are in one country?
How do you cap the country? Make squadies fly against each other? Wait something about perk farming also.... Ah well that really is another story...
ENY enforcement is not a part of the conversation but since you mention it take a look at how many guys flock to the short country to be able to go find good fights? They are not necessarily there for perk planes but to have fun fights. Take another look and see how many peeps really change sides just because their side is currently short of flyers. Granted, there are a few that change so they get a chance to take a ride they can't afford but that is not the majority. IMHO side balancing is somewhat a waste of time but since it doesn't affect play so much no one really cares too much.
Yer also going off topic with Killshooter, etc. For kill shooter to be correct there should be NO IMPACT to friendly planes, including the guy who inadvertently flew through the bullet stream of someone because he was in such a hurry to pick the kill. Look back over some topics on the forums (I prolly can't find em cause Im a clueless moron) ref killshooter. It really isn't that difficult to fly thru some other guys stream and thereby "killshoot" him. That's as about as realistic as HO model. Come on, in RL, which I thought this game tried to emulate somewhat, if a guy ran through someone else stream he died. Not the guy who pulled the trigger. It understandable we need killshooter but artificially inducing kills that really should be the other way around is only good for a laugh, unless you're the guy die'n. The guys doing it on purpose sure are laughing. Makes ya wonder if anyone ever reviews the films with a drink in their hands are spillin their drinks for thinking that one up.
How funny is that!!!
Come on now, they can do better than that!
Again off topic but side switching times limits will work...if the guys ain't over in the EW perk farmin
I guess no one thought of that. I guess if it limits perk farming for war wins but it's ok to perk in another arena then so be it.
Back on topic. I've been out of town for the past week so I haven't seen cap numbers but I suspect it's more like 100-300 with an occasional 100-400. I can't remember the last time I saw an arena cap of 100-500 but hey I'm just CM#1. 100-500 would be a good start though
Note: times change, people change, equipment changes, thought processes change. What happened 4-5 years ago might not be what's happening now. Once tried, always died?
If I remember right there was a big push to create a huge multiplayer arena with tons of AI planes and earning rank. Kinda like a real aerial war game with missions. We even had a contest to name it. What's relevant is and I gotta dig back in my memory was that we'd have a 1000 person huge arena with missions. BUT! There would also be some of the original arenas for those that still wanted it. When I look back and see arena caps it makes me wonder that it would or wouldn't have worked. 2 countries? Kinda like FSO. Every night?
In old days gone by it was fun to up a mission deep into enemy territory. When we finished everyone had a good laugh and we all went back to dogfighting. key words...back to dogfighting... I'm not here to say the idea was wrong. It was a great idea. But after the arena caps IMHO I'm not so sure it would last.