All the arena is missing is a single squad that dedicates some, if not the majority of it's time to populating the arena. Anytime that you get 5 or more "active" players in the arena, the game play is as good as it gets in AHII.
Thanks Jaeger.

love the comments by people that never play. good show boys. funny i always have a great time in there. the guys are friendly, the fights are fair, and of course there the gentleman's gentleman oldman to look forward too also. as for all your lovely comments, "what have you done for the AVA lately??" -- oh yeah and before i forget...........IN!!
Things are always changing. For those that rely on their memories, it puzzles me why there is a need to comment on an AvA that has gone through some major changes in the last few months.

Is it some sort of need to gloat that an arena that is in fact the equivalent of a 24 hour FSO planeset, is empty? As with most Special Events, they are set at times that sadly, I and a number of other Aces High players are unable to attend.
The misconception that 200 needs to be de-tuned has added to the "stand offish" feel to new participants. Also, it smells more like the Main Arena, where dogfights are avoided unless there is a clear advantage on the side of the attacker.
Flying in the AvA with the number of excellent pilots who "regularly" populate the arena, for the feel of historical matchups, has given me the opportunity to develop strategies to employ when fighting at a disadvantage as well. So, you can have your 109 versus 190 or Zeke Early War and Mid War arenas, they have nothing besides slightly better numbers and easy perk points to offer.
So, anyone brave enough to get over themselves and prove that they can give new ideas a chance to work, are invited to put up (join in on the fun) or ......................