In regards to FYB's idea of having two capture points, will they function as a normal town like the ones we have near bases now? And I think we should have the troops needed to captrure the town lowered to 5 for each side as, like you said, each side would be smaller than a normal town. But we would have MG's or, maby more likely, flack at each end of the bridges, so as to protect against aircraft, and GV's as well as troops.
I think we should have it so that either side can destroy the bridge with bombs, so if you are intending to flaten the towns, roll on through and captrue the towns once you are on the other side by droping some troops from the M3's, you have to be carefull not to hit the bridge. This would limit high alt bombing, and restrict it more to divebombing, and maby shelling. This would also allow the other side to attack the bridge if it is clear they aren't going to get it back.