Well, the old rules of business were:
1. The customer is always right
2. Give the customer what he wants.
The new rules are:
1. the customer is a moron
2. Give the customer what he deserves.
I'm not sure if it's a reflection on today's customers or on today's businesses. I mean, I'm not having any problems. My Mac runs all this crap via bootcamp flawlessly. My frame rate is a pulse-like 73-75. I love the product. My only beef with HTC is how painfully slow the growth process is. Would that some 2nd or 3rd stage VC came in and fueled a rapid tranche of growth...
If you dont like the way things are ran here, there is an option for you to kick rocks.
This is a business and a business must be ran in a way that will keep its self open.
If HTC was to give us what we wanted, there would be no HTC.
You are about as clueless as a sack of crushed rocks.