F-86 VS Mig-15 would see use im sure...
There are alot of 262 pilots out there like myself that have been waiting for a multi-player jet oriented game to use thier skills.
The thing is... the B-29 would be a MAJOR factor in any Korean Sim, since it was the target of the MIG's in the first place.
Though I would love to see the F4u, A1 skyraider, F-84,86, and MIG implimented, there is ALOT of modeling yet to achieve in the WW2 arena before we could have an accurate arena.
WW1 Arena is in the most need of update..., it's dying on the cross, and needs our famouse HT's attention...., my advice is to be patient, tell your friends about the game, and get them involved.
Without players, our game is doomed to fail...
It might not be the most popular oppinion, but this game needs a revamp as far as the B-29 in concernd.
Having this bomber would lower the perk cost of all interceptors,and though it would take a remodeling of the hangers, I believe it would be worth it to have a more fierce comepition.
A way to lighten the affect of the B-29 would be to allow 163's a larger area of bases from which it could up..., so that in a deffencive possition the losing country could more affectivly defend against the American SUPER bomber, though the Japs didnt have the same choice, im sure the community could come up with an effective deterent.
This game is currently butting heads with reality and community prefrence, and its tricky to ask the staff to figure out how to implement VASTLY supperior aircraft...., Perk them, and lets move on guys.
I hate to admit it, but the 29's time has come, and behind it rests the possibility of a larger community, and a succesful Korean Arena...
Its a giant risk for HT..., but mabey, JUST mabe it can be brought to fruition.