Which Dora are we speaking about? The 700 that rolled off the assembly lines? The 500 that actually made it to frontline units? The 400 that were actually flown in combat? The 300 that survived more than a mission or two? The.... well.... you get my point.
Good thing you stopped there. You would enter negative numbers if you went into how many Doras were even refueled.
To be honest, I'm for modeling the Dora, as well as a slew of other late war aircraft...
So, you have been dishonest before ?
Concerning Dora modeling, don't get me wrong. I am not asking for Dora because it would be uber to P-51D. It won't. In fact, I believe that would be the most balanced matchup in AH, and thus very interesting. Number of Doras available should be still be significant to the number of fighter planes LW could put up in early 45 (just my opinion, I am out of history books
IMHO, P-51D would have turn advantage, and speed at some alts. Those advantages would be even better the higher the fight. Also, I think it would accelerate better in dives (but only marginally, I think). Of course, there would be fuel advantage too, very important in AH.
Dora, on the other hand, would have better E income. Climb, but also acceleration, pretty important thing (109G-10 acceleretion started this thread, I believe
) And maybe it would be faster on the deck, but I don't know that for sure.
As for P-47M, think about it. It might be 'anything goes' approach, and then LW pilots would have every right to ask for Me 262 and Me 163 (just look at that tail to the left on that Dora picture Nath posted). But, please don't get into the uber planes debate, seen in other thread.
I/JG 51
Jagdgeschwader 51 Mölders BTW, Snake Eyes, what is your handle in AH ?
[This message has been edited by Hristo (edited 11-14-1999).]