Lo and when the night fell across the land, the aces of high fell upon their twinkies and crieth out unto the lord HiTech,
Saying, Lord please let there be light for the darkness maketh us to miss the battle and plow the earth exceedingly with our machines.
And the Lord HiTech sayeth unto the aces of high, I have given thee gamma that thou mayest change as thou wisheth to see that which art not seen.
And the aces of high cried again unto the Lord HiTech, but we cannot maketh the gamma to work as thou promised us in the gospel of readme,
it maketh our eyes to hurt when the sun again riseth upon the land and doth make battle unseemly, and the cry upon the land was great.
Then the Lord HiTech sayeth unto the aces of high, yea tho I have given thee tools with which to do battle upon the night thou crieth unto the heavens greatly that mine ears hurt from the sound, I shall grant thee eternal light that thou shalt not have to tilleth the land with thy machines or misseth one upon the other in battle.
That's what happened Raider.
it's friday and i'm at the office bored...