Author Topic: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!  (Read 11489 times)

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #255 on: July 01, 2010, 04:17:56 PM »
ack-ack it's not about answers or think skin, i put down an opinion on how the changes affect gameplay, you go and insult me because you don't agree with it. You are unable to see past your own view and refuse to understand others.

 I'm here to pass on my view in a mature way as part of the $15 i pay only to be insulted by you on a constant basis. I find some parts you type out are hypocritical and very childish in part.

My wishlist;
2 arenas with different dar settings as a choise
ack-ack have his keyboard privaliges he takes for granted removed  :pray


All I've asked is how the new changes prevent you from doing NOE missions or turn fighting on the deck, each time you've dodged the question by claiming I'm flaming you and you won't risk a "see rule #4" in replying.   

Adapt or get off the pot.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #256 on: July 01, 2010, 04:22:07 PM »
Why do you auto assume it's beacause of facing a fight? Less NOE mission mean less escort duty for me... Less escort duty equals less fights... Fighting the uppers is the best bit..

You can always escort a regular bombing missions or conduct fighter sweeps and still get the fights you claim to seek.

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #257 on: July 01, 2010, 04:25:26 PM »
You can always escort a regular bombing missions or conduct fighter sweeps and still get the fights you claim to seek.

But then he would have to fight  ac that are off the runway.
See Rule #4

Offline 1pLUs44

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #258 on: July 01, 2010, 04:29:20 PM »
I really really hate the new dar settings!

They are not realistic AT ALL!

To back that up, radar today CANNOT see an aircraft in terrain at 65 feet, in many of cases it cant see you at 1000 feet in higher terrain without the aid of a transponder equipped aircraft.

The dar rings you have now overlap fields and you cant even get off of the base without someone seeing you up on THIER radar.Bombers used to be able to fly deeper into enemy territory and the enemy had to at least look for them now they can go directly to them withe the extended range of the rings, and unless you fly the bombers at a higher altitude(time to climb takes away some enjoyment) you cant make a normal run.

I understand that you want to balance things out, but this shifts everything to the furballers.

65 feet is way to low, it slows the game down and it has a decidedly "arcade feel towards it" now.

I can go on and on how it will affect the game and I really hope you take this to heart, PLEASE give us the choice, one arena with the new settings, one without and see how the numbers stack up with similar maps.

The forums are a great way to voice an opinion, but many people dont read them and wont voice an opinion, one way or the other.
PLEASE GIVE US THE CHOICE !!!! one arena with and one without and let the player numbers decide the fate of the new settings

Before you rant, think of what this means, it's like a new challenge.

1. You gotta fly twice as well as you used to just to beat the radar
2. If you break radar early, you got to go through enemy fighters
3. You already have kills(unless you died, but you will learn and get better at fighting), and if you and your little team/squad still capture the base, it's much more satisfying cause you did a LOT more work to get it.

No one knows what the future may bring.

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #259 on: July 01, 2010, 04:48:55 PM »
But then he would have to fight  ac that are off the runway.

Yup, he should leave that to the plethora of vulchers that are looking for a fight. :aok
"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

"So umm.... just to make sure I have this right.  What you are asking is for the bombers carrying bombs, to stop dropping bombs on the bombs, so the bombers can carry bombs to bomb things with?"  AKP

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #260 on: July 01, 2010, 04:49:55 PM »
Changeup I appreciate your point and will likely not reply in this thread as I believe all the important points have been explained. However, I would like to finish with a response to groundfeeders post.

Groudfeeder here are a couple of point for you to consider;

1.) The radar setting changes were done to address a specific issue that HTC felt had to be addressed. If you feel that spawn-camping is an issue present an explanation of the problem and offer a few constructive ideas to solve it. I for one don't see any issue with "camping" because there are other balancing factors that make it hard for spawn-campers to live very long. This board has many complaints about people bombing GV's and in my opinion that balances out the campers.

2.) Can you show that NOE attacks can't be done with the new settings? I doubt you can, having seen a couple of successful NOE attacks with the new settings. All that you will be able to show is that there is a greater likelihood of a NOE attack facing more defense. That is exactly what HTC was trying to accomplish with these changes because they felt the game was tilted in favor of all offense and no defense.

3.) Can you show that bombing has been effected with the new settings? I doubt it see #2

4.) I will admit that with the new settings we lost the ability to fly between the radars of enemy bases on a deep bombing strike. However, that loss is insignificant compared to the previously unbalanced offense only arena settings. Remember as Hitech posted, this game is about combat (all forms of it, from bombing to base taking to fur balling)  in a balanced environment. If you are trying to manipulate the environment to avoid combat then you're going against the core of what the game is based on.   

HTC Please show the blue planes some love!
F4F-4, FM2, SBD-5, TBM-3

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #261 on: July 01, 2010, 05:02:56 PM »
My number one complaint when I fly on squad night is (was?) the inability to find a fight. We would spend the majority of the night looking at darbar, tea leaves, cat guts and the alignment of the planets and stars trying to figure out where the fight might be. And at 11 PM central, even though there were still 200 people online the fight would completely disappear and we would all go to bed.

But this last squad night we found a fight without consulting the Ouija board or the Dalai Lama. It still pretty much died at 11 PM which I refer to as the "Tanking Hour". Apparently, the state of Tennessee has a law that all AH players must drive tanks at 11 PM. Seems that way to me anyway.

The dar settings seem to be a step in the right direction. Smaller maps with less than 800 fields would help too IMNSHO.


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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #262 on: July 01, 2010, 05:32:18 PM »
double post
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 05:42:22 PM by FALCONWING »


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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #263 on: July 01, 2010, 05:41:47 PM »
The change doesn't cater to anyone.  The change was made solely for game play reasons, nothing else affected HiTech's decision other than that.  He didn't cave into those of us that like to fight, he saw something seriously wrong with the game play caused by these massed NOE hord raids and made the necessary changes to get to improve the general game play of the arena.  From where I stand, his decision caters to all that subscribe to the game, after all, isn't the main objective of this game combat?ack-ack

"Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High." -- first line under gameplay in the Aces High manual on this website.

Some of you need to sit back and read your responses.  Folks don't like this change and see it as dampening their enjoyment of the game.  Why the need to jump all over them because they choose to voice their opinion or characterize them as immature or childish?  Immaturity seems to be a pendulum on this board not limited to any one side of the argument.

For my two cents, I am not stressed about the limitation of noe's as much as i am worried about what the natural response will be.  The basetakers will continue to want to take bases so I am fearing a return to the days of shutting down bases completely and a return of the "super horde" if you will....I hope this does not occur but I have confidence that Dale will address this if it does.  Of note, these were the environments that ENCOURAGED the growth of the megasquadrons in the past. :salute

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #264 on: July 01, 2010, 05:42:30 PM »
I just spent 15 min trying to write a response and the system wouldn't let me post................short version

I'm done with this thread, no more responses. I'm done with the general discussion forum. Still like the help end of the forums.
HTC's responses where condescending at best. People PAY to play the game, if you dint like their opinions don't let anyone post. We don't deserve the childlike response and your attitude was unprofessional at best.

By now we all know what has been done to the game and what it has lost, (no constant furball is not a gain) so no further need to respond.

Some of the people in here responded just to try and upset others, bad move, people will have an idea what type of person you are in real life, have i done it....absolutely! but i catch myself and shut it down. It seems some are incapable of that act.

It's HTC's world and I'm just visiting...... albeit a bit less.

To the all, and I do mean all , Who took the time to respond  :salute

Good luck..........Godspeed....... ...Check six  :bolt:


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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #265 on: July 01, 2010, 05:45:05 PM »
Dale's laughing as much as we are. 

That would be most unfortunate...but many on this board claim to know HTC's thoughts.....I hope they are exaggerating their insight :salute

Offline Glen69

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #266 on: July 01, 2010, 05:46:16 PM »
I'll make it personal so dig those teeth in and pick-pick it to death...

My favorite part of the old DAR system was going on NOE missions as escorts, never knowing whether the NME would get wise (or spy) and bounce on the bombers. It was upto the NME to look for fields flashing and investigating. And up to me to make sure they made target

25ft between tree tops and alarming nme is a tall order for any bomber pilot over rolling terrain. With this fact, NOEs will be rare except across water. With the this element made rare, much of the exitement has already been removed from me, as low Bombers on dar are worm food... Yes you can still NOE blah blah blah, but not in a numerous NOE close support escort needing way. The race against GVs getting to town and the race to intercept uppers for me has been diluted.

I dont have all day to fight over 1 field capture, I want to be able to make a difference to the 'war effort' in the short time that i have. Squad up, mission up, gain ground upon the NME makes it worth while. The NME counldn't adapt to the NOE stategy so they the rules changed for them, forcing us who enjoy the exitment of NOEs to hypacritically;
Adapt or get off the pot.

I personally dont like fighting higher than 5k (the only reason i fly higher is because i have to adapt to the threat of BnZers), and anyone thats shot me down will know that i'm one of the 1st to go in when the numbers are against me, just for the fun of it. I am a lower ability pilot and have only ever been Top pilot once on a snapshot, i can't BnZ and it takes much/all of my consentration to turn fight.

Fights don't worry me, stagnent furballs over and inbetween bases does. The DA is for ppl that want to fight and be all macho over how they flew and shot the other guy down, I want to be with my squad doing what we do best, having fun taking bases, winning the war. For me there is no payback.. no objective.. for furballing and BnZing, but those aspects are in the game and i adapt, i can adapt to these changes but having a choice rather than having the decision made for me is a better compromise. Now i have to fly high in the sky escorting bombers on porking runs, chasing off the nme and running back to the bombers... It's a role, but i'd rather in the thick of it on the deck turn fighting with the defenders every 10-20mins than waiting 30mins for the bombers to get to alt and then go in. Not very fulfilling doing a few 30-60min porker escort runs and base shut down runs then having to get off.

Making assumptions leads to the mother of all screw ups... And i didn't want to type a essay over it.
Do you really think we sit around here trying to find ways to piss off the customer base?
  :headscratch: Only the customers that squad up, mission up and take bases.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #267 on: July 01, 2010, 06:01:08 PM »
"Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High." -- first line under gameplay in the Aces High manual on this website.

"Welcome to the Internet's Premiere WWII and WWI Combat Experience"...notice it doesn't say "Welcome to the Internet's Premiere WWII and WWI Base Capturing Experience"?

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #268 on: July 01, 2010, 06:05:15 PM »
So you can't fly above the dar because....?


I think I'm just missing the correlation with the new radar changes and how it affects your fights.  Once someone actually sees you, the height of radar doesn't matter.  

If the problem is you can no longer fly NOE and people find you easier, it goes against any argument about liking the fight the way it was.

Enlighten me.

"Capturing territory through the use of air, land and sea power is the objective in Aces High." -- first line under gameplay in the Aces High manual on this website.

Some of you need to sit back and read your responses.  Folks don't like this change and see it as dampening their enjoyment of the game.  Why the need to jump all over them because they choose to voice their opinion or characterize them as immature or childish?  Immaturity seems to be a pendulum on this board not limited to any one side of the argument.

For my two cents, I am not stressed about the limitation of noe's as much as i am worried about what the natural response will be.  The basetakers will continue to want to take bases so I am fearing a return to the days of shutting down bases completely and a return of the "super horde" if you will....I hope this does not occur but I have confidence that Dale will address this if it does.  Of note, these were the environments that ENCOURAGED the growth of the megasquadrons in the past. :salute

Again, how has the change to radar disrupted either of these?  You can still capture territory.  It may require actually capturing it now.

And, the return of the super horde?  It never left.

I don't know.  Maybe playing football with opposition that can't find your team to stop them from scoring would be fun?

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Re: HTC give us the choice!!!!!!
« Reply #269 on: July 01, 2010, 06:30:46 PM »
"Welcome to the Internet's Premiere WWII and WWI Combat Experience"...notice it doesn't say "Welcome to the Internet's Premiere WWII and WWI Base Capturing Experience"?


In your original statement you asked if combat wasn't the OBJECTIVE of AH....I simply quoted the first line under gameplay that used the term "objective"....not sure why this is a point of confusion?  Of course I would expect a ww2 based game to have a great combat experience but i would be disappointed if simply providing combat was the sole aspect of the game.  Your argument isn't with me in this case would be with HTC for his verbage in the manual.  You posed a question that was easily answered with clicking on the online game manual.  Sorry if it wasn't the answer you expected. :salute