I don't think you understand lulu.
No matter how many words you throw on the page, it will change nothing.
Hitech made a change, now he will sit back, and wait for the complaining and whining to stop, and watch the effects of that change. He is not going to react quickly, he is not going to change it back because "some" of his customers did not like the effect. He will take the long view, we are talking months here not weeks.
He will be patient and watch. If the change accomplishes what he was after, then it will stay.
If it falls short, he may make changes, "tweaks" to the changes, OR he may try something else as a complimenting factor.
We have basically 3 choices to make any time HT makes a sweeping change like this.
A: learn to deal with the new settings, up our game and accept it. (learn a different way to do same thing)
B: Complain or whine a lot, and be frustrated when nothing changes again. (Stuck doing it the old way)
C: Vote with your feet, if your really that unhappy, you can always stop paying to play.
The ultimate vote, it will be noticed, but the odds of it changing anything are slim.
And even if it does ultimately change things, you won't be here to see it happen.
Lulu after watching your posts for the last week I do have one further thing to say sir.
I am sorry, I miss judged you. English is obviously not your first language, and you have some very real issues with building sentence's in it. That made it seem like you had more of a "chip" on your shoulder, or "attitude" than may actually be the case. My bad.
Please, please, when you post, take the time to connect your words into an understandable sentence.
Otherwise no one is going to take you seriously, and very few will even attempt to read your words.
Last, your post directed at Delirium was perilously close to what I would consider an attack on an Aces High Trainer. Just for your information, we are all players just like you are. We "give" our time to make AH a better place for everyone. We are not paid. And Hitech does not listen to us any more or less than he listens to any other customer. This is a fact, if you don't believe me, ask others.
Disrespect or attack an Aces High trainer again, and the gloves come off, no more mr nice guy.
Yes I am a grumpy ol fart, and yes I can be a real SOB to live with, ask my wife.