Author Topic: Still like the changes?  (Read 6504 times)

Offline bustr

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #120 on: July 09, 2010, 07:40:12 PM »
I asked this question in another thread recently like this one.

If HiTech offered a game subscription at $49.95 that included a FULL stealth MOD, how many of you would subscribe and use it? Grizz could never humiliate you ever again. Any blind spots in the radar either by altitiude or by lack of coverage is a partial stealth MOD. Look where just a tiny bit of stealth mod has gotten us with HiTech. And he was kind enough to give it to us in the first place.

bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline sky25

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #121 on: July 09, 2010, 07:42:44 PM »
I asked this question in another thread recently like this one.

If HiTech offered a game subscription at $49.95 that included a FULL stealth MOD, how many of you would subscribe and use it? Grizz could never humiliate you ever again. Any blind spots in the radar either by altitiude or by lack of coverage is a partial stealth MOD. Look where just a tiny bit of stealth mod has gotten us with HiTech. And he was kind enough to give it to us in the first place.

Thats a Good One Bustr. :aok

sky25  "Vsky" In The Game

Offline groundfeeder

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #122 on: July 09, 2010, 07:52:45 PM »
Lack of time and it's contiguency for experience invalidates you groundfeeder. Because you are a short timer you have no point of refrence other than childish derisive remarks. You weren't there for the great JSO's on Sunday nights that made players logoff in droves because the Rook Warrior squads came together and rolled the maps. I think at the peak they feilded 300+ organised players like a grand FSO each sunday. Made the recent NOE plauges and blind spot sneaking around on the maps you are so fond of a mere childish annoyance in perspective. The Rooks shut whole maps down by coming in above radar and wiping us out. Caused HiTech to introduce ENY. It was the ultimate strategy to winning the whole war in one night. That was since I've been around the grandest AH "GO" move of them all. 300+ players were organized like the real WW2 airforces and shut whole maps down.

Then HiTech shut them down because there was no real game to play unless you joined the Rooks in the Mega-Hoard slaughter of the other sides. No ability for defenders to defend. Just like the recent NOE plauge began removing the fight from the maps. Lots of no fight "GO" based nener, nener. But, no fights, just "I took your toys nener, nener, nener. When POTW would finaly do a "GO" move and catch you guys, lots of you were not worth fighting for the effort to find you. Unfortunately the unitended consiquence of the NOE plauge being shut down was to remove blind spots for "Lone Wolves" to sneak around in. A time honored pursuit by a SINGLE daring individual

I am invalidated?...hmmm just because i have only played for 3 years? If it pleases you may I ask when I will become validated? I never signed up for the forums until 2009. Just because someone has played the game longer does not validate thier point over anothers. The great equalizer is in the fact that I do indeed PAY to play the game. same as you i would suppose. I see in here no place where HTC recognises a social hiearchy, if they do, then well news to me.
Again if things need to be corrected....fine, correct them. There are always ways to bring to parties together to reach a COMMON goal.It seems to me that the remarks that you made where geared to ONE opinion, that being in a nutshell, nener nener, if you dont like it, tough.

Offline bustr

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #123 on: July 09, 2010, 08:09:51 PM »
Fairly simple. As a paying customer you get to experience the game and say whatever floats your boat.

But, this is just like the real world. You have not been in the game long enough to have seen variations of this theam like many of us old members. Regardless of your personal FEELINGS on the matter, the NOE Plauge just like JSO is not good for the long run of the game itself. You have yet to express anything but short term needs for what seems like your current and only good tactic in the game so far.

NOE and modified stealth avoidance of the games top predators.

You can always invest time with the trainers or learn ACM from Grizz personaly in the DA. Grizz is an excellent teacher. Eventualy we all had to learn how to actualy fight in this environment instead of sneaking around avoiding confrontation.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline caldera

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #124 on: July 09, 2010, 08:20:19 PM »

I want to bear Grizz's children.

Jeez, enough already.  :rolleyes:
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline bustr

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #125 on: July 09, 2010, 08:23:31 PM »
I would say SHawk but, then he would sic Betty on me......eeekkkkkkk..... :bolt:

Grizz dosen't have a Betty that I know of...yet...... :devil
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Baine

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #126 on: July 09, 2010, 09:05:10 PM »
Fairly simple. As a paying customer you get to experience the game and say whatever floats your boat.

But, this is just like the real world. You have not been in the game long enough to have seen variations of this theam like many of us old members. Regardless of your personal FEELINGS on the matter, the NOE Plauge just like JSO is not good for the long run of the game itself. You have yet to express anything but short term needs for what seems like your current and only good tactic in the game so far.

NOE and modified stealth avoidance of the games top predators.

You can always invest time with the trainers or learn ACM from Grizz personaly in the DA. Grizz is an excellent teacher. Eventualy we all had to learn how to actualy fight in this environment instead of sneaking around avoiding confrontation.

I love the dweebs who resort to the "You haven't been around long enough" thang.

Offline groundfeeder

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #127 on: July 09, 2010, 09:12:24 PM »
ok bustr...noe stuff...... fine....your missing the point. I think that the combination of the noe deck AND the radar extention, was a bit much. After the initial implimentation of the NOE didnt like it. After flying in the MA for awhile I DID enjoy the enhanced combat that it did provide, but where is there any reason for the dar bars to overlap to the point that you can be detected as soon as you lift from a field! The continuous furballs are boring as he__ !
As far as grizz..He is a good what? he isnt the game! You cant lift from a cv, ya cant lift from your own base,ya cant run bomber missions, without someone saying......There they are! Why are you afraid to search a little?

You said would we pay 49.95 for a sub with stealth! I would"nt, same reason as i hate beenig seen ALL the friggin time.....NO MYSTERY OR CHALLENGE!
If you cant use the HUGE dar bar from 6 bombers coming in....oh i forgot...may have too search a whole sector. If you want nothing but furballs with enemy you can see why do you come to the MA?

I swear to god if  htc ran two with some "relaxed settings" and one without the one with the relaxed settings would be full. and the one without....would lag behind. If i am wrong about that ,i would gladly leave the game .....

Offline mechanic

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #128 on: July 09, 2010, 09:31:10 PM »

I swear to god if  htc ran two with some "relaxed settings" and one without the one with the relaxed settings would be full. and the one without....would lag behind. If i am wrong about that ,i would gladly leave the game .....

I would not want a relaxed realism server, no way. The realism levels of this game are one of it's key features that attract me. It's not too much realism that it gets annoying, like micro management of fuel and engine, warming up, etc. But it's not too little that the game feels arcade. They have a perfect balance between a real flying 'feeling' and a 'fun' game.

I should be talking about the actual topic, sorry! Don't really care one way or the other about radar settings, although I tend to feel a little 'hunting' is more fun than chasing red dots. Doesn't have any major impact on the gameplay I am looking for. That might be the key phrase for me 'what I am looking for'....not many replies here are thinking about everyone as a whole.

...I mean, the game is still great for me, but if I enjoyed the strategic aspect more I might definitely be a bit miffed about the new radar coverage. So my conclusion is that I would prefer the old settings...and here is why. I prefer a game with as many real people as possible. This is the most important aspect of gameplay I think, populated arenas. The new settings do not make much difference to me, but they have a big negative impact on a large % of the community. If it means people leaving the game I would prefer the old settings back. I don't care if you're a furballer or a toolshedder or what, all I care about is keeping the game populated with all types of people because when everyone that is left plays the same the game is dead.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 09:45:45 PM by mechanic »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline sky25

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #129 on: July 09, 2010, 09:39:00 PM »

I swear to god if  htc ran two with some "relaxed settings" and one without the one with the relaxed settings would be full. and the one without....would lag behind. If i am wrong about that ,i would gladly leave the game .....

I think you are 100% correct on that statement... :aok

sky25  "Vsky" In The Game

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #130 on: July 09, 2010, 09:40:18 PM »
I think you are 100% correct on that statement... :aok

I remember a game that had that.... FA......

Offline bustr

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #131 on: July 09, 2010, 09:41:28 PM »

I see you have been around long enough to have been in the single MA destabilised by the JSO.

Possibly you might have been part of the regular JSO destabilisation force and asked HiTech in the forums like groundfeeder is today to not change the game. I lurked the boards longer than my registration date of 2003 because I was still learning the game. I'm only speaking from a real time line that I have been part of. That's called experience and you seem to have problems with people using it as the justification for their observations. Groundfeeder, unless he has read all posts since this forums inception, I'll venture has absolutely no clue from personal experience how large coordinated groups in this game have a habit of getting out of hand and then refusing to regulate themselves. It's always been the members of said groups who scream the loudest justifications in this Forum to sway the community to their actions and HiTech to give them back their addiction.

Once you have the spurs in deep and control game flow with your group, it's a hard addiction to go cold turkey on voluntarily or otherwise. This is just another variation on JSO repeating itself.

So Baine were you part of the JSO back then?
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #132 on: July 09, 2010, 09:46:29 PM »
I swear to god if  htc ran two with some "relaxed settings" and one without the one with the relaxed settings would be full. and the one without....would lag behind. If i am wrong about that ,i would gladly leave the game .....

You must have played AW back in its day.  The RR arenas always had more people than the FR arenas - indeed, there were multiple RR arenas and only two (well..during FighterTown's time, three) FR arenas.  The two groups were like Clampetts and McCoys, always making fun of each other.  HTC learned the lessons from that experience and stayed with one-style-for-all.  Plainly this was the correct decision.

The neo-FR arenas still exist, in the form of AvA and FSO arenas, probably also some of the other special events.  We have fewer people.  The RR arenas no longer exist at all, unless you can convince everyone in an arena to simultaneously and constantly enable stall limiter.  There is balance.

What AW never really offered, to the extent it applies to this discussion, was the opportunity and/or the incentive to sneak bases.  

- oldman

Offline Blooz

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #133 on: July 09, 2010, 10:47:45 PM »
Blooz , You may be on the wrong forum. The childrens cartoon network forum is in another location....  Childish comments. What can you do?

I passed "childish" about forty years ago. Anyway.....

Not good with metaphors eh?...OK, how about a couple of paragraphs then?

For the first time since I've been playing, these new radar settings have given me the ability to actually have enough time to defend against an incoming attack. Whether that attack was coming from 200 feet or 20,000 feet altitude it didn't matter. The warning, as it was only gave a minute or two before the enemy was at the target. The radar ring as it is now allows me time to vector to the attack and at least , try, to defend against it.

This is the best the game has ever been for me. The changes were made for a reason and if you're a member of one of those squads that caused those changes, then you have no one to blame but yourselves. It is silly to think
that they should raise the radar height and shorten the radar range so you can continue to perform the same game destructive operations that caused the new radar settings that you hate so much to be implimented in the first place.
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Offline groundfeeder

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Re: Still like the changes?
« Reply #134 on: July 09, 2010, 10:50:14 PM »

I see you have been around long enough to have been in the single MA destabilised by the JSO.

Possibly you might have been part of the regular JSO destabilisation force and asked HiTech in the forums like groundfeeder is today to not change the game. I lurked the boards longer than my registration date of 2003 because I was still learning the game. I'm only speaking from a real time line that I have been part of. That's called experience and you seem to have problems with people using it as the justification for their observations. Groundfeeder, unless he has read all posts since this forums inception, I'll venture has absolutely no clue from personal experience how large coordinated groups in this game have a habit of getting out of hand and then refusing to regulate themselves. It's always been the members of said groups who scream the loudest justifications in this Forum to sway the community to their actions and HiTech to give them back their addiction.

Once you have the spurs in deep and control game flow with your group, it's a hard addiction to go cold turkey on voluntarily or otherwise. This is just another variation on JSO repeating itself.

So Baine were you part of the JSO back then?

WOW you have it all figured out....huh? ...figure this....yeah you have been around for i haven't.....but one thing you don't seem to comprehend......if all the people in here  cant find a venue to learn the game IE: noe bomber, fighter without being killed by the guys who have been here forever...this game will wither and die.....seems extreme? grant me this friend...why would a new guy want to engage in a furball where he dies at a moments notice? why would a new guy up a bomber when he knew he was going to get shot down? why would a new guy up a gv with spawn campers?...Got an idea...why don't we just spawn at 10K and fight.....that's what you want right?....the fight?  the people you hate so much....ME! are the future of this game !   a continuous supply of money to money no gripes!....again if you dint want to search for us ....stay in the are nothing but a coward hiding under the guise of a htc patriot. we are the ones who make the game....we are the ones who pay the game. if 3 years worth of money isn't enough....and more to come...then screw it.... ya all can furball together.....all 100 or so