Author Topic: Young Players  (Read 4504 times)

Offline rvflyer

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2010, 01:14:11 AM »
Sorry but in my personal opinion I think it is in bad taste to permit your child (say under 14 [weird number i guess] ) to play Aces High UN supervised. In this world we live in I do not believe it is a good idea for little children to be associating with grown men and women in the environment that AH is. While I think it's great that my 10 year old daughter Noelle may share some of my enthusiasm for WW2 as I do I will only allow her to fly off line. It is my opinion that Aces High maybe start an arena for children where they can interact with people their own age and not be subjected to people like me in the M.A's  :angel:

 :airplane: Whoa I bet we adults would be embarrassed to hear the conversations in that arena.
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Offline Panzerace

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2010, 01:34:11 AM »
Wow, for the most part this has remained a series and good conversation, of course their are the ones who insist on being more juvenile then my 7 year old son (Jamdrive).  I have thoroughly read all rules and requirement of this game and have found nothing stating an age limit. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if I choose to allow my son to play this game that's no ones business but mine.  If you choose to continue talking to my son with a trash mouth, you will be hearing from. 
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Offline Airborne

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2010, 06:41:52 AM »
Anyone under 30.

Thats laughable, considering I know many early to mid/late 20 year olds more responsible and adult than people in their 30's  :old:

But for the rest, I admit, I've let em slip on occasion, I do my best tho not to become excessive with it because I know how negative (and against the rules) it is- shot down after a hot fight or not, and normally its when I'm doing the finger jockey between my 2 and sometimes 3 voice channel buttons.... however, to berate a child/kid/w/e is unacceptable... But at the same time, I also admit I am one to "egg on" a kid who cusses more than I do (IRL) but I don't cuss them out, more of a "tell us how you really feel!" type thing  :rofl  I'm not here to "police" the kids, I agree it's the parents responsibility, plus I'm one of those guys who believe if you're old enough to talk back you're old enough to get your jaw rapped on.... but this is the internet  :devil

To be honest, I think the worse is the chat box- it's the only thing I .report on because it can be see globally, regardless of range. People on there like to use little symbols and crap to get around the chat filter, (which maybe HTC can fix?)

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #63 on: August 09, 2010, 08:04:32 AM »
Regardless of whether anyone approves of children playing this game, the fact is they do and will continue to. It's just common courtesy not to cuss in front of someone elses kids.
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Offline NCLawman

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #64 on: August 09, 2010, 08:09:47 AM »
First off, let me start by agreeing with the OP -- to a degree.   I agree, in that people OF ALL AGES should not have to be exposed to a tirade of f-bombs and mother-effers every other word.  This does not apply to just children, but many adults are put-off by that language as well.  That having been said, HTC does have moderators and there is a process for reporting such frequent abusive/abrasive players.  The system may not catch everything, but it does catch some and I do know that players (some frequently) get "muted".

Now, with that in mind, I also think some responsibility lies with YOU, the PARENT.   You have to understand that:  
    1.  this is the internet (there are tards, and turds all over the world who have access); and,  
    2.  The player base in AH is a majority of adults.  And with adults comes adult conversations.  If you only want your child to hear talk about Barney the Dinosaur and Hanna Montana, maybe he should be OUTSIDE playing with kids his/her OWN AGE.  As an example... would you send your child into a BAR to hang out and interact with adults?  AH is much like that.  There are adults who are interacting with other adults and many are often times consuming alcohol.  there are things that are going to be said that children should not hear for another 20 years.  (It certainly does not make it right, but it is a fact that it is going to happen).  So whose responsibility is it to protect your child?  HTC or yours?

So, before I can get flamed, let me reiterate....  I do agree with the OP.  But I also understand that language is going to be communicated.  All the buffered text and moderators in the world cannot change that.  Even if they figure out a way to stop one action or word, innovative cussers will find a way to get around the filter.  You cannot change the behavior of adults all over the world and AH cannot filter all language except check-6 and Barney-the-Dinosaur topics.  So you must ask yourself.... is quality of the game for the child worth exposing him to DRINKING ADULTS all over the world?  If the answer is NO, then you might consider let him/her play OFFLINE or askign HTC for an age-range specific arena (to use the slang vernacular.. Squeeker Arena).  I would seriously doubt that many adult players would join into the young-player arena.  Of course, there is still no way to keep the young players from cussing like adults but at least there will be some Hanna Montana topics too.

Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #65 on: August 09, 2010, 08:58:11 AM »
^--what he said.

Offline Rino

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #66 on: August 09, 2010, 09:21:39 AM »
Please tell me you're not serious

     Since he turns 18 soon, Mensa may just be serious  :D
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Offline jamdive

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #67 on: August 09, 2010, 10:38:35 AM »
Wow, for the most part this has remained a series and good conversation, of course their are the ones who insist on being more juvenile then my 7 year old son (Jamdrive).

 Sorry, soccer mom is a mentality not a juvenile statement btw, but thanks for the flame. Now I feel the need to explain: Parents who blame the environment for bad things happening and not themselves. Let me add in an analogy to help things sink in. I don't let childred cross the street by themselves just because there is a crosswalk sign and a stop light. I myself know better. There is a chance a car may run the light.

I have thoroughly read all rules and requirement of this game and have found nothing stating an age limit. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if I choose to allow my son to play this game that's no ones business but mine.  If you choose to continue talking to my son with a trash mouth, you will be hearing from. 

You obviously missed the part that explains that it is your sole responsibility who uses your account. As far as my opinion on this whole tirade, I'm old school. Children do not belong on the internet. Lesson one I teach, DONT TALK TO STRANGERS. There is a reason for it.

Offline BulletVI

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2010, 11:31:49 AM »

Well maybe just maybe if you all get together and do a survey of how many kids play the game. And show Hitech and the team that we have say 345 kids under the age of 16 or 18. Then just maybe he may be willing to open up 2 new arena's for kids of that age to play in and be away from all the Adult talk. But in reality that should never be the case as if you are over the age of 18 then you should have the common sense to watch your mouth and realise that a child of seven can be on the game playing. And any parent should also tell their child that if you hear some bad word's tell me and i will deal with it by going to the mic and asking other player's to keep the language at bay as my 7 year old sun is playing.

Now i did this in the D/A and we all know that arena is the most widely cursed in arena of the lot. But i had my we cousin visiting for the weekend and he is only 6 and he wanted a shot so i asked and typed in that my wee cousin was playing and he is only 6 so can you all watch the language.
And i tell you i got the shock of my life for an hour and a half there was no bad mouthing no bad text or symbol's every one was nice.
Even on the radio it was like " OH POOH I GOT KILLED " and i was pleased. So do let others know and they shall be considerate to your wishes.
  :D :)
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Re: Young Players
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2010, 02:01:43 PM »
We've already got the tools to deal with most of the issue from both sides.  .squelch, .report are already there.  I don't understand the mentality and desire for grown men to browbeat kids for being kids.  I admit, kids being generals or giving a blow by blow of what's going on around them get under my skin.  A few simple keystrokes after I notice them, they go blissfully silent and I go on about my business.  I am happy, they are happy.  Everybody is happy.

I could make a case pretty easily for permasquelch being a good thing.  There are people you know what they're about and don't want to hear what they have to say at all, you should be able to just perma mute them.  It hurts nobody, and gives you a reasonable amount of control over what you want to be exposed to, regardless of whether it's you, your kid, your nephew, dog, or whatever.  Sure, people can change handles.  There will also be new people to add to the list.  Same difference.

However, with that said, a parent that lets their kid game online has to accept that profanity will occur.  This place is a nunnery compared to most other online games, warts and all.

To the people who are suggesting a 'kids arena', you're joking right?  People under 18 in their own arena?  Are you proposing that arena have no comms?  The ones that are mature enough not to yell at people because they got shot down are going to get mightily sick of putting up with the ones that aren't.

I'm really not seeing a need to change anything other than possibly adding permasquelch to the users capabilities.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline SIK1

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2010, 02:17:40 PM »
You know this is a question of civility.

There is no reason a kid shouldn't be able to play AH, and it's really sad that parents have to monitor there kids because people don't have the common courtesy to behave in a civilized manner.

Pressing the transmit button , or worse yet sending a PM to go on a profanity laced tirade because someone slighted you in some way playing a video game speaks volumes to your own self worth.

If I hear you cussing at me or at no one in particular you better bet that I'm going to report you. The only exception to that is squad channel, but even then if every other word out of your mouth is an F bomb I will ask you too stop.
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Offline jamdive

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2010, 02:42:56 PM »
You know this is a question of civility.
Its a question of reality. The world is not full of fluffy bunnies.

There is no reason a kid shouldn't be able to play AH, and it's really sad that parents have to monitor there kids because people don't have the common courtesy to behave in a civilized manner.
Yes, it is sad. Yes children should be supervised when using the internet at all times.

Pressing the transmit button , or worse yet sending a PM to go on a profanity laced tirade because someone slighted you in some way playing a video game speaks volumes to your own self worth.
A vast majority of profane pm's that I have received have come from the kids. Another reason for monitoring your child while he/she is using the internet. It works both ways, its not just the adults.

If I hear you cussing at me or at no one in particular you better bet that I'm going to report you. The only exception to that is squad channel, but even then if every other word out of your mouth is an F bomb I will ask you too stop.
There should be no exception.

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #72 on: August 09, 2010, 02:43:19 PM »
Well, I don't think I've cussed a kid in this game yet :rolleyes: but have been cussed at by afew. :lol Personally I like the disable vox idea. Shows alittle responsibility on the users end.
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Offline Panzerace

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2010, 02:49:50 PM »
No one "Flamed you".  Its a simple fact of you making dumb comment on a serious post which is what usually happens.  Report my flaming to HiTech and let them deal with me.  As I said before, there is no age limit written or anywhere on the HiTech website. Yes I do monitor my son when he is on the internet.  I also make sure he gets across the street ok. I do not rely on the crosswalk, because I know there are inconsiderate people driving that do not pay attension to such things as that just like in the game.  This is a game, a cartoon game and nothing more.  It is not a bar or nightclub.  This is a simple request not to cuse at children.  Is that so hard?  Its always the same stuff here, you try to make a serious post and it turns into a bunch of crap like it has by some.  
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Offline dkff49

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #74 on: August 09, 2010, 02:50:48 PM »
There is really no reason for foul language in a game like this especially if those of you are using the "mainly adult " reasoning. A group of civilized adults that do not really know each other pretty well should not be using such language towards each other let alone berating each other whether it be with such language or not.

Those that are arguing to keep it on a level that kids can play, I believe are simply trying to say that it should not be that way just for the kids but that we are adults and don't need to speak to each other like that anyway. I use a great deal of less than appropriate language but only when I am around people that I know very well and in such a place that everybody in the world can't hear me. Not because I want to hide who I am but to respect who they are (adults or children) and those that don't have no respect or others.

There is a final reasoning:  It is in the rules and everyone that operates under the "it is ok to cuss like a sailor" mentality will get reported and squelched every time I witness it.
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