Author Topic: Young Players  (Read 4529 times)

Offline mensa180

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #45 on: August 08, 2010, 10:47:14 PM »
All teenagers should be banned.
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2010, 10:53:40 PM »
Please tell me you're not serious
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline xbrit

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #47 on: August 08, 2010, 10:57:21 PM »
To what age limit do you call kid?
Anyone under 30.

Offline BulletVI

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #48 on: August 08, 2010, 11:03:32 PM »
I say they deserve the respect and admiration we got as new player's. Remember we all started with the likes of F22 Raptor and Microsoft Flight Simulator 95 and SU-27 flanker. These where just some of the premium combat and flight Sim's around at the time. Now times have changed and Now Ace's High II is up there on the top list. So these young counterparts of us need to start out some where and since when we started internet wasn't even a glimmer in it's creator's eye's thus no swearing or rudeness happened.

So we also should provide a safe and comfortable surroundings for them to play the game. and not just tell them GO TO THE TRAINING ARENA if they ask for help as i see we old player's are the trainer's and should set an example to them. And if they get over exited and start talking on the radio and not stopping hey what the heck we where all kids once.

So they deserve our respect and attention as these kids will be the ones playing Ace's High 45 in the future thus keeping people like Dale's future offspring in a job and much more.

  :salute :salute
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Offline bj229r

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #49 on: August 08, 2010, 11:07:13 PM »
I'd prefer they went away, and came back in 10 years....mebbe then they wouldn't be so pack-oriented
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #50 on: August 08, 2010, 11:23:26 PM »
All teenagers should be banned.

do you realize that your name "mensa" means a "stupid girl" in at least 5 languages.  and you just reinforced that  :rofl.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2010, 11:28:56 PM »
With all due respect TC, the line is not fine at all.  Parents know the language adults use in this game, at school, and on the play ground.  To subject their kids to unfiltered language is their choice and their responsibility to handle.  I simply suggest HTC give them an easy tool to help them along.  Perma squelch.  Then parents could use their "years" of experience to shelter their kid as the see fit with a simple copy and paste of their perma squelch list into the kids account.

maybe a bad choice of wording on my part, Money.... good to see ya btw  :cheers:

the online community has the ability to police itself...... whether it does or not and in what way and how far the online community ( players in the game ) wants to take it is the line I was talking about....

does the community do it, like when a player calls someone out on using explicit language on VOX or in the text buffer by masking it , it might work sometimes, then sometimes it might just cause more fussing about it......... other players should step up and back the person calling out the "foul mouthed person" in letting the person know that the community does not appreciate it...

whoever the MODS are in game, apparently are not in every arena 24/7........ I do see where people come across on open channel 200 or country channel ( green channel ) mocking or talking back at MODS..... then there are times when I see things being said, typed, talked about and it seems no one is calling them out on it, or the word filter is not picking up on it or whatever.....

Money, I am not speaking specifically of "Adults" either...... the foul mouthed verbage comes from 8 yr old players all the way up to 70 yr old players.....

I am just speaking of what this Aces high Community feels like accepting, wants to accept, does not want to accept...... and the possible backlash of what could possibly come from the effects of a player calling out another player in front of others in the game......

geez...... I feel like I should have just stayed out of this whole thread/topic now...... never planned on typing so much in this thread....

so, either the players on line can help each other police their on line game play and association with others with the helpful tools that HTC has provided for everyone to use when the occasion arises ........ and everyone can all help educate some on line game players who think holding down a button to "speak" to make sure everyone knows that that certain individual is "ignorant" regardless of age ( ignorant <--- meaning lacks a solid vocabulary so must use profanity to make up for their short comings in their vocabulary base )

or can otherwise ask HTC to provide us with a new Permasquelch list that never gets reset unless one manually does it....... to me that is the same as the thought of "either Stand on your feet and fight" or "run with your feet and flee"

people either fight for their community and help mold it and pick out the bad seeds so we can grow a good crop.....or people say to heck with it and accept any and all change regardless if it is right, wrong, good, bad, rotten etc.....

now I feel like I have lost track of what I was trying to convey....... I hope someone gets what I was aiming at here...

I have heard and seen it all, and from all ages..... it is up to the players right now, today...... that determines how the next group of players will play the game, what type of etiquette the new incoming players will end up learning to play with and how much camaraderie, respect, gratitude they will end up passing on down the line........ to the next group of new comers..... and so on.....

maybe this will get through to some of you.... hopefully.....

« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 11:31:50 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Tupac

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #52 on: August 08, 2010, 11:29:28 PM »
All teenagers should be banned.

Mensa is just upset that he gets killed by the teenagers all the time.

:rofl  You know some of these little rug rats cuss more than a drunken sailor when their mommy ain't around.....

This is true
"It was once believed that an infinite number of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of keyboards, would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. However, with the advent of Internet messageboards we now know this is not the case."

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2010, 11:36:08 PM »
All teenagers should be banned.

Unless they are a one eyed, peg-legged girl just about to turn 18.

8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2010, 11:38:11 PM »
I love the little squeakers - I got a few of my own :)

All three of my sons play.  When they're playing (especially my littlest one) I'm nearby.  I've only once (in 5 years) booted my kid as a result of other players language. 

X-box, on the other hand...  I usually tell the kids at LEAST three times a week to switch rooms as a result of the terrible and foul language on that game.

Not bad stats if you ask me! :)  Not bad at all!

Thanks to all of you great and respectful people out there who make AH a fun game not just for me, but also for my whole family! <S>!
<S> Easy8
<S> Mac

Offline Tupac

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2010, 11:41:27 PM »
X-box, on the other hand...  I usually tell the kids at LEAST three times a week to switch rooms as a result of the terrible and foul language on that game.

I quit xbox because of the gamer culture on there. I dont like the whole "Internet tough guy" thing, it doesnt sit well with me.

edit: spelling
"It was once believed that an infinite number of monkeys, typing on an infinite number of keyboards, would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. However, with the advent of Internet messageboards we now know this is not the case."

Offline jamdive

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #56 on: August 08, 2010, 11:50:01 PM »
It wont be long and we will all hear Barney singing in the back ground.

Offline DMGOD

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #57 on: August 08, 2010, 11:53:05 PM »
Sorry but in my personal opinion I think it is in bad taste to permit your child (say under 14 [weird number i guess] ) to play Aces High UN supervised. In this world we live in I do not believe it is a good idea for little children to be associating with grown men and women in the environment that AH is. While I think it's great that my 10 year old daughter Noelle may share some of my enthusiasm for WW2 as I do I will only allow her to fly off line. It is my opinion that Aces High maybe start an arena for children where they can interact with people their own age and not be subjected to people like me in the M.A's  :angel:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 11:54:44 PM by DMGOD »
Because every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball.

This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok

Offline TonyJoey

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2010, 12:10:39 AM »
Not saying it is right, but, personally, I've been cussed at by coaches playing high-level hockey as long as I can remember. :lol Never seemed to be a problem here, but that is just me. I definately do understand the concern, though.

PS: I guess you're right Dm, I lose a lot of brain cells reading your posts. :D
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 12:12:29 AM by TonyJoey »

Offline rvflyer

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Re: Young Players
« Reply #59 on: August 09, 2010, 01:11:52 AM »
Elaborate if you will.  Are you in favor of having no rules or codes of conduct regarding the use of profanity on vox or in the text buffer?


 :airplane: To allow preteens to play in a game that is primarily  a teen to old adult game is unrealistic IMO. While a lot of us play for fun and relaxation it
still can create high tension and ruffled feelings which in turn can mean ruff language. But having said that I can guarantee you that any kid that
is in any public school in the US has heard language that is at least as bad or worse than any language heard on AH. I have had 5 year old kids cuss me out because
I have ask then not to walk across my grass. I had one neighbour kid stopped in the middle of the road to where I live ask me what the F*** I was going to do about it when
him to move his bike out of the way. Kids now days probably know more cuss word and more about sex than any of us OLD codgers did at their age.
So all you parents that have 5 and 7 year olds playing this game should really get a reality check because your little angels are probably not as innocent as you think.
That has been proven to be right by some of the language I have heard from the squeekers here playing the game also some of the PMs from known Squeekers I have received
for shooting them down.  :old:
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