All you guys need to chill out and take a page from Dot's Book of Good Conduct.
I try to not lose my cool.
I treat everyone with the respect I expect from them.
If people don't get it at first, they eventually will.
Like Big Rat said:
Having to put up with the MA style ego's and trash talk is the reason I don't fly the MA's. If I wanted to deal with stupidity after work, I would have just stayed there
. The AvA lost its charm of above average sticks, playing in a honorable fashion. That's gone now, the AvA draw for me went with it.
I was just in there and after a short time, Rammey and Hoey showed up. You guys got them chat banned, so we talked via PM's. We met in the mountain pass - their P39's (I think that's what they were in) and my Zeke. Hoey PM'd me that he's out and good luck with Rammey. It was a good fight, which I eventually won. Then Hoey engaged and we too had a good fight, which ended up with my Zeke flying away alone. Hoey later told me that Rammey ordered him to stay out no matter what.
Now I don't know about you, but that speaks volumes to me about how one's conduct will affect others. I think it's time you guys man up and start having fun again. Laugh when you get shot down. Crack jokes. All anyone wants is to have fun and fly in an arena when the attitudes are left in the lobby.
I'm not saying we should all gather in a circle, hold hands and sing (I'll leave that up to Cap and Shifty

), but good grief boyz - show the good manners you are all so eager to see in the AvA.