I agree, there are a lot out there that have one of those internet attitudes, where they "hide behind the name." I can't say I agree that a horde is a good example of that, but I know the type and what you mean. I hope you don't think I'm defending this position only because I'm hiding behind a name, because I'd say any of this to anyone face-to-face. Plus, I really like my "name", and I don't want it to have a bad connotation among the community since I'd like to play this game and have fun for a while.
In my case, it's not that I don't care if others aren't having fun, it's just that it gets hard to sympathize that people don't take their fun into their own hands. I really don't care if hording existed or not, I'm getting sick of everyone squeaking and moaning about how this great game is going downhill. All I see now days are threads about how everyone else is ruining the game, and that everyone else should stop doing what they are doing, and I just want to absolutely scream at them. I get this feeling that some people think that since they have been in the game for 'X' amount of years, that they have some clout as to what the "code of honor" of this game is.
This game has grown, a LOT. Even since I've been playing. This changes the dynamic of the game; there are more people in-game doing things together and alone. Most people seem to be fine with the changes, they adapt and continue to have fun. It seems that there are some out there who refuse to do so, they miss the days of everyone knowing everyone on a personal level and people started fights 1v1 and finished fights 1v1. I'm not saying they shouldn't miss them, but they need to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it for themselves, not for everyone else. Sure, if you have an idea as to how to fix a problem with the game, throw up something in the wishlist. Posting about problems with human nature and gameplay are fruitless, and really give the community and forums a negative feeling.
I realize I'm typing a lot, so I'll wrap this up. I've had more fun recently with this game than ever in the past, basically because I've stopped letting things get to me. Everything has a counter-attack, and nothing "ruins gameplay," except for yourself. This game is innately a fun game for those interested in the theme, it's one of a kind, and the developers are clearly brilliant (it actually amazes me how much they are part of the community, that is second-to-none in video games now days). If this community would relax a little bit, I think things would be much, much better... Alas, human nature strikes again.
-Justin Wiley
aka "Sector95"
P.S. Mash, I was never being rude to you. A simple clarification would have been nice, and that's all that was needed.