Author Topic: Is this what Hitech wants?  (Read 25855 times)

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #375 on: March 03, 2011, 01:45:52 PM »
Yes, I most certainly am there to "take other people's toys away".  Every day. 

So you're one of those guys who travel from base to base porking ords, lawndarting/bailing when confronted and attacking another empty field? lol!
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Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #376 on: March 03, 2011, 01:47:16 PM »

P.S. Rip y'all say I m a kid and you continue with silly stuff like that sir YOU need to grow up. but you wont quite evedent with your ever changing plot to stump my planing process.

I'm not saying anything it's a fact. Some of us started playing when you still made a mess in your diapers :)
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #377 on: March 03, 2011, 02:01:42 PM »
So you're one of those guys who travel from base to base porking ords, lawndarting/bailing when confronted and attacking another empty field? lol!

I've never said anything about intentionaly lawndarting, tho I have often unintentionally lawndarted.  :lol

But yes,  I think its perfectly valid to perform a series of resource denial missions to neutralize ord and troops on bases along an enemies axis of advance to disrupt their momentum.

Its part of the strategic mechanism that HT coded that way on purpose.

I answered your question, now answer mine:

Why do you think HT made ord destroyable? 

On accident?


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Offline ROX

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #378 on: March 03, 2011, 02:07:26 PM »
So you're one of those guys who travel from base to base porking ords, lawndarting/bailing when confronted and attacking another empty field? lol!


I can get a small base ords in 1 pass if I'm lucky (operative word: lucky) and move on to the next...most times it takes 2 passes.

I can get a med & large base ords in 2 passes if I'm lucky and 3 if I'm not.  I never pork radar unless I have already dropped all the ords first and have ammo left over.  Most times I am short on 50 cals (I rarely bring bombs) and if you have ever seen me crash into the last ord or radar it's one of 3 reasons...

1)  I have no ammo left.
2)  My plane is chewed to shreads.
3)  All of the above with a pilot wound.

I must say some of my squaddies are better at dropping ords than I am.

PS...(Opps I just noticed) "Empty field" (??)  Now I AM LOLing!  :rofl    Most (say 80+%) of the fields I drop ords at are the source base of the hoard attempting to take our base.  There are SCADS of NME and a full red darbar in most all cases.  There are plenty of rides that get the job done, even with a high cap...and plenty of ways to take them by surprise.  If someone gets a proxie on me, I can care less.  Their bombs are gone for awhile.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 02:32:39 PM by ROX »

Offline Urchin

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #379 on: March 03, 2011, 04:32:38 PM »
Doesn't shooting someone down take away their fun?
Doesn't egging their tank take away someone's fun?
Doesn't blowing them out of the sky with AA take aways someone's fun?
Doesn't taking their bases take away someone's fun?
Doesn't taking away their CV take aways someone's fun?
Doesn't strafing the troops someone just dropped take away their fun?
Doesn't bouncing someone who is not paying attention to their SA take away someone's fun?
I think you are one of those people who want to give all the soccer kids a trophy so no ones feelings are hurt. :rolleyes:

If this game is played right, what you do to the enemy should have them screaming, spitting mad, smashing stuff on their desk, and re-upping with dark, bloody vengence in mind.

Fun is for gurls.  Feel the "Hate".  


Wabbit, I'm guessing you never played sports as a kid, but the best analogy I can give you is this. I hope you are familiar with the game of football, since that is the game I'm going to use to compare to this game. Most people that play football want to win. But almost EVERYONE that plays wants to play a fair game. I think if you took a college football team (or even a high school or Pop Warner team) and had them play a 12 game season against a bunch of crippled kids they wouldn't be having much fun. And I doubt they'd be too proud of their undefeated season. If you let them have 15 guys on the field and their opponens could only have 7, I think probably the same thing would happen.

 But for some reason all that changes in online gaming, at least for the vast majority of people. I still don't really understand it, after roughly 15 years of playing online games, but it seems to me that about 90% of all people playing online games would leap at the chance to take the field against 7 crippled kids as long as they had at least 14 able bodied athletes helping them out. And they would lift that trophy high at the end of the season, and fill their young nephew's heads with tales of their glory on the gridiron.

I've never gotten anyone to explain it to me to my satisfaction. Could you explain to me why exactly you and folks like you have that attitude?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 04:41:04 PM by Urchin »

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #380 on: March 03, 2011, 04:36:15 PM »
Nucks that is sig material to me LOL

So Fugi? what do you do? must be closest to one of the most unproductive (insert country here) members for that team.
you don't hit ords so i guess that means dar and hangers, hell you don't even shoot at towns anymore do you. tell you what there is a game out there called Ace combat, you might look at it.
you could troll in there for hours and do nothing seems to be what you do anyway.

P.S. Rip y'all say I m a kid and you continue with silly stuff like that sir YOU need to grow up. but you wont quite evedent with your ever changing plot to stump my planing process.

Fugi would you please join us in the game that is aces high or will you doom your self to some sort of vendetta to stop "the hordes" and do nothing but spend your life in these BBs with the same BS

and being a complete write off for your own country "if" you even call one home?

I'm guessing he probably calls the U.S. home. This is equal parts sad and pathetic...

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #381 on: March 03, 2011, 04:54:00 PM »
Nucks that is sig material to me LOL

So Fugi? what do you do? must be closest to one of the most unproductive (insert country here) members for that team.
you don't hit ords so i guess that means dar and hangers, hell you don't even shoot at towns anymore do you. tell you what there is a game out there called Ace combat, you might look at it.
you could troll in there for hours and do nothing seems to be what you do anyway.

P.S. Rip y'all say I m a kid and you continue with silly stuff like that sir YOU need to grow up. but you wont quite evedent with your ever changing plot to stump my planing process.

Fugi would you please join us in the game that is aces high or will you doom your self to some sort of vendetta to stop "the hordes" and do nothing but spend your life in these BBs with the same BS

and being a complete write off for your own country "if" you even call one home?

What do I do? I join fights. Sometimes that means I'm in a buff dropping bombs, or in a goon dropping troops. Sometimes I'm in a GV....mostly as a target to draw fire so other can kill :D but more often than not I'm flying one fighter or another capping a base. We all know score doesn't mean a thing, but take a look at mine. I do a bit of everything, and I do ok at it, I'm not stellar or anything, but I'm no rookie.

Bottom line here is I asked questions, and have my answers. I miss the old days when skill and competition meant something. Todays game has changed and my only option is to change with it.

Thanks for the least those that were on topic and not pure BS (you know who you are :devil ), I have some new skills to learn.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #382 on: March 03, 2011, 04:54:19 PM »
Wabbit, I'm guessing you never played sports as a kid, but the best analogy I can give you is this. I hope you are familiar with the game of football, since that is the game I'm going to use to compare to this game. Most people that play football want to win. But almost EVERYONE that plays wants to play a fair game. I think if you took a college football team (or even a high school or Pop Warner team) and had them play a 12 game season against a bunch of crippled kids they wouldn't be having much fun.


I'm sorry you think of yourself as a crippled kid, but I think the game is perfectly fair.  Each side starts out with the same planeset (allowing for ENY), same ord, same strat.  If a side is getting beat down, they probably deserve it for being weak.  They probably didn't organize, they are probably not working together.  Or, it might just be their unlucky turn in the barrel.  Whaaa.  Harden the F* up.

You can either get whiney, or you can get even.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

Offline Urchin

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #383 on: March 03, 2011, 04:58:20 PM »

I'm sorry you think of yourself as a crippled kid, but I think the game is perfectly fair.  Each side starts out with the same planeset (allowing for ENY), same ord, same strat.  If a side is getting beat down, they probably deserve it for being weak.  They probably didn't organize, they are probably not working together.  Or, it might just be their unlucky turn in the barrel.  Whaaa.  Harden the F* up.

You can either get whiney, or you can get even.


Never did Wab. I'm just looking for an honest answer to the psychology of it, thats all. It seems like a fairly straightforward question to me.

Offline ROX

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #384 on: March 03, 2011, 05:12:15 PM »
What do I do? I join fights. Sometimes that means I'm in a buff dropping bombs, or in a goon dropping troops. Sometimes I'm in a GV....mostly as a target to draw fire so other can kill :D but more often than not I'm flying one fighter or another capping a base. We all know score doesn't mean a thing, but take a look at mine. I do a bit of everything, and I do ok at it, I'm not stellar or anything, but I'm no rookie.


Came for this.  :aok

Offline CptTrips

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #385 on: March 03, 2011, 05:39:39 PM »

Never did Wab. I'm just looking for an honest answer to the psychology of it, thats all. It seems like a fairly straightforward question to me.


Your question is fundamentally invalid.

You imply HT has coded it so that one side is permanently "crippled" and can't defend themselves.  Well, except for the corner country on Mindanao, that’s not true, and at least every team has to take their turn there.

They had exactly as much chance at being the beator, as the beatee.  If they are finding themselves being the beatee, they probably screwed up.  Teams that screw up, should be beat down.  That’s the natural order of things.

Most times I’ve seen a horde levelling a field, the defenders failed to react to a dar bar warning; failed to prepare for the assault; failed to get spawners upping to defend and failed to organize a relief flight to start out from a nearby field to arrive with alt.  Failed to keep track of that CV approaching the coast.  Failed to get Lanc in route to take it out.  Failed to extend a high screen of fighters to handle the incoming buffs.  Failed to organize and coordinate a defence.  Fail. Fail. Fail.  Should failure be rewarded?  No.  It should be punished.

Gaining local numerical superiority is a fundamental military strategy.  “Get there first with the most!”  I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t grasp that.  Of course the corollary to that is: meet them there with more and at higher alt.  If you fail to get it together, prepare to get it pounded.

It’s a hard world.
There will always be times when you are out-numbered.
There will always be times when the enemy has more alt or E.
There will always be times when you are low on ammo or gas.
There will always be times when you get bounced when you weren’t looking.

<Shrug>  Deal with it.


« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 05:41:21 PM by AKWabbit »
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #386 on: March 03, 2011, 05:47:43 PM »
Most times I’ve seen a horde levelling a field, the defenders failed to react to a dar bar warning; failed to prepare for the assault; failed to get spawners upping to defend and failed to organize a relief flight to start out from a nearby field to arrive with alt.  Failed to keep track of that CV approaching the coast.  Failed to get Lanc in route to take it out.  Failed to extend a high screen of fighters to handle the incoming buffs.  Failed to organize and coordinate a defence.  Fail. Fail. Fail.  Should failure be rewarded?  No.  It should be punished.

*Waiting for someone to go "But Wab, what about NOE?"*

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #387 on: March 03, 2011, 05:56:49 PM »
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Offline ScottyK

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #388 on: March 03, 2011, 06:04:18 PM »
Porking ords and fuel is denying someone use of a game item. - thought the game was about combat. You want to bomb a town, you can have all the bombs you want, but you"ll have to get past the fight I'm going to give you getting there.

I'm here to fight, not take away other peoples toys, you?
What do I do? I join fights. Sometimes that means I'm in a buff dropping bombs, or in a goon dropping troops. Sometimes I'm in a GV....mostly as a target to draw fire so other can kill :D but more often than not I'm flying one fighter or another capping a base. We all know score doesn't mean a thing, but take a look at mine. I do a bit of everything, and I do ok at it, I'm not stellar or anything, but I'm no rookie.

Bottom line here is I asked questions, and have my answers. I miss the old days when skill and competition meant something. Todays game has changed and my only option is to change with it.

Thanks for the least those that were on topic and not pure BS (you know who you are :devil ), I have some new skills to learn.

im curious, what do u bomb? fighter hangers? bomber hangers?
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: Is this what Hitech wants?
« Reply #389 on: March 03, 2011, 06:06:33 PM »
*Waiting for someone to go "But Wab, what about NOE?"*

Thats a legitimate point and I was going to raise it, but I was getting bored with the discussion.  ;)

The NOE is harder to defend against but I've been on WAY too many failed NOE to listen to someone tell me they can't be defended against.

 First, you can't take a huge horde on a NOE and pull it off.  With the numbers you can take, its certainly not impossible to thwart by a watchful enemy.  They have time to launch defenders if they don't have their head up their tailpipe.  When one of the attackers get damaged, runs low on ammo, get shot downs, they are out of the fight.  They'll never get back to the field in time.  The defenders can keep launching new planes everytime they get killed or bingo ammo.  The attacker has to come back from a sector or more.  The defender launches again at the point of battle.  3 defenders can easily give 6 attackers a run for their money.  

And of course the whiners forget about all the times they find us fat with fuel and ord on the deck on the way to a target.  Those don't end to well for us.  :O They only remember the times when we pull it off and make them mad.

Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.