Vink, how much of a difference in performance do you think the 63 would have over the 39Q. I don't think there is any doubt that the 63's achilles heel was the range problem. It couldn't compete with the 51. I remember Widewing talking about possible use on the Eastern Front. At that same time, Kinda like wanting my Spitfire XII and needing it, the 63 is one for me that would be nice someday, but nowhere near a priority. When I get that Cobra mood going, the 39s seem to fill the bill nicely
I like the P-39 quite a bit. Firing the big gun is a really fun challenge when dog fighting. I also like the forward cockpit/rearward wing for the forward-down view. But the P-39 is not very competitive in late war because of two things. It's under powered so it's top speed is one of the slowest in the game, So you can't catch anything, and you can't extend. The low power also leads to it's acceleration being poor. So once you get slow. Also with high wing loading, the plane does not turn well at slow speeds, so when you get slow, you're toast. The P-63 C model with Water injection made 1800hp. That 500hp and 38% more than the P-39Q. The weight increase for a P-63 was 10-20% depending on gun package. (I'd have to go look it back up). One listing has the top speed at 427mph. The wing loading on the P-63 was significantly lower and [according to Mathews book, which quote the army test reports] could out turn the P-38, pony, and what speeds etc, was not published.
I think the top speed and alt increase [41,000 ft ceiling thanks to two stage supercharging], would make this thing a great bomber hunter and dog fighter at alts above 15K. Unless you start high, you can't catch Lancs, B-29s, or B-24 in a P-39 if they're 20K or higher.
On the deck the big increase in power and decrease in Turn circle would make it much more formidible than the P-39. With 4 .50cals and the 37mm, this thing is never going to be a perk plane. That gun package it not effective enough in dog fighting when compared to the 4 20mm packages, and it's climb, acceleration, and top speed don't justify a perk either. The rearward visibility is worse than the P-39.
I think it has significant enough increase in performance, both turning and top speed, to make it competitive against the late war birds. Somewhere between a Yak-T9 and a K4.
I don't think it's a game changer, just a better late war version of the P-39 which was obsolete by 1941.